

Страниц: 103
Символов: 644515
ID: 244352
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2014
Издательство: Arthur Press
Создана 28 марта 2015 18:33
Опубликована 29 марта 2015 02:54


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In the final book of the Virulent Trilogy… Ethan is now at home in the System. Teddy has been placed in the King’s care. The move to the Islands is looming. And Lucy and Grant are falling in love amidst the backdrop of anxiousness and pain. There are whispers of dissent among the survivors, and even Huck Truman’s cherished Elektos Board is starting to challenge his thirst for complete control. Back in Oregon, Dean and Darla begin the journey to Nebraska to find their children. But will they be too late?

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