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Presently, Achille raised his right hand. They stopped near the drainpipe that emptied into the alley. “Just as I thought. Look at these shoeprints.” He approached cautiously and crouched beside the prints. “Nice, deep, dry impressions. I’m going to set up a boundary line for a casting.” Achille reached into a shoulder satchel and pulled out a few wooden stakes, twine, and a mallet. He pounded the stakes firmly into the ground and strung the twine as Gilles set up his camera.

“I can see they’re the prints of a small man, Inspector. Just like the casting you got from the horse turd near the cesspit.”

Achille glanced up from his work with a satisfied smile. “I believe so, Sergeant.” When he had finished staking out the boundary Achille said, “Sergeant, I’m going to return to make my plaster cast. Please have this alley barricaded and detail a couple of men to guard it day and night.” This would certainly tip off Jojo that the police were on to his game, but it didn’t matter, since Achille expected the magistrate to issue a warrant for Jojo’s arrest by the end of this day, or the next at the latest.

Sargent Rodin agreed to extend the barricade and assign men to guard it; Gilles photographed the area. Achille got up and dusted off his trousers and jacket as best he could. “Very well, gentlemen, let’s follow the shoeprints and see where they lead.”

Gilles was packing his equipment. He shot a look at Achille and muttered: “Oh yes, by all means ‘let’s follow the shoeprints,’ even unto the ends of the earth. Be thankful you don’t have to lug all this equipment around, Monsieur.”

Rodin laughed. “You’re a very amusing fellow, Gilles.”

He nodded grumpily as he folded his tripod. “Rodin, my friend, one must have a sense of humor to do this bloody job.”

Achille smiled sympathetically. “I’m sorry, Gilles. I don’t think we have much farther to go.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” the photographer grunted as he hoisted his heavy gear onto his back and prepared to continue their forensic expedition.

Achille led them through another unpaved passage back onto the street, his eyes glued to the pavement. After a few steps he halted. “You see that, gentlemen? Two faint, but distinctly different sets of prints. I deduce from the evidence that this is where Moïse Gunzberg began tailing Jojo.” They followed the tracks up the street; as they neared the next alley the shoeprints faded until they were barely perceptible. Achille stopped again when they reached the entrance. He approached the passageway where the pavement ended, his keen eyes scanning the unpaved area thoroughly. Then he gestured to delineate the crime scene. “It’s as I suspected. You see three sets of prints, clear impressions in the mud and dirt. And there’s a larger impression, evidence of a struggle. Let’s enter, but be very careful to go round the area I indicated.”

Rodin and Gilles followed him, stepping gingerly to avoid the impressions. After a few paces they stopped and Gilles asked: “Shall I set up my camera here?”

“Yes, I want this area photographed and I’m going to erect another barrier for casting.” Then to Rodin: “Sergeant, do you see how two sets of prints emerge from that small passage near the back stairway?”

“Yes, Inspector. It’s obvious.”

“Very good, Sergeant. That’s where Jojo and his confederate hid, waiting in ambush for Moïse. You can also see where the boy entered the alley, stopped, and then tried to double back onto the street when he sensed trouble.”

Rodin nodded his agreement.

“Now, please concentrate on where the scuffle occurred.” He approached the scene and crouched. Then he looked back at his companions and pointed to wheel tracks. “You see the tracks? I believe they were made by a ragpicker’s cart.”

“The tracks are plain enough, Inspector. There are two sets; one runs out to Rue Lepic, and the other goes up the alley toward the north exit,” Rodin replied.

Achille nodded his agreement. “Excellent, Sergeant. Jojo’s pal wheeled the cart in from the north, and we should be able to follow his shoeprints up to the next street.” He rose to his feet and turned back toward Gilles and Rodin: “Here’s my scenario, gentlemen. The confederate wheeled the cart into this alley and waited for Jojo. Jojo entered the alley and joined his partner in crime in the hiding place, with Moïse not far behind.

“The boy entered cautiously, walked a few paces, and halted. Smelling danger, he turned to flee, but the two jumped him before he got more than a step or two back toward the street. There was a struggle and they knocked him out, probably with a strong drug, most likely chloroform. Then they dumped him into the cart, and Jojo proceeded up the street to the poubelle, where he ditched the head. I imagine he exchanged some clothes with the kid to fool Rousseau’s man, who I’m sorry to say is not among the most observant on the force.”

Sergeant Rodin snorted. “Pardon me, Inspector. With all due respect to the Sûreté, I always thought that fellow was an ass.”

Achille shook his head. “I must regretfully agree with your assessment of the man’s capabilities, Sergeant.” Then to Gilles: “We’ve got a lot of work before we finish up here and go to the Morgue. First, I want to have a look at the tenement roof. I bet we’ll find more muddy shoeprints leading down to the landing and right up to Jojo’s doorway. I must telephone Chief Bertillon to say I’ll be delayed. He’ll understand when I tell him what we’ve discovered. I also need to contact Chief Féraud.” He turned to Rodin: “Sergeant, I’m going to request a warrant for the arrest of Joseph Rossini. I want your men to keep an eye on him. Don’t let him leave his flat. If he demands to know the grounds for his detention, tell him he’s being held under suspicion of murder in the case of Virginie Ménard. Let him sweat.”

“You can count on me and my men, Inspector. What about Rousseau? He’s called out the dragnet for Moïse Gunzberg.”

“If you see or hear from Rousseau, tell him to report directly to me. I’m going to speak to Féraud about Moïse. I believe I can bring him in voluntarily as a witness for the prosecution.”

A wide grin spread across Rodin’s prodigiously bearded mouth. “Now we’re getting somewhere, Inspector.”

The Devil in Montmartre. A Mystery in Fin de Siecle Paris _2.jpg

As was her custom, Mme Berthier accompanied cook on her early morning marketing. They were out at the crack of dawn when the stalls were well-stocked with the freshest and choicest comestibles. Immense wicker baskets dangling from their arms, the two women circled the marketplace like vultures before swooping down on the vendors advertising the best priced items for the family’s table. But no matter how fair the posted prices might be, Mme Berthier was determined to beat them down.

The sellers knew Madame well and many cringed at the familiar rustling of her black widow’s weeds signaling her approach, because she had gained a reputation for tenacious and obstreperous haggling. When she was unable to negotiate what she considered a fair price, Madame loudly condemned the quality of the merchandise, the sanitary conditions of the stall, and the merchant’s honesty, patriotism, and moral character. She would then turn her back and start marching toward a competitor. Nine times out of ten the mortified vendor would call her back and agree to her price. Upon seeing her, one old fruit-seller lamented, “I’d rather have a tooth pulled than bargain with that penny-pinching old witch.”

Nevertheless, she was not without friends at the market, most particularly old Mme Gros, who was renowned for the quality of her cabbages and the ardor of her rightist sympathies. She was also a purveyor of Cauchon’s L’Antisémite.

Mme Gros greeted Mme Berthier with a wrinkled, toothless grin. “Good-morning, Madame. How nice to see you again. As always, I have the loveliest and freshest cabbages at the best price, just for you.” She winked, lowered her voice, and beckoned. As Mme Berthier leaned over the stand and drew nearer, the vendor whispered: “That’s not all I have, Madame.” She pulled a copy of L’Antisémite from her apron. “Here’s a special edition hot off the press, all about the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy and the ghastly murder of that poor young girl up in Montmartre.”