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He returned with a thumbs-up. “She’s out like a light. Today exhausted her, though she’d never admit it.”

“Okay, so we obviously have Eden’s protection covered,” Joe said, “but what about the source of the threat? What intel can you provide us? I can call Sam and get a team working on that angle because until that’s eliminated we’re spinning our wheels.”

“I hadn’t thought past Eden’s protection,” Eddie admitted. “But of course the threat to her has to be eliminated. I’ve put in another call as well regarding the situation but didn’t hook up so I’m grateful that you all can get on this now.”

“I’ll put a call into Sam,” Nathan interjected. “I’ll give him the rundown, but we need to know everything. Don’t hold back anything that could help or hinder us. We can’t be flying blind. Sam won’t send a team in if it’s going to get them killed.”

Eddie nodded. “I’ll give you everything I know. I appreciate this. More than you’ll ever know.”

“While we’re in Paris with Eden, you, Ryker and Raid need to lie low. If this guy can’t get to Eden, he may just go after one of you instead,” Joe warned.

“I’m not hiding from this fucker,” Raid said, his eyes glittering dangerously. “I have a job to do. I hope that asshole does come after me.”

“Just watch your sixes,” Nathan said. “We’re going to make damn sure he doesn’t get to Eden.”

“That’s all I ask,” Eddie said. “Keep my baby safe.”

“Edge, you call one of our pilots and tell him to bring the bigger jet. Tell him what’s going on and to be ready tomorrow at three. For that matter call in the other pilot to hitch a ride so he can fly the small jet back to the compound.” Joe said. “Nathan, you call Sam. Give him the rundown. The rest of you stand down. We need to get some rest while we can grab it.”

“We can crash in Eden’s room,” Ryker said, gesturing to himself and his father and brother. “It’ll leave more room for your crew to sleep out here.”

“I need to call Nigel, her agent, and let him know what’s going on,” Eddie said. “He can also smooth the way with everyone on site. He’s planning to arrive earlier than Eden so that will help, hopefully.”

As soon as the Sinclairs retreated into Eden’s room, Swanny began preparing a makeshift bed on the floor, using one of the cushions from the couch as a pillow. After Edge and Nathan made their calls, they joined the others in bunking down.

It was just another day on the job. Nothing they hadn’t done a hundred times before. This was one they could do in their sleep. And yet Swanny found himself wide awake, replaying those brief moments when Eden had been in the same room.

He’d been right. Just being in her presence was like being washed in sunshine.


EDEN came awake with a grogginess she normally didn’t feel in the mornings. She wiped at her eyes attempting to rub some of the bleariness away and remembered the two pills Raid had forced down her throat.

She glanced at the clock and saw that it was just after eight. At least she hadn’t slept the entire morning away. She had a lot to do before leaving for Paris.

After a quick shower, she went through her skin care regimen but left off makeup. Her skin needed to breathe so she’d look her best for the upcoming shoot.

She dressed casually in a pair of comfortable jeans and an oversize shirt. After slipping her feet into a pair of flip-flops, she went in search of the others, who were no doubt making plans without her.

She rolled her eyes as she walked from the bedroom. She had no doubt her father and brothers were overreacting, but they were genuinely worried, especially her dad. After her mother’s death, he’d been extremely overprotective of her to the point of absurdity, but she didn’t want to add to his worry, so she just went with it when he got in one of his moods.

Everyone was drinking coffee and the television was on a local station. She waved, not really knowing what to say to the group of people her father had hired to protect her. They seemed a quiet bunch anyway. Except Joe. He seemed to be the leader and so far had done most of the talking. And yet it wasn’t Joe she’d noticed. It had been Swanny. There was something about the quiet man. In a group with that much testosterone it was odd that she’d hone in on Swanny but there was no explanation for it.

As she accepted a cup of coffee from Raid, she stood back, quietly observing the people she’d be spending the next week with.

Skylar was petite and cute with sparkling eyes and long blond hair, but in her case appearances had to be deceiving or how else would she land a job with a company like KGI?

Edge was a huge man with strong features. His ears had the beginnings of the cauliflower ears associated with boxers or mixed martial artists. His nose had a slight bump that told her he’d likely broken it at least once. He had dark eyes and hair that hung to the tops of his shoulders.

Her gaze drifted to Swanny. Quiet and observant. He had a scar down one side of his face that ended right at the corner of his mouth. It was as if someone had taken a knife and slashed open the side of his face. The scar was puckered, the ridges uneven as if he’d simply been sewn back together with little care for his appearance.

She wondered what had happened and how he’d gotten such a terrible injury.

As if sensing her scrutiny, his gaze found hers and he turned the scarred side of his face away from her. He did that often. She’d noticed when he caught her looking he always turned the scarred side of his face away. As if he were self-conscious about his appearance.

He fascinated her and she couldn’t pinpoint why exactly. He wasn’t handsome in a classic sense. But he had strong features and a rugged quality that appealed to her feminine instincts. He was a man who had complete honor. She was positive of it. Of all the team members of KGI, it was Swanny she put her trust in most, and damn if she knew why. As she studied him harder, it hit her like a ton of bricks. She was attracted to him. Sexually and emotionally, which was pretty stupid considering that (A) she was a job to him and (B) they’d only just met. He likely thought she was crazy staring at him all the time. She’d be mortified if he took her interest as merely gawking at his scars, like a train wreck she couldn’t turn away from.

In her job she was surrounded by men most women would consider gorgeous and yet she found them too pretty. Too . . . perfect.

Swanny’s gaze swung to her as if sensing her prolonged perusal and for a moment he held her gaze, returning it in equal measure. Faint heat flooded her cheeks but she couldn’t make herself look away. His eyes mesmerized her, his gaze seeking as if he could see into the heart of her. She hoped she wasn’t obvious in her attraction.

He averted his gaze first, turning away. Disappointment seeped into her chest because she’d seen no sign that he returned her attraction. Just a steady gaze, returning her study in kind. He probably thought she was some brazen hussy on the make.

She turned when she heard the local news break in with a special report. The entire group stopped what they were doing and listened intently as the reporter spoke in rapid tones.

There’d been another shooting, and a suspect was in custody. She caught her father’s look of surprise and frowned. Before she could remark, her cell phone rang and she glanced down to see an unknown number on the screen.

Remembering that she’d given the detective her number, she hit the button to accept the call and brought the phone to her ear.


“Miss Sinclair?”

“Yes, this is she.”

“This is Detective Barnes. I wanted to let you know that another shooting occurred this morning.”