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Two’sface went very still. “What are you suggesting?”

“I’msaying you should go fuck yourself—literally.”

Turninga deaf ear to Two’s protests and howls of pain, Thrace turned and slipped back intothe life pod, closing the door behind him.

Itwas time to get back to what really mattered. Time to get back to Trin.

* * * * *

Trinhad already moved The Alacrity somedistance from its original orbit around Yonnie Six but they weren’t quite out ofrange yet. So she had to take the incoming call when Thrace hailed the ship from hislife pod.

“Whereare you?” he asked at once when his image popped up on her viewscreen.

“Inmy cabin.” Trin had thought it best to take this particular call alone insteadof from the command center of the ship.

“No—Imean where’s the ship?” He sounded impatient and unhappy. “I’m out here in thesame orbit you were at before but TheAlacrity isn’t here.

Trintook a deep breath. “That’s because we’re plotting a course back home—to ZettaPrime.”

“What?”He frowned. “You’re not actually goingthere are you?”

“Ihave to.”

“Noyou don’t. Or if you do, then I’ll go with you.”

“Amale on Zetta Prime?” Trin gave a dull, humorless laugh.

“Whynot? There must be a few despite whatyour people believe,” Thraceinsisted. “Just as there are a few Havoc who choose to break their vows andbond themselves to females.”

“Avery few. Mostly they belong to asmall fringe element of females who still wish to preserve our bonds withYonnie Six.” Trin ran a hand through her hair. “They aren’t recognized inpolite society. And my mother, who is a pillar of the community, does not count any of them among herfriends.”

“Forgetabout your mother for a while,” Thracesaid. “What about this…this ritual she wants you to do? You’re not going backfor that, are you?”

“ThePurification of the Defiled,” Trin said dully. “Yes, I must undergo it.”

“Butyou said it was painful and disfiguring. What did you mean by that?”

Trinshook her head. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Yes,it fucking well does!” he snarled. “Trin, tell me if you’re going into danger.I need to be there to protect you!”

“Iwas protecting myself a long time before you came on the scene,” Trin snappedat the viewscreen. She passed a shaking hand over her face. “And anywaythis…this is something no one could protect me from. Not even the kindest andbravest and most loyal slave. Which is why…” She took a deep breath. “Which iswhy I am releasing you from my service. You are free.”

“What?No!” His eyes widened. “You can’t do this! My debt isn’t paid! And even if itwas, my place is with you—at your side. You know that, Trin.”

“WhereI am going, you cannot follow.” Trin lifted her chin. “Consider your debt paidin full. If you were here, I would personally remove your collar. As it is, youhave my permission to remove it yourself.”

“Idon’t want to—you hear me?” His silver-blue eyes were blazing now. “I don’twant to leave you or take off the damn collar! And even if I did, you’d stillown me. Haven’t you heard anything I’ve said to you? You own my heart, Trin.”He clenched a fist over his chest. “My fucking heart.”

Trinfelt like the icy shell that had covered her emotions was finally breakingapart but she tried to remain strong.

“I’msorry, Thrace,”she said in a voice that only wavered a little. “You…you have given me loyaland steadfast service but I cannot take you with me. I will have no need of aslave on Zetta Prime.”

“Yes,but you might need a bodyguard!” he growled. Then his voice dropped to a soft,pleading tone. “Why are you going back there to let them torture you, baby?” heasked. “Why can’t you just forget about all that and come with me? We can makeour own way. We don’t need anyone else but each other.”

Fora moment Trin almost considered it. It would be so wonderful to go away with Thrace,just the two of them…but there were more people to consider.

“Ican’t,” she said. “My crew…I’m sure my mother will make the payment on The Alacrity and see that they are ableto keep their livelihood if I go back home and do this. I don’t have the creditfor another mission and I’ll never be able to trade on Yonnie Six again. I haveto be responsible.”

“Itold you we’d earn some money somehow,” Thrace argued but Trin shook herhead.”

“I’msorry but no. I can’t.”

“Tellthe truth.” He looked grim. “The welfare of your crew isn’t the only reasonyou’re doing this, is it?”

“No.”Trin felt her mask of calm beginning to crack. “No…it’s not.” She looked him inthe eyes though it hurt to do so. “I’m doing this because I…because I deserve to be punished.”

“Why?”Thracedemanded. “Why should you be punished just for making love with me? We did itto save your life.”

“Iknow. But…I enjoyed it.” Trin hung her head. “Enjoyed being penetrated by amale. I…” She looked up at him. “I allowed myself to derive pleasure from thefeeling of you inside me…from the thrust of your shaft within my most secretand forbidden places.”

“Youhad to.” Thraceran a hand through his hair in agitation. “You had to, baby! You had to come to be cured—I told you that!”

“Itdoesn’t change the fact of what we did or how I felt about it.” Trin put atrembling hand to her eyes. “I have never felt such pleasure. And now…now Imust pay for it with pain.”

“Trin,baby—no!” Thracelooked so upset it tore at her heart. He seemed to want to reach right throughthe viewscreen and drag her to him. Trin wished desperately that he could. Shewanted to feel those big, warm, muscular arms around her just once more, makingher feel safe and loved and protected. Making her feel cherished.

Butthat could never be.

“I’msorry, Thrace,”she said softly. “Really sorry for all of this. I never meant for any of it tohappen.”

“Neitherdid I but it did—it happened.” He leaned closer. “You bought more than just mybody that day in the Flesh Bazaar—you bought my soul and my heart. Trin, pleasedon’t go—I love you!”

Atlast the mask of cold cracked completely and she felt the warm tears fallingdown her face like rain.

“Ilove you too,” she whispered. “But this can never be. I’m sorry but pleasedon’t try to follow me.”



Shecut the connection and stood staring at the black viewscreen, tears pouringdown her face. Thracewas gone and she was never going to see him again.

Itwas time to go home and take her punishment.

Chapter Thirty-two

“Itis time.”

Thevoice interrupted the strange and awful vision Charlie and Stavros had beensharing—the trance-like state they had fallen into while making love.

Charliecame back to herself with a start and realized two things. One, Stav was stillburied to the hilt inside her as she sat in his lap with her arms and legswrapped around him. And two, her cheeks were wet with tears.

“PoorTrin,” she whispered, swiping at her wet face. “Oh, poor, poor Trin!”

“Sheis going to a judgment which may break her,” thevoice said and Charlie realized something else—she and Stav weren’t alone butwhoever was with them in the room wasn’t visible.

“Hello?”She looked around the dimly lit bedroom uneasily. “Who are you and why can’t Isee you?”

“It’sthe Goddess,” Stav whispered hoarsely. “Can’t you feel her presence?”

WhatCharlie mostly felt was that Stav was still hard inside her and now they wereapparently being paid a visit from the Kindred deity. Awkward!

“Oh,um…” She started to get up or try to find something to cover herself but thevoice of the Goddess stopped her.

“Donot feel shame for being joined to the male I chose for you,” thepowerful, feminine voice murmured. “There is no wrong in it. This is the truththat Trin does not understand—I put her and Thrace together and it is right andproper that they should find pleasure in each other. It is what I wish for allthose I draw together.”