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Trin cried out as she felt a hot, wet rush bathingher core. She heard herself moaning as spurt after spurt of his seed jetteddeep inside her. Oh Goddess, this was so wrong—the final defilement! Yet therewas nothing she could do but take it, nothing she could do but spread her legswider and try to take him deeper, try to let his cum fill her as much aspossible to save her life.

And then Thrace wrapped both long, musculararms around her waist and pulled her even closer.

“Ilove you, Trin,” he whispered deep inside her head. “Godshelp me, I love you so damn much…”

Chapter Twenty-nine

Trin stiffened against him, not sure what to say.Then she realized that Thrace’sdeep, growling voice had been coming from inside her head.

Whatthe hell? she thought uncertainly. Thatcan’t be right, can it? How could I hear his voice from inside my head? That’s impossible, right?

“Notif we’re bonded,” the big Havocmurmured in her head. “And though I don’t have much knowledge of this—sinceI swore I would never bond myself to a female—I believe that is what this means.”

“Oh my Goddess, you heard what I was thinking? AndI can hear what you’re thinking?” Then what he had told her began to sink in.“And that means we’re bonded?” She stared at him in the mirror they werestill facing.

“I’m sorry,” Thrace said aloud. He rubbed a handover his face. “I never meant for this to happen. I only wanted to heal youfrom the effects of the passion berry wine. But feeling as I do for you…”

“Your feelings? What about my feelings? Didyou ever consider that?” Trin demanded. “What does this bond mean anyway? Is itsomething we can break or—?”

“Already you want to break our bond?” He looked ather with a mixture of grief and anger on his strong features.

“I’m just trying to understand what it means,” Trinprotested. “Please, Thrace—youknow I have feelings for you. I just didn’t expect…” Looking down she realizedthey were still entwined with his still-hard shaft buried to the hilt in herbody. “Oh, my Goddess…I can’t…can’t talk like this.”

She started to get up but she couldn’t. She was stuckto him, with his thick shaft refusing to slide out of her pussy.

“Thrace?What’s going on? What’s wrong with us? Why can’t I get off you?” Panic wasbeginning to take over, clamping cold, clammy fingers around her throat.

“Relax,” he murmured soothingly or it would havebeen soothing if she wasn’t hearing him inside her head. “Iunderstand this happens sometimes if a Havoc breaks his vow and decides to bondwith a female. It’s only temporary—this is simply my body trying to tie you tome as closely as possible by continuing to fill you with my seed.”

“Your what doing what?” Trin squeaked. “And what doyou mean you decided to bond with me? I thought you said it wasinvoluntary!”

He sighed. “It was. When I said I had decided Imeant my body decided for me.Remember I told you that you had broken down all my barriers? That you haderadicated my determination not to bond with a female?”

“Stop making excuses and stop talking insidemy head!” Trin made another unsuccessful attempt to get off of him but she wasstill stuck to him like glue. Was he really still pumping her full of his seed?That reminded her again that she wasn’t on any kind of contraception. Why, shemight be getting pregnant this very minute! And what would she do if the childshe conceived was male?

On Zetta Prime any female wishing to have a childwent to the Conception Center and chose what kind of sperm she wanted—in doingso she was always assured of getting a female child. If Trin became pregnantwith a male, there would be no way to hide what she had done. No way to denythat the child she was carrying had been conceived through intercourse with amale instead of being artificially implanted into her womb. She would be adisgrace to her family…her mother—what would her mother think of her? She wouldthink such a child was an abomination…

“I can hear everything you’re thinking you know,” Thracegrowled softly in her ear. “I’m sorry the idea of carrying my child upsets youso much but could you please try not to think of our son as an abomination?”

“I’m sorry—I’m just thinking of what my motherwould say!” Trin was beginning to feel hysterical. “I mean, if she saw me likethis and knew what we’ve been doing—”

“We were saving your life, that’s what wewere doing,” he shot back. “You agreed that was the most important thing,didn’t you? To keep you from dying?”

“Yes, but I didn’t know having you save my lifeinvolved being permanently stuck to you—both literally and figuratively!” Trintried to get off him again and failed. “Oh my Goddess, when will I beable get off you?”

“Not until my body finishes with yours,” hegrowled. “I’m sorry—this isn’t a conscious decision on my part. If you’d justhold still and stop wiggling we might be able to separate.”

“Separate physically, anyway.” Trin was beginningto get really upset. “But what about this bond? What does it mean? Will Ialways hear you inside my head? Will you always hear me? Will I never have anymental privacy again? How does this work?”

“I don’t know exactly how it works.” Thracewas beginning to sound frustrated. “I told you—Havoc don’t bond so it’s notlike I have a lot to go on. You know, among my people what we’ve done would beas much a disgrace to me as it is to you but you don’t hear me thinkingabout how we might be creating some kind of ‘abomination’ if you get pregnantwith my son.”

“Stop talking about me being pregnant!” Trinexclaimed.

“Why, because it means you’ll have to face the factthat you let a male penetrate you and fuck you?” he demanded, soundingreally angry now. “Because you’ll have to sooner or later. You’ll have toadmit—”

“My most abject apologies my dear Havoc but I’mafraid there is a personal call from Zetta Prime for your lovely paramour,”Two’s voice interrupted him, coming from the viewscreen. “I hope you don’tmind—I put it through a moment ago for you but there were some difficultieswith the connection—I think the caller could hear you but you were unable tohear her.”

“Her? Her, who? Who’s calling? Who heardus?” Panic was clutching Trin’s throat again. A caller from Zetta Prime? Thatcould only be—

“I’m fairly certain I have it right now, so hereshe is,” Two continued, not answering her question. “Have fun catching up!”

Without further ado, the viewscreen flickered and afamiliar image appeared—a woman with pure silver hair and pale skin. She waslooking at them with large, dark eyes exactly like Trin’s own.

Trin stared at the viewscreen with a sinkingheart—it was her mother.

Chapter Thirty

“Mother!” Realizing she was still naked in Thrace’slap, Trin looked frantically for something—anything—to cover up with. Thracehelped by handing her a large, fluffy yew-down pillow. She grabbed it and heldit lengthwise against her naked body. “Mother,” she said again and then didn’tknow what else to say.

“Lonarra?” Her mother stared at her blanklyfor a moment. “Lonarra Ellenna Trin, what is going on here? What are you doing?”

Thoughshe had been out on her own for years, making her own way and captaining herown ship, that sharp, maternal tone still had the power to paralyze Trin withfear. Above all things she had always desired her mother’s good opinion. Now itlooked as though it would be lost forever.

“Mother,”she said desperately. “I…I can explain.”