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She smiled. “Really? That would be so much fun.”

“It would be an art project.”

‘Then let’s do it.” She clapped her hands excitedly. “I don’t know where you live but I have a house and there’s a lot of room there. We could work on it there. Unless you preferred your place, of course?”

“No, that sounds great,” I said immediately. “I live in an apartment so space is definitely limited.”

“Cool. Do you want to come over tomorrow?”


“By the way, I live with my boyfriend so he’ll be hovering around somewhere.”

“I assumed he would be there based on your painting.”

She blushed. “Well, I’m glad you don’t have a problem with it.”

Not at all, other than jealousy.

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow?”


Jace picked me up at eight. “Are you ready?” he asked.

“It wouldn’t matter if I wasn’t. I’m starving.” I grabbed my purse then stepped out the door.

He chuckled. “Then let’s go.”

Since we were outside my door, I grabbed the front of his shirt and kissed him. I hoped my perverted neighbor would see it and lay off.

“What was that for?” he whispered.

“Just because.” I slapped his ass then walked away.

We drove to our favorite Italian place then walked through the entrance. We went here pretty often, at least twice a month. It was where we had our first date, so it held a special place in our hearts.

“Reservations?” the host asked Jace.

“Yes, for two.”

The host looked at the list.

Jace suddenly had a pale look on his face. He didn’t react overtly, but I noticed his eyes were wider. “Actually, nevermind. Thank you anyway.”


The host looked just as confused as I did. “Sir, we have a table ready for you.”

“I’m actually not feeling well.” He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out of the restaurant. Once we were outside, he let my hand go.

“What’s wrong?” I asked immediately.

He kept walking to the parking lot. “I just don’t feel well…”

That was random. Jace never got sick and he never complained about pain. It must be serious. “Do you need to go to the hospital?”

“No, I’m fine,” he said quickly. He got my door opened and waited for me to sit down. He looked over his shoulder, like he was searching for someone, and then turned back to me. “Come on, baby.”

Why was he acting so weird? I did as he asked and sat down.

He got into the driver’s seat then pulled out of the parking lot, heading back to my apartment.

“Are you sure you don’t need to see a doctor?”

“No.” He kept glancing in the rearview mirror.

“What is it? Is it your stomach?”

“It’s…yeah, that’s it.”

“We can get some saltines and soda at the store.”

“No, I’m good.” He headed back to my apartment then parked the car. “I hate to bail but I think I’m going to head home.”

All of this happened so suddenly. “Is there something I can do?”

“No. I’ll be fine.” He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “But I should probably get home.”

“Okay. Well…call me if you need anything.”


I got out of the car then watched him drive away. Once he was out of my line of sight, I processed what just happened. He was so jumpy and skittish. I’d never seen him act that way before.

Then the familiar white BMW pulled up.

I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly whom it belonged to.

He got out of the car and locked it. He was wearing his scrubs so I knew he just got off work. “Why are you standing outside like that?”

“Because it’s a free country,” I snapped.

“Ooh. What a good comeback.” The sarcasm was heavy in his voice. “We live in a nice neighborhood, but you really shouldn’t stand in the dark alone. That’s just some friendly advice.”

“You’ve never been friendly to me.”

He stood on the sidewalk, staring at me.

“What?” What was he looking at?

“I’m waiting so I can walk you to your door.”

“I can walk myself.”

“I realize that…but I’m trying to be a gentleman.”

“You couldn’t be one if you tried,” I snapped.

“Geez, are you this hostile to everyone?”

“Just to people I don’t like.”

“Hitler was nicer to people he didn’t like.” He stared me down.

“You’re comparing me to Hitler? Seriously?”

“The similarities are striking…”

I turned away and headed to my stairs. “You’re such a jerk.”

“No, I’m not. You just have unrealistic expectations of people.”

“I really don’t,” I said sadly. I got my key in the door. “Good night, Ashley.”

“Don’t call me that.” His voice filled with anger.

“It’s your name, right?”

“It’s Ash,” he said firmly. “And that’s how I liked to be referred.”

“Then why did you tell me your real name?” I questioned.

“I don’t know…I just did.”

“Ashley, it is.”

He growled at me.

“Well, goodnight.” I walked inside then slammed the door in his face before he could get another word in.

Once I was alone, I thought about Jace’s peculiar behavior. When he was sick, I usually stayed with him and made him soup. But now he wanted nothing to do with me. Maybe he had food poisoning…I wasn’t sure.

I lay on the couch and stared at the ceiling. My thoughts started to drift, and I eventually fell asleep.

“You’re such a fucking dick!”

My eyes flashed open at the sound of a woman’s voice.

“You think I care?” I recognized Ash’s voice. “You came over here to fuck and that’s what we did. Now leave.”

I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. It was midnight.

“I never should have called you.” The woman was clearly upset.

“You say that now…”

I walked to my front door and looked through the peephole. An attractive blonde girl was slipping her heels on. Ash stood in front of the door, only wearing his boxers. His chest and legs were bare.

“Go fuck yourself, Ash.” She stormed off.

“Why should I when I have whores like you crawling all over me?”

She threw her shoe at him then kept walking.

Not sure what I was thinking, I opened the door and scowled at him.

His eyes locked to mine. His chest was hard and defined, and his legs were thick like trees. His brown hair was tasseled, like a woman had been running her fingers through it. There was no shame in his eyes. “Can I help you?” The annoyance was in his voice.

“Pig.” I turned around and walked back inside my apartment.

“Don’t judge my life. You know nothing about me.”

“I know what I need to know.” I slammed the door and went back to bed.

I used the GPS on my phone to find the house. It was a three-bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood. A truck was in the driveway, and so was a small car. This was the place. I killed the engine then walked to the front door.

After I knocked, a man answered. I recognized him from the painting. He had brown hair and green eyes, and he was over six-feet tall. “Hey.” He extended his hand to shake mine. “You must be Alaska.”

I shook his. “It’s nice to meet you. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”

“Scotty.” He opened the door wider and let me step inside. “Livia is excited for you guys to work together. She hasn’t stopped talking about it.”

“I’m excited too.”

He led me into the living room, where an easel stood and a table sat covered in newspapers. I set myself down and opened my case.

Livia came down the hallway. “Hey, you’re here!”


We hugged each other before Livia set up her stand. “What do you think we should work on?”

Scotty came to her then kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll be in the bedroom.”

“You don’t have to run and hide just because we’re working,” she argued.

He smirked at her then rubbed his nose against hers. “I don’t mind. I just want to stay out of your hair.”

The deep love was in both of their eyes. It shined bright and was unmistakable. I hated to admit it, but I was extremely jealous. Even though Jace and I had talked, things weren’t back to normal. He didn’t look at me the way Scotty looked at her.