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Robert set his briefcase down on the marble kitchen counter a little too hard. The sharp sound filled the silence in an uncomfortable way. He looked at me, his eyes hard and angry.

“I’m disappointed in you. You’re grounded. You can forget about doing anything for the next two weeks.”

“No--” I tried to counter.

“What would happen if I didn’t set limits for you?”

"I, I don't know."

“Like I said, what would happen if I didn’t set limits for you? When you live in the real world, there are consequences for your actions."

“Well, maybe I could take my punishment some other way,” I suggested.  “It’s not fair to my friends if I back out on the plans I’ve made with them.”

“I get to decide what's fair, not you."

“It’s just not fair,” I argued. “I know there’s another way I could make things right.”

“Okay,” Robert said, nodding his head. I could practically hear him rolling his eyes. “What did you have in mind?”

“I don’t know.”  I gulped hard, avoiding Robert’s eyes. “Maybe you could spank me?”

Robert snorted.

“Emily, be serious. You were twelve the last time I spanked you.”

I looked up, making myself meet his eyes.

“I am serious,” I said.

I turned around and braced myself against the counter. I was still wearing the little cotton shorts that I threw over my bikini bottom when I was done lifeguarding for the day, and they clung to my ass, not leaving much to the imagination. It was such a gamble, but I bet that he wouldn’t be able to help himself.

“Pull them down,” he demanded.

“What?” I squeaked.

“I said pull down your shorts.” I could feel my hot blood pulsing through me. Was this really happening?!  I stood up and began to remove my shorts. I had barely pulled them down past my butt when I felt a stinging slap hit my behind. I yelped and grabbed the counter. My shorts were only halfway down my ass, but Robert was done waiting. He smacked me again, hard, and then I submitted to the treatment.

I leaned forward and let Robert spank my ass with his bare hand, each sharp smack making hot pain thrive through my backside.  After about six rounds, he stopped. I could hear him breathing behind me, his breath ragged from the excitement and exertion. I could feel my bare cheeks stinging, the raw skin pulsing with pain. I caught my breath and reached down to pull up my shorts, bending over and giving him a full view of my ass in the process. I gingerly pulled them over my burning skin, then I ran upstairs and closed the door to my room.

I felt humiliated, but at the same time sexually electrified. The mix of adrenaline and lust that I'd felt when he spanked me had left me wet and weak-kneed. My hands trembled as I reached down for the hem of my shorts again. Had that really just happened? Had Robert just spanked me like a little girl?

I turned in front of the mirror and examined my bare rear-end once again. It was red and raw, the flush on my pale white skin extending over my entire buttocks. My stepfather had spanked me hard.  But I wasn't about to hide up here in my room, that was for sure.

I pulled off my t-shirt and walked back into the hallway in my bikini. My heart was pounding in my chest as I padded down the steps.

"Daddy, look what you did to me," I pouted as I passed through the kitchen again, on the way to the pool. Robert looked up at me in surprise. He had been leaning against the counter with a shocked expression, as if he couldn't believe what had just happened.

I could feel his hungry eyes on my red backside as I walked outside towards the pool.

I splashed around a little, then stepped out of the water and dried myself off, blotting the towel gingerly over my tender skin. I untied my bikini top and let it fall on the ground, before sprawling out on a pool chair. Robert came out. My heart started beating a little faster as I heard him approaching me.

"Emily, put your top back on."

"I don't want to," I said snottily.

"Jesus Christ, Emily, I'm not going to stand here and look at you topless."

"I know you like looking at me," I said, opening my legs for him, and his eyes wandered down to the little red strip of fabric that covered my sex.


I wiggled on the deck in front of him, and then I let my fingers wander down to my crotch. I lifted aside the bottom of my bikini and let my stepfather see my slit. He knew he couldn't have it, but I wanted him to see how wet I was.

"Oh my God, Emily-" he choked.

"Are you sure you don't want to fuck me?" I whispered.

A moment later, his cock was in my face.

I wrapped my fingers around his hard shaft and looked up at my daddy’s face with my best doe eyes. I didn't quite know what to do with it, but I started stroking it. The motion felt unfamiliar and awkward. I watched as a blot of precum oozed from the tip. God he looked so turned on! His cock was hot and practically pulsing.

He buried one of his hands in my hair and watched as I stroked him off. Every time my eyes met his, he seemed to draw his breath in sharply, his whole body tensing with pleasure.

It was tiring to work him as I did. His cock was so huge. I had seen the bulge in his pants before when he was turned on, and I had some idea of how big it was, but the idea of it actually fitting inside a pussy--my tight little pussy--was bewildering.

Our eyes never broke contact as I slowly and tentatively put it in my mouth.

"Oh God." Robert whispered, as I slowly sucked the tip. He guided my mouth slowly down his shaft, and I felt it slide against my tongue, going deeper and deeper until it bumped against the back of my throat. It was so big, I could barely get my mouth around it.

He pulled out, leaving a string of lust between my lips and the tip of his raging cock.

"It's so huge," I said, looking up at him again. Robert's hand cupped my bare breast, and then his other hand wandered down to my aching pussy, pushing aside the flimsy fabric of my bikini to plunge two thick fingers deep inside me.

I moaned involuntarily, my body buckling in the pool chair.

My stepfather fucked me with his fingers, sliding them quickly in and out of my wetness. I whined feverishly every time my body took his big fingers inside. I could feel my clit pulsing. It felt like it was about to burst, just begging to be touched.

"Let's go inside," he breathed, before pulling me up from the pool chair and gathering me in his arms. I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me into the house.

He pushed me down onto the couch, and a second later I felt his cock slowly slide through my wet, velvety petals.  I grabbed him, trying to pull him in harder as he strained at my opening.

Then he buried his thick hot cock in me deeply.

I moaned like an animal, my hands coming up and pressing against his thighs to stop him from going further.

My breath heaved as I laid there, half-impaled on his cock. My straining flesh felt like it could barely take him.

"Let me go deeper," Robert groaned. I let my hands fall back down to my sides, then he slowly pushed all the way in.

I laid there, totally filled up, my body pulsing around his cock. I felt uncomfortably full, and at the same time, I didn't want to let him go. I loved having him inside me.

Then Robert began to fuck me. He started slowly, rocking our hips together. I felt my clit finally push against his body, and the hot release of the pleasure was too much.

"Fuck me, stepfather," I whined as our hips rolled together, the rhythm increasing in tempo and force. Several seconds later, I came, the pleasure completely and absolutely wrecking my body, like it had never been wrecked before.

I wailed like a wild animal, losing myself to the fiery throbs that consumed me. And then I felt his sweltering cum flooding my insides. The sensual feeling alone was enough to make me cum again. I shuddered under him violently, still impaled on his cock, making sounds I had never heard come out of my mouth before.