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Trin bit her lip, wondering what he had almostsaid. Surely not what she’d thought…

“It’s late, Thrace,” she said softly. “And I’mtired…really tired.”

“Of course, Mistress.” He kissed her pussy oncemore—a soft, lingering caress that made her want to moan and run her fingersthrough his hair—then lifted his head. “I suppose I should tuck you in and saygoodnight then.”

“I suppose.” Trin couldn’t help feeling a littlestab of disappointment though she knew it was irrational. What had almosthappened between them?

“Well, then…” Thrace rose from his prone positionand tucked the covers around her. “Pleasant dreams.”

Trin sighed. “Are you coming to bed as well?”

“As soon as I change.” He nodded down at theleather pants he still wore with a grimace of distaste. “Then, if you’ll permitme, I’d like to hold you tonight, as I did last night.”

“Well…” Trin hesitated. The night before she had atleast had on a sleep dress and panties. Now she was completely naked. Shouldshe really let him hold her like that all night long, especially after what hadalmost happened? But then she remembered how good it felt to be pressed againsthis big body, to be surrounded by him. Also, it would probably look better forwhoever was watching on the blue viewscreen. “All right,” she said at last. “Hurryand get changed though. I’m exhausted.”

“As my lady commands,” he murmured.

The desire in her body gradually faded to just anache. Trin’s eyelids drifted closed for a moment and she heard the sound ofrustling fabric. After a moment, the lights went out and Thrace slid under the heavy, silkysheets beside her. He took her in his arms and Trin sighed in deep contentmentas she pillowed her head on his hard chest. Goddess, they fit together perfectly.Who would have guessed that such a thing was possible? That she could findcomfort and pleasure in cuddling up with such big, strange, dangerous creature?

Yet, despite being a male, Thrace was none of those things. Orrather, he was but he was also just…Thrace. He made her feel safe inhis arms…protected…cherished. How did he do that? Why did he wantto? And how did she feel about it? About him? Was she beginning to carefor him?

Surelynot, whispered a little voice in herhead. Care for a male? In that way? That’s crazy…isn’t it?

Before she could find an answer, her eyelidsdrifted shut again and sleep claimed her.

** * * *

Justlook at her. Thrace brushed a long strand of silky hair out of herface and tucked it behind her ear. The room was mostly dark but he could seeher clearly in the faint blue glow from the viewscreen on the wall. She lookedlovely as she lay curled in his arms, lost to the world but trusting that hewould keep her safe, that he would protect her all night long.

Iwill too. I’ll guard her with my life.

Emotion swelled within him and he knew it was true.There was no denying it—he was growing to care for Trin and not in a casualway. Havoc didn’t bond themselves to females—they went their whole lives tryingto avoid emotional entanglements with the opposite sex. That was part of their heritageand their beliefs, as surely as Trin’s people believed it was wrong to allowthemselves to become involved with males. Yet, here they were, the two of them,entwined in bed with her head resting on his chest and her sweet, naked bodypressed to his.

What was happening to them?

You’refalling for her, a little voice whispered in the backof his brain. It wasn’t accusing or angry or guilty—it was soft and calm andmatter-of-fact. Just stating the truth. You’re falling in love with her.

Ican’t be, Thrace told himself. That’s fucking dangerous. Itwas too. Havoc didn’t avoid bonding themselves to females just because it wouldchange their life expectancy or because of cultural beliefs and heritage. Havocdidn’t bond to females because once they gave themselves, gave their hearts,there was nothing—nothing—they wouldn’t do or give or endure to keeptheir female safe, to make her feel loved and protected. To show her how theyfelt.

“Lovefor a female is like a drug,” Thrace remembered his Sire lecturing when he was young. “Ifyou even once allow it to enter your system, it will take over. It clouds yourjudgment, ruins your sense of self preservation, changes the focus of yourwhole life. That’s why we stay away from females, son, except for briefencounters. It fucks up your entire existence, falling in love. Don’t let ithappen to you.”

Thrace had promised he wouldn’t and he had kept his wordfaithfully for years…up until now. I should get up right now, he toldhimself. Ought to just leave. There’s nothing keeping me here—no paincollar. No one could stop me. I could find a transport shuttle out of here andgo back to The Empress, find Solar and get my old life back. I should just go.

But looking down at the girl curled in his arms, heknew he couldn’t. If love was a drug, it had already entered his system. Hecouldn’t help how he felt, couldn’t stop the chemical reaction in his brain.Couldn’t control the impulses he felt to protect and cherish her, to hold herfor as long as he could…even though he knew she didn’t feel the same way.

Shenever will, either, he thought,stroking her cheek. Trin sighed in her sleep and turned toward his touch. Thracefelt like a fist was squeezing his heart. She’ll never allow herself to feelfor a male. And the very idea of making love, of allowing any kind ofpenetration from me, is repugnant to her. She said it herself—she feels thesame way about being penetrated that I do.

The thought made him shudder and unquiet memoriestried to rise to the surface of his mind. Thrace pushed them down ruthlessly.He’d confronted enough of his past already, especially when he’d sucked in thebubble of nightmare vapor earlier that night. The point was, he understood whyTrin didn’t want to be penetrated. And also why she could never feel for himthe way he was beginning to feel for her.

Doesn’tmatter though, he thought, settling her moreclosely against him. I still feel it, even if she doesn’t. I can’t helpit—I’m fucking lost.

The thought should have depressed him but hecouldn’t make himself be too upset—not when he was holding her close in hisarms. There was nothing he could do about it tonight. Nothing but hold herwhile he still could. With a sigh, he let his eyes drift closed…

After a moment, the glow of the viewscreen showedonly two people sleeping deeply in each other’s arms—two bodies entwined, thesmaller one curled against the larger for comfort and warmth. The soft hush ofbreathing was the only sound.

Then, the cool blue glow of the viewscreen turnedan ominous pulsing red and low male laughter rumbled through its speakers. Theblack dots in the center of each bedpost irised open, revealing four holes likehungry mouths. A soft, insidious hissing sound filled the air and a heavy blackvapor poured out and drifted down. It caressed the faces of the two sleepers,stroking their helpless visages with oily tentacles.

Trin sniffed a tiny amount of the vapor and made aface. She curled towards Thrace’sbroad chest, her hair falling over her face, shielding her from inhaling anymore the vapor. But the huge Havoc was sleeping on his back. A faint frowncreased his face as the oily, black tentacles caressed his cheek. He drew in adeep, startled breath and the vapor entered his mouth and nose eagerly, almostas if it had been waiting for just such an opportunity.

The nightmare began…

Chapter Twenty-one

Trin looked around herself, frowning. Where wasshe? There were rows of slaves, kneeling on display pillars and eager slaveswalking around, crying their wares. Prospective buyers browsed the merchandisewhile the security Crangs watched from the sidelines. Recognition struckher—somehow she was back to the Flesh Bazaar, where she had first found Thrace.