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“For them,” Tucker said, “nothing is. Not yet, at least.” He took her hand, and they walked back down the hill together.


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Miranda Bishop closed the folder and returned it to her husband. “Are you sure this is something we need to monitor?”

“Aren’t you?”

She hesitated, then swore beneath her breath. “None of our people have been touched by this. None of the Haven operatives. Maybe because we’re too visible as and to law enforcement?”

“That’s one of the unanswered questions. I don’t like unanswered questions.”

“Just what you’ve found out so far…there are some damned powerful psychics out there. We don’t have any agents or operatives who can do what Sarah Gallagher can do. If they manage to teach her better control, who knows what she’s truly capable of.”

Bishop nodded. “And we have no way of knowing—yet—how many others are out there with powerful abilities. Within this…network, or on the other side, being somehow used. More unanswered questions.”

Miranda was frowning. “I know you let yourself be seen this time, and I know why, but I think we need to be very careful. A psychic they assumed to be safe turned out to be a target; we can’t make the same assumption about our people. Or about us.”

“Especially,” Bishop agreed, “if they really do have a traitor in their midst. We both know how damaging just the suspicion of a traitor can be when our lives depend on the teammates we expect to be watching our backs. The stakes are just as high for them. Maybe higher.”

“So…we wait and watch. Gather information when we can, as quietly as we can. Keep our own people close. And don’t stick our noses in unless and until we know what’s really going on. Or know we can help the network somehow.”

“It seems the best way to handle this, at least for now, and unless something changes.”

“You trust Murphy.”

Slowly, Bishop said, “I think Murphy has more secrets than her allies know about, her contact with me being one of them. But is she a traitor to their cause? I’d be surprised if she turned out to be that. On the other hand, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out she has her own agenda.”

“Another unanswered question?”

“Another piece of the puzzle, at least. We just have to figure out where the pieces go. What the big picture really is.”

“Oh, is that all?” His wife’s tone was dry.

“Another challenge,” Bishop noted with a faint smile. “Whatever the truth is, whatever that big picture turns out to be, we’ll be ready when the time comes.”

“I don’t doubt that,” Miranda responded. “We’ll be ready. I’m just not sure the rest of the world will be.”

“No,” Bishop said. “Neither am I.” He tapped the edge of the folder against his hand and repeated slowly, “Neither am I.”

Another nightmare, in the woods this time.

Diferent: She was running. Trying to escape.

But the same ending. Always the same ending.

Another dead girl…

From New York Times Bestselling Author




Emma Rayburn was born and raised in Baron Hollow, North Carolina. It was a quiet life, then came the accident…and the nightmares―each flled with unshakable visions of darkness, blind panic, and desperate women chased toward inevitable death. With no reports of local women missing or found dead, Emma has written it of to troubled imaginings―night after dreaded night, until her sister arrives to wrestle her own demons. As the two begin to face the past, a long-dormant secret threatens to emerge…one people would kill to keep.




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