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My chest felt the weight of the world suddenly crashing down upon me, and I struggled and gulped at the air trying to calm myself.  I wouldn’t let him know the truth about how I felt, or that he was breaking my heart with every word.   My arms wrapped around my chest defensively and I fought back the tears that threatened to come.

Bryson had turned away now.  “Yes, none of this is right.  You’re a wonderful woman, and you deserve better than this.”

‘Better than a love unrequited’ I thought bleakly.

Bryson turned back to me and my eyes caught a glimpse of a sparkle, which took my completely off guard.  Bryson stood before me now, dropping to his knees and staring up at me.  I want to make you my wife Ashley, I want this to be forever, and more than anything, I want to start a family.  His eyes seemed to outshine the diamond as they sparkled earnestly into my own.

I choked and wailed with a happiness that life had never before matched.  “I will! “I cried! “I will marry you Bryson.  You are everything I have ever wanted and you’ve just made me the happiest woman alive.”

Bryson slid the ring onto my finger and our lips met in a deliciously passionate kiss.  I felt my entire body come alive with desire and we made love in the most intimate and devoted of ways.  With every breath we became one.  Every kiss, every joyous tear, every fervent caress, brought us to new heights.  I was his, and he was mine.

Bryson slid himself from within me and stared me in the eyes.  “No more of this,” he said firmly, tearing the condom from his stiff prick.  “I want to feel you, flesh to flesh, nothing between us but love and trust.”

I stared back into his eyes with joy.  He was asking for my devotion, and willfully giving me his.  He knew that he would make me pregnant, and that our lives would be intertwined until death.  I slowly nodded, giving him the confirmation that I too was ready to be entirely his.

“Take me Bryson, cum for me.”  I whispered as our lips met.

Bryson thrust his hips against me once more. His bare cock was like electric and it shot through me with violent pleasure.  Being this close, this naked, heightened the sensation of our lovemaking  and sent us both into a delirious passionate rhythm of gasping and humping.

His body drew into mine and I felt the head of his cock pulse hard as his body grasped me in a desperate embrace.

“Oooh-ah, I screamed as my own body met his in sensual release.

I was breathing hard and my fingers grasped his back as my body convulsed around him.  For the first time I felt the heat of his sex like never before.  My body contracted harder at the sensation as my tummy drank in the life-giving gift of his sex.

Lying there in one another’s arms, we both knew that it was only a matter of time until my belly swelled with his child, and for the first time in my life, I felt utterly and completely whole.

Foreign Affairs; My Italian Step

Chapter 1

I grew up in a dusty little hamlet you’ve never heard of: Milson, Texas, a hundred-and-fifty miles north of San Antonio.  There was only one paved road, very little infrastructure in general, and about the only thing to do on a Friday night was either hang out at the forlorn Chaparral Café on Main Street, where my mother worked, loiter in front of Bob Carlson's general store until closing time, or chat with passersby under the six unhappy street lamps that were interspersed throughout the town.

My mother had gotten pregnant with me at 23, and my dad hit the road soon afterwards, leaving her to raise me on her own. Life was a struggle during my early years, to say the least, and with there just being the two of us it was lonely at times.  But there was always food on the table, a roof over our heads, and plenty of love to go around.

But then, shortly after I turned thirteen, we came by a stroke of incredible luck.

A local Milson boy, Robert Patterson, had struck it big in the oil business. He had come back to Milson to visit his parents and grandparents, and met my mom one afternoon as she was about to start her shift at the café. Long-story-short, they got married soon afterwards and my life practically changed overnight. Gone forever were the chintzy clothes from K-Mart and the thrift shop, as were the dinners of leftovers and soon-to-expire hamburger from the café. No more waiting outside the school for my mom to pick me up in her battered Oldsmobile, or saving change in a jar for our once-a-year vacation to Corpus Christi to visit my grandparents and see the ocean.

No, all of that was gone--and in its place was the hustle and bustle of effervescent Austin.  Life was suddenly a whirlwind of lavish ski vacations and extravagant society functions. Robert even bought me a brand new BMW for my sixteenth birthday.

It would have been a charmed life and a happily-ever-after ending had my mother not died of cervical cancer three years later. Somehow I pulled through, though, and in the wake of it all I turned into a quiet, studious young woman who made the honor roll every year.  Driven inwards by her death I devoted most of my time to studying, training for the cross-country running team, and reading in solitude.  I hadn't the time nor the desire to spend every waking moment viciously jockeying for status and popularity like the other spoiled brats at the private high school I attended; I clearly didn't fit in there, obvious to myself and to my peers. All that being said, I felt fairly content and sensed my life was productive and forward-moving. And thankfully Robert always treated me well and made sure I wanted for nothing.

Which wasn’t to say that my life was complete. It would have been nice to have had a group of friends who were more than study partners looking to keep up their grades and satisfy their parents.  And it would have been nice to go on a date with a boy, at least once.

Mind you, my lack of dating experience had nothing to do with my looks; in fact, I was quite attractive, and I knew it.  My body was lean, lithe and sculpted from running competitively, and I was intelligent, witty and, quite frankly, felt superior to the others despite my impoverished background (actually, come to think of it, maybe because of it).  No, I received my fair share of advances from the popular jocks; it was just that I knew better than to take them seriously.  They were after me because, to them, I was just another pussy they could put in their trophy case. And because, when it came right down to it, I was hotter than even the most popular girls who ruled the school.

If only I'd had the ditzy, superficial personality to match theirs. Too bad for them…

But enough about me. Let’s talk about what happened last summer, nine months ago when Robert got into his head to sponsor a Formula One auto racing team in Italy.  Ever since he was a child he had been a car-racing fanatic. So naturally he decided to buy a North Carolina-based NASCAR team after he made it big in oil. Astonishingly his team won two Winston Cup titles, and from that point on Robert became mildly neurotic with regard to anything related to auto racing. After his success in the states, he thought why not try to dominate the European racing circuit?

So off to Europe he went, in search of a team.  He found one soon enough, but during the process he stumbled upon Victoria, the gorgeous wife of an Italian industrialist who just happened to co-sponsor the same team Robert was interested in.

Needless to say, it was as if a bomb exploded when Robert came to my room one day last month to tell me he essentially stole a former fashion model from one of Italy’s richest men and was going to marry her. Her husband, Raphael Berlusconi, without batting an eyelash and in typical Italian fashion, gladly signed the divorce papers and started dating another model; he and Robert were now good friends, both wildly enthusiastic over the same team.