A Prayer for the Dying
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A Prayer for the Dying

Страниц: 44
Символов: 269966
ID: 245309
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 1985
Издательство: Open Road Integrated Media
Город печати: New York
Создана 4 апреля 2015
Опубликована 5 апреля 2015
Нецензурная лексика (мат) в тексте книги: Отсутствует


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Everyone has demons to overcome, but Martin Fallon has more than most. A ruthless hitman and executioner for the IRA, Fallon is haunted by a mistake that led to the explosion of a school bus full of children.   When he’s threatened by the sadistic Meehan brothers, Fallon must agree to one last hit. But this time there’s a witness: a priest named Father De Costa. And when everyone else wants the Father dead, Fallon is determined to protect him, to earn redemption from his life of crime and forgiveness for the blood on his hands.

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