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Trin seemed to understand hismeaning because her eyes grew wide and a soft “Oh…” escaped her lips. “Thrace,”she murmured, looking up at him. “Thrace, I—”

“Well, isn’t this a touchingscene.”

The new voice in the room madeboth of them jump. Thracewas up in a heartbeat, looking around for the intruder, ready to defend hisfemale.

“I’m here.” The blue viewscreenflickered, showing the face of Lady Tam-tam looking at them.

“What in the Seven Hells?” Thracegot between the screen and Trin, trying to hide her nakedness.

“Don’t bother yelling at me,slave—these rooms aren’t wired for sound,” their hostess said. “Dear me, no! Ilike to give my guests some privacy.I just wanted to tell you that I quite enjoyed the show you just put on andinvite you to my private viewing room for a, ah…little proposition.”

“Her private viewing room?” Trinlooked at him and then frowned at the viewscreen. “Why does she want us there?”

“You can come at once,” LadyTam-tam said, before Thracecould speculate. “And please keep things quiet—I don’t want everyone knowingabout my little viewing hobby.” She giggled like a naughty school girl. “Justfollow these directions…” A set of complicated directions that seemed toinvolve a lot of back passages and hidden staircases flashed up on the screen. “AndI’ll see you in a few minutes. Bye!”

The screen went dark and LadyTam-tam was gone.

* * * * *

“What does she want with us? Andwas she really watching everything we did just now?” Trin felt sick withembarrassment at the thought. She knew cognitively that they were undersurveillance but knowing it and having it rubbed in her face were two differentthings. For some reason since it wasn’t night time and the viewscreen hadn’tbeen glowing blue she’d thought they had complete privacy. Apparently not, whispered the little voice in her brainsarcastically.

“I don’t think we have a choice.”Thracefrowned, his face like a thundercloud. He looked at her. “I think we have togo.”

“I think so too,” Trin admitted.“Um…just let me get dressed.”

“I need to change too.” Helooked down at the black loincloth which was sticking to him. “Need to getcleaned up.”

Trin bit her lip as she saw theevidence of what he’d said—that he had come at the same time she did and it hadsomehow tied him to her. I’m attuned toyou now, he’d said. You’ve brokenthrough my barriers.

How had she done that? And wasit a good thing or a bad thing that it had happened?

Before she could answer her ownquestion, Thracewas getting off the bed and going to the fresher to change into a new pair ofblack leather slave trousers. Trin huddled on the bed, still thinking.

He had admitted he wanted tobond with her—and had further admitted that in order to form such a bond hewould have to penetrate her with his shaft and come inside her. Of course, he hadpromised not to do that, but still, just the fact that he wanted to made her uneasy.

Isthat what’s really making you nervous? asked the snarky little voice in her head. Or is it the fact that the idea of him penetrating you with his shaftdoesn’t seem so horrifying or awful as it once did? Admit it, Trin—when he waswhispering how he wanted to fill you with himself, it was making you incrediblyhot. So hot it made you come with that damn phallus inside you!

She blushed with shame at thememory but not all the blood rushing to her cheeks was due to guilt. She had toconfess to herself that some of it was sexual desire—the forbidden image Thracehad put into her head still made her hot, no matter how hard she tried to pushit away.

She was still huddled in thecenter of the sleeping platform in a ball when the big Havoc came back into theroom looking clean and refreshed.

“Mistress?” He frowned at her.“Are you all right?”

“I…I’m fine,” Trin lied.

“No, you’re not. What is it? Whyaren’t you ready?” He sat beside her on the bed and put a hand on her knee.

“I…” Trin sat up, her nervestingling from his touch. “I just…”

“Oh, I see the problem.” Herthighs had fallen open when she sat up and Thrace looked between her legs withhalf-lidded eyes.

“What problem?” Trin looked downat herself and saw to her deep embarrassment that her bare pussy and innerthighs were still wet and slippery with her juices.

“How can you get ready if Ihaven’t done my duty and cleaned you up as a good slave should?” Thracerumbled. “Forgive me, Mistress—allow me to make amends.”

“You…you don’t have to. Idon’t—”

Before she could finish he wascrouched between her legs, lapping her inner thighs with long, slow strokes ofhis hot, wet tongue.

“Thrace!” she protested. “You don’thave to do that!”

“Of course, I do.” He looked upfor a moment, his eyes blazing. “It was remiss of me not to do it earlier. Agood slave always cleans his Mistress after giving her pleasure.”

“We don’t have time for this. Wehave to go,” Trin protested. She tangled her fingers in his thick, blue-blackhair, wanting to push him away but somehow she couldn’t seem to do it. Histongue on her skin felt too good…too right.

Thrace put a hand on her trembling belly andstroked her soothingly.

“Lay back, Mistress and let metend to you,” he murmured. “It will only take a moment and then we’ll get youdressed and ready to go.”

Ishouldn’t…And yet somehow,she was.

Uncertainly, Trin allowedherself to relax back against the pillows and watch as he spread her legs widefor the second time and went to work again, cleaning the honey from her thighswith long, slow strokes of his tongue. He cleaned them thoroughly and thenlapped her pussy as well, dragging the flat of his tongue over her swollenouter lips gently but firmly, making her squirm and moan.

“Thrace,” she whisperedbreathlessly. “You really don’t have to…”

“But I want to.” He looked upand, catching her eyes with his, parted her cleft with his thumbs. “Have toclean you everywhere, Mistress,” he murmured and gave her a long, slow lickthat started at the entrance of her pussy and ended at the top of her slit.

Trin jumped and moaned as hishot tongue dragged over the tender bump of her clit. She knew she shouldn’t lethim do this. Earlier it had been necessary—she’d had to let him lick her inorder to loosen her up enough to take the phallus inside her pussy. But she hadno such excuse now—no excuse but that she loved the feel of his hot mouthbetween her thighs.

Goddess, what was happening toher? Surely it was wrong to lie there and let the big Havoc clean her with histongue as if it was normal and right. And yet, she couldn’t seem to helpherself or ask him to stop. She could only lay there and watch as he strokedhis tongue over her open pussy time and again, as if he was trying to get everylast drop of her honey.

“There,” Thrace murmured at last, sittingback just when she was beginning to throb and ache again with renewed need. “Ithink you’re clean now, Mistress. Let’s get you dressed and we’ll go see LadyTam-tam.”

“All…all right,” Trin whisperedfaintly. “Let’s…do that. Let’s go.”

She allowed Thrace to findanother dress for her—this one deep green with white lace—and put it on her.Then, still feeling slightly dazed as well as hot and swollen between herthighs, she and Thracefollowed the complicated directions to Lady Tam-tam’s viewing room.

Chapter Twenty-five

“Come in, my dears. Do come in.”Lady Tam-tam ushered them into a small, plush room decorated with manypriceless little knickknacks arranged in shelves hung on the deep red walls. Ithad two overstuffed chairs and a blazepit in one corner where a small firecrackled softly, giving the light a soft, reddish tinge. The room was carpetedin long, white fur that moved in swirling patterns as if in response to someunseen current.