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“Neitherof which we have,” Stavros pointed out. He looked at Charlie. “Is there any way to get inside?”

“I’msorry but not that I can see.” Charlie looked most unhappy. “You know what theschematics we pulled up showed—the doors in the front are only way in or out.Well, other than the back door to the garden. But that area’s all walled offand I think they sealed the back door as well—at least that’s what the guardswho brought us up here were saying.” She sighed. “I just wish I could havebrought my gun!”

“Wewent over that,” Far reminded her. “If you had been caught with a weapon insidethe temple and had aimed it at the high priestess, your sentence would have beenimmediate death.”

“Yeah,well they don’t seem to have a problem with aiming guns at other people,”Charlie muttered.

“She’sright,” Becca said. “You should see the size of their weapons! You could takeout an elephant with one of them.”

“Weaponsaside, are you really telling us there’s no way to get to you?” Truth demandedin a low growl. “Because I don’t fucking accept that—Far and I won’t stand idlyby and see you hurt, Rebecca.”

“Honestly,we’re not the ones you have to worry about,” Becca said.

“She’sright—we’re mostly worried about Trin right now,” Charlie said, nodding. “Theceremony is about to start any minute!”

“Gods…Trin…”Thraceput the heels of his hands to his eyes and pressed hard, trying to drive backthe panic and Rage he felt creeping over him. “Trin.”

Stavrosfrowned. “Let us think about this. You say there’s no way into the templewithout some kind of heavy weaponry.”

“Right.”Charlie nodded decisively.

“Ifwe were to blow the doors open, would the two of you be safe?” Stavros asked, raisingan eyebrow at her. “Could the blast reach you where you are?”

“Ithink the ceremony’s going to take place in the inner sanctum so we’d probablybe okay,” Charlie said. “But I thought we didn’t have any kind of equipmentlike that?”

“Wedon’t,” Truth said. “But the Mother Ship does. We could fold space, get what weneeded, and get back here very quickly.”

“Butnot quickly enough,” Thracegrowled. “Not quickly enough to save Trin from being maimed. What…” He took adeep breath, trying to calm himself. “What did they say they were going to doto her?”

“She,uh…” Becca looked intensely uncomfortable. “I’m so sorry, Thrace but she has to decide if shewants to have a finger or an ear chopped off or…or an eye poked out,” she endedwith a wince.

“Gods!”Thraceput his head in his hands, his heart drumming rapidly in his chest. Oh Trin…oh baby, he thought, his breathcoming in labored gasps. My love…myMistress. I can’t let this happen to you…can’t sit by and let you be maimed andtortured like this!

Butwhat could he do about it?

Suddenlyhe knew.

“Thrace?Brother, are you well?” Stavros touched him lightly on the arm, a look ofconcern on his face.


“Yes,I am well. Now that I know what to do.”

“Whatdo you mean?” Far asked warily. “We already said it was hopeless to try toforce our way inside until we go back to the Mother Ship and get the properequipment.”

“Nobodyis forcing anything,” Thracesaid. Now that he had made up his mind about this, his heart beat was slower, hisbreathing less labored and the red curtain of Rage had receded from his vision.“I am going to walk in and they will admit me eagerly.”

“Whatare you going to do—dress up like a priestess?” Truth demanded.

“That’snot actually a half bad idea—they dohave those formless gray robes that hide almost everything.” Far soundedthoughtful.

“Theycan’t hide the fact that none of the Daughters of Zetta grow to be almost sevenfeet tall,” Truth said flatly. “Sorry, Brother, but I don’t think subterfuge isthe way to go.”

“Subterfugewill be unnecessary,” Thracesaid. “They will let me in, knowing exactly who I am.”

“Andhow exactly do you think you’re going to manage that?” Stavros asked, frowning.

Thrace raisedhis chin.

“Bytelling them the truth—that I wish to take Trin’s place for the sacrifice.”

Therewas silence in the ship for a moment. Then Far spoke.

“Actually,I believe the Daughters of Zetta have a law that pertains to such a custom.But, brother…you do realize what you will be sacrificing.”

“I’llbe giving up a part of my body for Trin.” Thrace shrugged. “So? She alreadyowns my fucking heart—what do I care about losing anything else?”

Truthmade a sound of approval deep in his throat.

“Youmay not be Kindred but you act it—we feel the same way about our females. We wouldgive anything to keep them safe and happy.”

“Trulythe Goddess chose well when she put you and Trin together,” Stavros saidsoftly. “And I know from personal experience that she rewards sacrifice. Ithink you’re doing the right thing.”

“Iknow I am.” Thracefelt a kind of peace now—a calmness had fallen over him like a cool handsoothing a fevered brow. He looked at Far. “Tell me more about this law and howI can use it to my advantage. I don’t care what it takes, I’m getting Trin outof here when this is all over.”


Chapter Thirty-six

“Standhere, Defiled One and do not move.”

Trinstood as she was told, directly in front of the statue of the Goddess ofJudgment. As before, she was naked and the cold breeze swirling around thecavernous stone room made her shiver.

Thistime her shame was not private—apparently Betina wanted the lesser priestessesto see what would happen to them if they dared to commit the heinous crime Trinwas guilty of. They stood in rows, waiting for the ceremony to begin like guestsat a life-bond celebration. Only instead of two females waiting to pledge theirlove and lives to each other, there was only one lone female who had allowedherself to fall into forbidden love. One who had committed the ultimate sin andwas now about to pay for it.

Farin the back, flanked by two burly priestesses who were armed with destroyers,she could see Becca and Charlie standing. Their gray robes had been taken andthey had been given the white robes of visitors instead. Though they were beingguarded, Trin was glad to see they appeared unhurt. They were both staring ather with worried faces and for a moment she wished she had gone with them whileshe had a chance. Wished she could have had the life with Thrace that they offered.

Thenher eyes flicked to the other side of the room where her mother was standingnear the back. She was also wearing a white visitor’s robe and her dark eyeswere hard and unyielding—full of pain and shame. When Trin looked at her, shestared back coldly for a moment and then looked away, as if she couldn’t bearto see her only child so publicly disgraced.

Trinknew, from what her guards had told her that morning, that the recording ofherself and Thrace,sent from Lady Tam-tam, had made its way to the temple. Everyone from the highpriestess down the lesser priestesses had seen it. Which meant that her secretwas officially out and her reputation was ruined.

Mother probably hates me now, shethought sadly. I’ve disgraced her—ruinedher reputation as well as my own. Her eyes flicked to Charlie and Beccaagain, who were holding hands and staring at her anxiously. I don’t deserve the life they offered me. Don’t deserve Thrace’slove or a life of happiness. Not after what I did.

“Now…”Betina stepped forward, wearing rich black robes and the ugly, ruby encrustedheaddress that made her look like a huge bird of prey. “We are called togethertoday for a Ceremony of Sacrifice. Let the Defiled One come forward.”

Trinstepped towards her, head bowed, her arms clasped nervously over her breasts.She felt as if every eye in the temple was boring into her, as though everyone,with the exception of Becca and Charlie, was thinking what a horrible personshe was, what a disgrace, what a shameful, disgusting embarrassment to all ofZetta Prime.