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A light ripple of polite laughter spread throughout the auditorium. Jake paused before continuing. He wished he had prepared something rather than winging the address. “Like all families, we have our ups and our downs. Sometimes, we lose sight of how our actions affect everyone else. Sometimes we hurt those closest to us the most. Sometimes we think that because we are so close, we can take liberties; that we can help ourselves to more than our fair share. But when a new life comes into the family, a delicate, fragile life, we are reminded that individually, we are all weak and helpless. Just like Vicky and Dan’s wonderful newborn, we are all dependent on the support of everyone in our family, if we are to survive this harsh world.

“The events of the last week have shown us the best and the worst of ourselves. Some of us have chosen to steal. Have no doubt, those people will be found, and they will be punished. Some of us have quite literally risked their lives to save others, for which I know I will be eternally grateful.” He looked down at Erica, seated in the front row. She beamed back at him. There was a purr of agreement from the crowd.

“Today,” he continued, “I want us to forget about the worst. Today, I want us to celebrate the best, because that is how we will survive the future. By always striving to be the best we can be.

“Now, I must admit, when Vicky and Dan told me the name they had chosen for their son, I was at first apprehensive. I understood, of course, the connotations of the name, but for me it’s a name that brings about unhappy memories. They were absolutely right in their choice though. What better way to erase those negative associations than by making the name all about the future? Because their son is our future. He’s the first of a new generation. A generation who may only ever know life at sea. And he is a symbol to us all that life goes on; that we can survive. That we will survive. So without further ado, I would like you all to raise your glasses in a double toast. To our new friends from the Lance, and most of all, to our newest son. To Adam.”

The deafening cheer filled the theatre. “To Adam!”

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Also By The Author

Noah’s Ark Series: 



Dreamshifters Series:

Parallel One

Parallel Ties

Parallel Lies


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Noah’s Ark: Encounters

Published by Shelfless

Copyright © 2014 Harry Dayle

All rights reserved

First Edition published 2014


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