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‘Do you really expect to find something worth risking your neck for?’

But Margont was already resting his weight on the tiles. A few moments later he was doing a balancing act along the roof, the villagers and soldiers watching from below, half worried and half amused. Lefine did not let his friend out of his sight, even if it meant constantly bumping into onlookers.

‘Careful with the tile to your right. It’s come loose,’ he shouted.


‘You know it’s just as easy to see from down here.’

Margont was peering at every inch of roofing, hoping to spot something the murderer might have left behind. He found nothing and every leap from one roof to the next was greeted by applause from some idiot down below. He stopped at the top of the third inn and gazed down at the street. A sea of faces was staring up at him. The people were smaller than he would have thought. He looked away, afraid that he might lose his balance. He imagined the scene. It was night-time, it had been raining, making the tiles slippery, and people were shooting at the fugitive. The man was running. Running? The mere thought of moving quickly so high above the ground made Margont tense. He deduced from this that the murderer was in excellent physical shape. He continued his progress, wondering how the man had managed to descend from his acrobatic perch. He reached the final inn. This one was separated from the next house by a gap of nine feet. Not only that, but the dwelling, made of wood, had only a ground floor and he was two storeys higher up. He thought it impossible to continue, but he wanted a second opinion.

‘I’m going to take a run and a jump,’ he called out to Lefine.

The sergeant began to gesticulate frantically. ‘You’re mad, Captain! It’s suicidal! You’ll get squashed as flat as a pancake! The murd— the deserter must have got down before. We just need to ask the people living in that shack whether they heard anyone fall on to their roof that night. A racket like that would certainly have woken them.’

Margont retraced his steps.

An artillery corporal, disfigured by severe burns to his neck and the lower part of his face, leaned towards Lefine. ‘Ain’t he a bit soft in the head, that captain of yours?’

‘When he’s set on something, that’s all he thinks about and he doesn’t take account of the risks.’

‘Carelessness can prove very expensive,’ retorted the corporal, slowly running his forefinger along a cheek that was as crumpled as a wet sheet.

Margont went back and stood stock-still in front of an enormous oak with some of its branches broken. There were numerous footmarks around it. A few yards away was a rough impression made by a body and in the hollow was a mixture of mud and blood. A moment later the two men were examining the scene.

‘This is his route: he jumps down from this roof, breaks his fall by grasping the branches that give way, lands in this puddle, walks towards the wood … But from here on it’s impossible to work anything out because of all the other footprints left by the men in pursuit, those who took the sentry’s body away, onlookers, people out walking …’

‘These bloody idiots have trampled over our only clue, the footprints!’

Margont’s face suddenly lit up. ‘They haven’t destroyed everything. The puddle! Nobody would deliberately paddle in it for the pleasure of ruining their shoes.’ He stared at the pool of muddy water surrounding the trunk and the roots of the tree. ‘Go and fetch the grenadiers to bale it out, but make sure they don’t step in it!’

Lefine, who could not stand being looked down on – unless it was to his financial or other benefit – hated the soldiers of the Italian Guard and their haughty attitude. His face broke into a sadistic smile.

‘As they don’t speak a word of French, with a bit of luck they may think you’re ordering them to lick it up.’

‘If you play that sort of game, believe me, you’ll be drinking it with them.’

‘I’d almost be pleased to do so.’

‘Find a cobbler and get him to make a sole and a cast of this footprint. And find out which regiment the sentry who was murdered belonged to. Meet me at six o’clock at the inn at the entrance to the village. We’ve moved forward,’ Margont concluded, rubbing his hands.

‘By one step,’ added Lefine.

Margont questioned Maroveski’s servant girls but Maria had not confided in them about her ‘Prince Charming’. After queuing up outside an eating-house to buy a sausage and a piece of black bread that cost him a king’s ransom, he left Tresno.

He rode through the countryside, travelling through woods of conifer trees and across plains. He passed an endless procession of carts and wagons carrying supplies, which had already fallen behind schedule even before hostilities had begun. After asking the way, he eventually reached a village with an unpronounceable name consisting of a handful of small wooden houses scattered on either side of an almost dried-up river. There was not a single Pole to be seen in the fields or orchards. Here, too, a crowd of soldiers and locals were doing deals in the streets. Margont stopped a voltigeur, one of those skilful marksmen who go ahead of the troops and delight in picking off enemy officers at long range. The man was carrying two cages so full of chickens that their heads, wings and feet were poking through the bars on all sides. The poor creatures were clucking in distress but only attracted hungry looks from the passers-by.

‘Do you know where Medical Officer Brémond is?’

‘Building that hospital, that big shack over there, Captain.’

Margont noticed scores of soldiers busy fitting out a barn.

‘It’s kind of ’em to do that for us but if we shoot it out with the Russians we’ll all end up inside there and more cooped up than my chickens.’

Margont entrusted his horse to some bare-chested soldiers who were chopping down trees, and approached the building. The ground and first floors had been covered with straw. It would serve as mattresses for the wounded and soak up the blood. Hammering and sawing of wood could be heard all around. Margont had the feeling that they were preparing the set for some horrible drama portraying the struggle between Life and Death. The performances would last for months and would play to a full house every day.

The humanist ideas of the Revolution, plus the experience of countless battles fought by France during the Revolution and then the Empire, had led to greatly improved medical services in the army. Credit was also due to the genius of a number of men, including Larrey with his ‘flying ambulances’, well-equipped vehicles specially designed to reduce the impact of travelling over rough roads; Parmentier, whose research had shown that the right diet could prevent many illnesses; and Desgenette and Percy, who had combated infections and epidemics by improving hygiene. Lastly, surgical techniques had been developed, the better to carry out emergency operations without proper equipment in the wake of the army, if not on the battlefield itself. The quality of care had therefore improved considerably, despite administrative delays and the stupid decisions sometimes taken by the imperial government. For example, in 1810, in the belief that peace had been achieved, the authorities had laid off a considerable number of medical officers, to make savings. This mistake had not been properly rectified because scant regard was paid to the quality of the training of new medical officers. As a result, some individuals were now acting as assistant surgeons after studying medicine for only a few months. Percy nicknamed them ‘bogus surgeons’.

Margont was fascinated by medicine. He never tired of questioning all the physicians he came across. One day Brémond had explained to him the different types of hospital needed by an army in wartime. Next to the battlefield were mobile hospitals, which often consisted of requisitioned buildings with makeshift facilities where the most seriously wounded were given emergency treatment. The less badly wounded, who could often wait for several hours without their condition deteriorating, were transported to temporary hospitals. Mobile hospitals had several ambulances, which either collected the wounded from the battlefield or took them from the mobile hospital to a temporary hospital. The temporary hospitals were situated in the second line. They were therefore beyond the reach of cannon fire and less at risk of being encircled by the enemy in the event of a setback. Then there were the hospitals in the rear, which took in those recovering from their wounds and needing medical attention. These were usually proper hospitals situated in the nearest towns.