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“He’s still a dick,” Skylar muttered.

Eden’s agent laughed nervously. “I suppose it seems that way to someone not in the business, but Eden takes it with grace, just as she always does. She realizes the importance of having a flawless product and she’ll work until she achieves that. It’s what she does, and she’s very good at what she does. It’s why she landed this deal.”

He glanced at Skylar and then Swanny before hesitantly extending his hand, first to Skylar. “I’m Nigel Blackstone, Eden’s agent.”

“I’m Skylar, part of Eden’s security detail.”

He was more reserved when he offered his hand to Swanny.

“I’m Swanny, also part of Eden’s security detail,” Swanny said shortly.

“Is she really in that much danger?” Nigel asked, concern flaring in his eyes. “I mean, I know the shooting turned into a random thing and they apprehended the man responsible. But is there something more I should know?”

“We’re just taking extra precautions,” Swanny said in a neutral tone. “With her name splashed all over the news, there’s no guarantee some idiot won’t get an idea in his head and take a shot at her. This shoot was important to her, and one she couldn’t miss, so we’ve just tightened security around her for the time being.”

He grudgingly gave Nigel credit. He did seem to be concerned for Eden and he hadn’t uttered a single complaint about KGI’s presence and had even intervened, explaining the situation to the director. Nigel had been firm and his tone had brooked no argument.

He might appear to be too slick and too polished, too damn pretty for a man, but he stood up for Eden and made it clear that the director could suck it if he didn’t like the situation.

That, and his apparent concern for Eden’s well-being, brought him up several notches in Swanny’s esteem. He wouldn’t say he liked the man. He was too smarmy for his tastes and he was a man Swanny could easily see being someone completely different under the facade. Unlike Eden, with whom what you saw was what you got. No fakeness. Just absolutely genuine to her bones.

“Of course Eden’s safety has to take priority,” Nigel rushed to say. “I hope I haven’t given you any reason to doubt my commitment to her both professionally and personally. She’s my biggest client, so whatever precautions need to be put into place, I’m on board completely.”

“I’m sure Eden appreciates your support,” Swanny murmured.

“She is my top priority,” Nigel said, further pushing his point. “I’ll handle any issues with the director. A lot of models would give their eyeteeth to land this account, but Aria isn’t stupid. They want Eden because they want the best and if Lonnie—the director—causes any problems at all, I’ll go over his head and either he’ll be canned or he’ll come around in short order.

“He’s doing the shoot because like Eden, he’s in the top of his field. But he can be replaced. Eden can’t. That’s not negotiable. I have an ironclad contract and if they did something stupid like try to get rid of Eden, they’d forfeit the payment already made to her. But between you and me, if anyone goes, it won’t be Eden. Aria wants her too badly.”

“If he keeps acting like a dick toward Eden, you’ll have to find a replacement for him sooner rather than later,” Swanny growled. “Because if he doesn’t let up, I’ll rearrange his face for him.”

Nigel went pale, his nervous gaze flitting between Swanny and Skylar. “I’ll have a talk with Lonnie as soon as we wrap up for the day. I also need to speak to Eden and, well, I suppose you as well since you’re her security detail.”

Swanny raised an eyebrow in silent question.

“As you likely know, there’s a formal launch social at the end of the shoot. Everyone will be there,” he said, emphasizing everyone though Swanny didn’t have the first clue who everyone meant.

“Yes, she told me,” Swanny replied. “She told me I’d need a tux so I’d blend in.” He winced inwardly at sharing that particular piece of information.

Beside him Skylar snorted, and he shot her a glare to see her regarding him with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

“This I gotta see,” she said, laughter in her voice.

“You have to dress for the occasion too,” Swanny said dryly.

Skylar shrugged. “I’m perfectly capable of picking out a swanky dress with to-die-for shoes. Just because I spend most of my time in fatigues and face paint doesn’t mean I don’t know the art of socializing and ‘fitting in.’”

Nigel cleared his throat, turning their attention back to him.

“In three nights’ time, we’ll be hosting a smaller soiree. Mostly just the Aria representatives and the crew working on the shoot. So I’d suggest buying that tux soon because you’ll need it for both occasions.”

Fuck me.

And goddamn Skylar was clearly enjoying his discomfort. He shot her another glare that would wither a normal person. But she only smiled more broadly and pressed her lips together in what looked like an effort not to laugh out loud. He was positive she was laughing her ass off on the inside.

“Guess I know what you’ll be doing tomorrow,” Skylar drawled.

“Yeah well, smart-ass. You have to come too. No way we’re going to expose Eden any more than what is absolutely necessary.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Skylar said, her expression sincere. “It’s been a while since I got to dress up and actually use makeup that isn’t camo paint. You’ll have two hot chicks on your arms when we walk into the place.”

He chuckled but didn’t disagree with her statement. Skylar was indeed a very beautiful woman, in fatigues and combat gear or just regular street clothes. And she was a badass on top of that.

Something about kick-ass women like Skylar and Eden wearing spiked heels and cocktail dresses that conformed to their every curve just did it for him. Not that he looked at Skylar that way. Never had. She was his teammate, but more than that she was like a sister to him. They shared a strong bond, one he’d never compromise by making an impulsive pass at her.

Speaking of which, he now needed to go over the addition of the cocktail party with Nathan, Joe and Edge so they could prepare for it and ensure that Eden got there safely and that one of KGI would be in hearing distance of Eden at all times.

He’d speak to them after the shoot, but he planned to make it brief because all he wanted to do was take Eden back to the hotel room, get her something to eat and then give her a full body massage, because she had to be uncomfortable as hell after so many hours of the same damn thing over and over.

The selfish part of him knew he just wanted her to himself. The previous night had been one of the best nights of his life and they’d never even taken their clothes off. But it hadn’t kept him from imagining that perfect body scantily covered by that sexy silk negligee.

He had no doubt that despite their vow to take things slowly, she would be in his bed tonight. Even if they didn’t make love, she would be sleeping with him. But he also knew that the combustible chemistry between them made having sex—soon—inevitable.

Action resumed and in this session, Eden had been transformed into a seductive siren wearing a bold red dress that would have men drooling at a hundred yards away.

They used props resembling iconic fixtures in Paris. She laughed, flirted and nearly drove him insane with the way she worked the camera. How could any red-blooded man possibly be within close proximity to her and not be out of his mind with lust? He knew he sure as hell wasn’t immune.

A quick glance at the unattached males of his team told him they were doing their fair share of fantasizing as well.

He had to call back the growl that welled from his chest. He didn’t want any man looking at her, seeing her as he saw her, even as he recognized the stupidity of such a thought. Eden was paid to look like every man’s wet dream, and it was a look she’d certainly perfected.