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Aye? What happened?'

‘He had the charge too strong. It killed him. Blew his balls off' for all I know.'

‘Old age doesn't stop you wanting it. It just stops you doing it properly'' said Harry.

They nodded wisely, watching the three young girls from the post office cycle past' long legs whirling as their spinning spokes flickered in the sun.

‘That lass in the shop'' said Sam. 'The one with the big bum and the bolt through her tongue. That was Sheila Kelk's girl, from Wye Close.'

‘Oh aye?' said Harry' uninterested.

‘They live near the Sherratts.’

The council dustbin wagon rumbled and hissed somewhere on Howe Lane. The wheelie bins still stood on the pavement waiting for it' painted with white numbers or the names of houses. Inside the bins was the accumulated debris that could tell the whole story of people's lives.

‘You could do it with a car,' said Wilford. 'They do that all the time round here. Blokes from Sheffield and that. They drive out somewhere on the hills where no one'll find them and gas themselves with the exhaust.'

‘You're right' Wilford. They do. Bloody nuisance' they are' littering the place.'

‘I haven't had a car for years,' said Sam. 'So that's a waste of time.' - He pushed himself to his feet' leaning painfully on his ivory-headed stick as Harry supported his elbow. They only had a few more yards to go to Sam's house' but it might as well have been miles away.

‘But I've got a car'' said Wilford.


Cooper waited until Rennie and the other DC were out of the office before he phoned Helen Milner. Despite the events of the day' his brother's comments had been preying on his mind' and they had re-emerged as soon as he sat at his desk. He needed to know what Helen was holding back.

She sounded cautious when she answered' but surprised him by how readily she began to tell him about the parties at the Mount' as if she had already rehearsed what she would say.

‘They go to the Vernons for the food' plenty of alcohol and plenty of sex'' she said. 'A bit of soft drugs too' probably. There was no pretence about it. Everyone seemed to know what to expect when they went to the Mount. All except me' that is.’

Are we talking a bit of old-fashioned wife swapping?'

‘I guess so. Graham and Charlotte Vernon certainly seemed to swap with anyone who was available. It became their hobby' I think. Some people take up trainspotting or line dancing'' she said sourly.

Her description of the sexual activities which the guests expected went a long way towards justifying Matt's reference to orgies' as far as Cooper was concerned. There had been no old people at the Mount parties' only those of the Vernons' age or younger. Graham' it seemed' chose most of the guests personally; some came by recommendation from friends. Listening to Helen's account' though, it struck Cooper that the parties weren't just a bit of fun for Graham Vernon. They also helped his business. All the guests were clients or potential clients' and attendance at the parties tied them together in what Vernon would no doubt have called a mutually beneficial relationship. It put a whole new slant on the idea of corporate entertainment.

‘Oh yes' it was business as well as pleasure'' said Helen when he suggested it. 'He probably claims back the VAT on the booze.'

‘Was Laura Vernon at these parties?'

‘Yes' but only at the beginning. They made sure they had her there on show when people arrived. But before the action started' they packed her off to the home of some pony-club friend in Edendale' where they let her stay the night. Out of sight' out of mind' as Grandma would say.'

‘We know she was sexually experienced. Do you think she might have got involved with any of her father's friends?'

‘One of the perks for daddy's best clients? Maybe. It sounds about right.’

Helen sounded very bitter, but it was more than just distaste at the casual treatment of a teenage girl. You didn't have to be a police officer to know that far worse exploitation was an all too familiar story these days. Cooper thought about his nieces' Josie and Amy' and clenched his fists. He dreaded to think what he would do if anyone came near those two.

‘She enjoyed every minute of the attention while she was there'' said Helen. 'But my feeling was that it was mostly a performance for daddy. She was daddy's girl' all right. Though Charlotte Vernon would tell you differently' I think. Charlotte thought Laura was as good as gold' and really believed that she had no idea what went on at those parties. I'm sure that provided an extra spice for Laura. The excitement of living dangerously, enjoying a big secret.’

Cooper wondered what she based this judgement on' but had too many other questions piling up in his mind to go down a side track.

‘Daddy's girl?'

‘You can take that how you like. Imagine the worst' if you want. As far as I'm concerned' Graham Vernon is capable of anything.'

‘You really dislike him' don't you?'

‘Dislike him? Hate him' you mean.’

He frowned. He thought that the word 'hate' didn't sit too comfortably in Helen's mouth.

And you' Helen?' he asked cautiously. 'How did you get involved in these parties?'

‘I was invited because I had met Graham Vernon at my parents' house a few weeks before.'

‘I suppose he took a fancy to you.’

She sighed. 'I can't believe how naive I was. Dad really didn't want me to go' but he wouldn't say why. I thought it would be exciting' you see. A bit more glamorous than the staff room of a primary school' anyway. When I arrived it all seemed good fun at first. Everybody was very friendly. Attentive, even.' There was a strange vibration of the phone' as if she were shuddering at the recollection. 'I had a bit too much to drink, but everybody else was the same. I sobered up pretty quickly when Graham Vernon got me in one of the bedrooms.’

Ben Cooper thought at first he must have misheard her. Helen's last words didn't seem to conjure up a rational picture in his mind. The picture he had was completely wrong. Completely.

‘Hold on. Are you telling me —?’

But Helen wasn't listening. She was absorbed in her own memories. 'He's a big man' you know. He was far too strong for me. Before I knew what was happening' he had pushed me down among the expensive coats on the bed' and his whole weight was on top of me so I could barely breathe. He was laughing all the time' as if it was some sort of joke that I was struggling. I can remember now the smell of the wine on his breath' the feel of his fingers digging into my arms' the sight of his face so close to mine that I had to shut my eyes . .

Cooper waited in silence. He wanted to ask her to stop now' to tell her that he had enough information' that there were times when you could know too much. But her words continued to spill down the phone line' cold and fast' like a stream loosened from its winter ice.

‘The worst thing was that somehow I couldn't force myself to shout for help. It was because I was in his house' Ben. I was too embarrassed to cry out or scream. Too embarrassed! It sounds ridiculous' doesn't it? Totally pathetic. I didn't want to make a fuss.’

Finally' there was a crack in Helen's voice' a single' painful flaw that betrayed the truth behind the unemotional delivery. Cooper had never felt so helpless, never so lacking in the right things to say.

‘I think about all those women who have ever been raped'' said Helen’

‘and who have then had to explain in court why they didn't fight back or shout for help. I never understood it before that night' Ben. I understand it now.’

Cooper remembered reading a report of a court case, the trial of a notorious American serial killer who had been convicted of the brutal rape and murder of several women. Sentencing the killer to the electric chair' the judge had made a famous comment: 'The male sexual urge has a strength out of all proportion to any useful purpose that it serves.' But for some people, it did serve a purpose. The purpose of domination.