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Charlie sighed. “I guess that’sall we can do. But if I ever meet Trin in person, I’m going to give her a bighug. She could use it.”

Chapter Twenty-two

“Good morning.” Trin smiled asshe seated herself beside Lady Malroth at the long table in the huge First MealHall. Thankfully, the first meal of the day wasn’t nearly such a formaloccasion as dinner. The slaves were eating at a separate table, speciallyreserved for them, and the mistresses were on their own.

The menu included steamingbright green porridge which smelled sweet and bland and large, curving bluefruits longer than Trin’s arm. When the fruit was opened, however, it wasrevealed to be mostly thick blue peal. Inside were three to five tiny, tendermorsels no bigger than the end of Trin’s thumb.

These sweet, juicy nuggets wereapparently quite a delicacy and, after inquiring discretely to be certain theywouldn’t have any strange effects on her, Trin had eaten several of them. Theywere said to expand in one’s stomach and keep you from being hungry the rest ofthe day. An effect she was sure she’d be glad of if she had to spend anymoretime at Dreaming Hills. Although she hadbeen planning to leave today.

“Good morning, you say?” LadyMalroth demanded, frowning at her. “And what’s good about it, I’d like toknow?”

“Well…I…” Trin wasn’t sure whatto say to this. She’d been hoping that she’d fulfilled her obligations byattending the feast the night before as Lady Tam-tam had wanted, and that LadyMalroth would consent to make the deal. But Lady Malroth’s lips were pursed asthough she’d been sucking on an unripe sour fruit—clearly she wasn’t pleased.

“I heard about yourperformance—if you can call it that—last night,” Lady Malroth snapped.

“You did?” Trin felt like she might faint from embarrassment. “Didyou…see us?” Knowing they were probably being watched and actually having itconfirmed were two different things. The idea of Lady Malroth watching her andThrace do…intimate things made her feel sick with shame.

“No, I didn’t see it,” LadyMalroth snapped, to Trin’s intense relief. “Lady Tam-tam rarely allows anyoneinside her private viewing room. But she toldme all about it—she was very disappointed.Apparently all you did was let your slave suck your nipples and finger you alittle. He didn’t even penetrate you with his tongue—though I understand hekissed you quite a bit!”

“Of course he didn’t penetrateme!” Trin exclaimed, feeling her cheeks get hot. “I’m one of theUnpenetrated—the elite of Zetta Prime.”

“Is that right?” Lady Malrothsaid nastily. “Well I’m afraid you’ll have to relinquish that title aftertonight’s banquet.”

“What are you talking about?”Trin demanded. “I could never let my slave do that. I mean—”

“No, no—I don’t mean you shouldlet him penetrate you with his shaft—we’re not all as depraved as Lady Needra.Imagine—letting her slave put his cock right in her pussy! And at the dinnertable no less. Ugh!” Lady Malroth made a face.

“Well, I’m glad you see it thesame way I do,” Trin said carefully. “But I wasn’t really planning on being atthe feast tonight anyway. I was hoping we could conclude our deal today.”

“What—so you could leave? WhileLady Tam-tam is still in such a terrible mood? I don’t think so,” Lady Malrothsaid flatly. “You will attendtonight’s banquet and you will wearthe ritual uniform as will we all.”

“What uniform?” Trin looked downat herself. She had on another of the ridiculous Yonnie Six dresses. This onewas scarlet with black lace across her breasts and crotch. It had tiny red andblack panties to match. She hated it but could something worse be in store forher? The idea of some kind of “uniform” sounded ominous.

“It’s the celebration of malesubmission so you must wear a phallus,” Lady Malroth said. “If you didn’t bringyour own, you can get one from the slave set up in the corner as you leave.He’s handing them out to everyone who needs one.”

“A phallus?” Trin had heard ofsuch things—the mistresses of Yonnie Six often called such an accoutrement “therod” and used it to punish wayward slaves. But she’d never thought to wear oneherself. “You mean the kind that straps on?” she asked.

Lady Malroth gave her a veryunpleasant smirk.

“Among other things.”

“But what if I don’t want towear one?”

We’re all going to be wearing them tonight—you will as well or the dealis off. You have to at least look likea proper mistress, even if you’re not going to act like one.”

Trin stiffened in her seat.

“I don’t like being threatened,Lady Malroth.”

“And I don’t like being made to look a fool in front of my mostimportant business client,” Lady Malroth snapped. “Your crystals may be goodquality and cheap but there are othersin the universe, you know. And if you don’t behave like a proper mistress—ifyou don’t wear what everyone else is wearing and act like everyone else isacting and most important, please LadyTam-tam—then I will be damn sure you neverhave an opportunity to sell those crystals anywhere.”

With that, Lady Malroth got upand flounced away, leaving Trin to sit and stare after her and wonder what shewas supposed to do. Aside from strapping on a phallus, that was. Please Lady Tam-tam, Lady Malroth hadsaid. But if their “display” from the night before hadn’t made her happy, Trindidn’t know what would. Or rather, she didhave an idea of what might please Lady Tam-tam but she didn’t think shecould go there.

“Well, she doesn’t seem too happy.” Thrace’s low voice in her earstartled her and she turned to see him standing on the other side of her, aconcerned look on her face.

“She’s not,” she said andsighed. “And she doesn’t want to do the deal. Not yet. Not until we ‘please’Lady Tam-tam by attending the feast tonight.”

“About that,” Thrace growled. “I have some badnews for you—it may be a deal breaker.”

“I know.” Trin’s cheeks felthot. “I’m supposed to wear a phallus.”

“Huh—thought you’d be more upsetabout it than that.” Thracelooked surprised.

“Why? I mean, it’s sure to lookridiculous but every mistress is going to be wearing one. Apparently it’s the‘uniform’ for tonight’s theme.”

“Right—the beauty of malesubmission.” Thracesounded grim as he helped her up from the table.

“Don’t worry,” Trin said,squeezing his arm. “I’m sure it’s just for show. I would never use it on you.”

“I would never let you,” hegrowled.

Trin raised an eyebrow. “Whathappened to your oath that there was nothing you wouldn’t do for me?”

“Within reason.” He shutteredand for a moment his big hands curled into fists. “I would give you anything inmy power, Mistress. But some things…are beyond me.”

The strange look on his facestruck a chord with her for some reason. For a moment Trin felt somethingnibbling at the edges of her memory…she seemed to hear voices echo in her head.Say it—say the words… Stop—don’t do it! Leave him alone… Butwhen she reached for the disturbing thought, it vanished like a puff of smoke.

“I understand,” she said gently.“I feel the same way about such…penetration, as you know.”

“I know.” He took a deep breathand seemed to shake off the strange mood that had come over him. “Which is whyit surprised me that you didn’t mind wearing a phallus.”

“What are you talking about? Itjust straps on. I mean—”

“Good morrow, my lovely lady.And how did you sleep?”

The deep, smooth voice belongedto Lord X who had somehow managed to creep up behind them without either Trinor Thracenoticing him, despite the big black boots he wore.

Trin whirled around, feeling herheart pound for some reason. She really didn’t like this male though she couldgive no actual reason for her emotions. A low growl from Thrace let her know he felt thesame.