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Thrace deepened the kiss for a moment and just for aninstant she thought she felt his tongue press against her more fully. Then hewas pulling away, his lips shiny with her juices, his eyes filled with need.

“Thank you, Mistress,” he said hoarsely. “Thank youfor allowing me to honor you.” He licked his lips slowly and then rose from thefloor. “And now, it’s time to get you in the bath.”

Trin gasped when the big Havoc swept her up in hisarms again. She supposed she ought to be getting used to this mode of transportby now—after all, he didn’t seem to mind carrying her and he did it quiteoften. Still, this was the first time he’d carried her when she was completelynude.

It’sfine. I’ll be fine, she toldherself nervously. But her stomach told a different story, quivering like athousand shimmerflies had taken off inside it at once. Thrace was still bare chested andhis skin felt warm—almost hot against her own. But not nearly as hot as thewater when he slid her gently into it.

Trin hissed as the steam rose around her.

“Are you trying to bathe me or boil me?” she asked,trying to keep her tone light.

“I thought it would help you relax,” he murmured.“Would you like me to add some cold?”

“No…no this is good.” She sighed and twisted herhair up on top of her head before it could get all wet. “I’ll get used to it.”

“I won’t,” Thrace said, his eyes stillhalf-lidded. “I could never get used to seeing your beauty revealed like this.Never get used to worshiping you with my mouth.”

“Thrace…”She tried to laugh but it came out sounding breathy. “You don’t…don’t have totalk like that. The room probably isn’t wired for sound, remember?”

“Not saying it because of that.” He noddedat the softly glowing blue viewscreen mounted on the wall across from the tub.“Saying it because I mean it. You’re fucking beautiful, Trin.”

“Thank you.” She looked down at the pink bubblesthat dotted the surface of the water. Goddess, why did his eyes on her make herfeel so hot and cold all at once? She’d been desired by others before—hercreamy brown skin made her an exotic beauty and more than one classmate and acquaintanceback at the Academy was eager to get to know her and possibly do more. But noneof those admirers had made her feel like this—like she was the center of theiruniverse and they would do anything to pleasure her.

“I supposed it’s time to get you washed.” He pickedup a bottle of something pink and squirted some of it into his hands. “Thisokay? It’s the same stuff that made the bubbles.”

“Sure…fine.” Honestly, Trin didn’t care what heused on her. The only thing she could concentrate on was that his big, warmhands were going to be sliding all over her body. She felt so nervous she couldbarely breathe. In fact, every muscle in her chest felt tight…especially theones around her breasts. Trin frowned. What the hell was going on? Why did shefeel this way?

Probablyjust nervous, she told herself as Thracebegan rubbing her neck and shoulders with long, slow strokes. At once she beganto feel less anxious. Goddess, it felt amazing! Slowly she could feel thetension beginning to leave her body…well, most of it anyway. Her nipples stillfelt tight and stiff and achy. But still, the rest of her was starting to feellike melted butter.

How could he do that to her? Trin didn’t know…andshe didn’t care. She simply sighed and let his magic hands do their trick. Heworked on her back and shoulders and arms, moving down to her hands andmassaging each palm and finger in turn until Trin felt like she’d never been sorelaxed in her life. When he finally returned to her neck, her eyes were halfclosed with pleasure.

“Moving lower now,” he murmured in her ear.

Good,she thought but couldn’t say. Instead she simplynodded her head as his hands slid down to cup her breasts in the warm, soapywater.

“Going to wash your breasts now, Mistress,” hegrowled softly. Long fingers caressed her full globes with slow, gentle strokesand then plucked at her nipples, making her gasp with sensation.

In fact, there was too much sensation. Trinmoaned and jerked, making a miniature wave in the pool that spilled over theopposite side.

Thrace stopped at once.

“Too much?” he murmured in her ear.

“A…a little,” Trin confessed. “I don’t know why,I’m just so sensitive there all of a sudden.” It was true—her nippleswere tight and achy and her breasts were beginning to feel fuller somehow. But thatdidn’t make any sense, did it? Trin shrugged it off—she was probably just stillnervous at letting him touch and bathe her this way. “I’m sorry,” she said,turning her head to look at him. “I just…”

“It’s all right,” Thrace said soothingly. “I still haveother places to wash.”

Trin shivered as she considered what ‘other’ placeshe might be talking about. She expected him to reach under the water and cupher pussy at once.

But Thracesurprised her again. He went around to the opposite side of the large, squaretub and reached for her feet. He had found some kind of glove with softbristles attached to it and he began to use it on her lower legs.

“Oh!” Trin couldn’t help gasping as he washed hertoes and she burst into a helpless fit of giggles when he scrubbed the softbristles over the sole of her foot. “Thrace, no!” she cried, stillgiggling. “That…that tickles!”

He grinned at her, his strong features full ofteasing fun.

“Is that right? What a shame, Mistress.” Andhe grabbed her other foot and began scrubbing it as well.

“Thrace!Thrace,please!” Trin couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed so hard. She kickedwith her free foot, spraying him with pink bubbles which landed on his barechest and shoulders.

“That was very naughty, Mistress,” Thracegrowled and retaliated by catching her free foot and holding her by her anklesso he could scrub both feet at once.

“No! No, please!” Trin was laughing so hard herstomach hurt. “Please—I can’t breathe.”

Thrace stopped at once but kept hold of her ankles.

“Do you yield, Mistress?” he growled, smiling ather.

“Yes.” Trin took a deep, gulping breath and triedto still her heart. She could still feel little giggles bubbling up frominside, however, and it was hard to keep a straight face.

“Good.” Thrace’s voice turned suddenlycaressing and he bent and planted a gentle kiss at the top of her foot.“Because I’m ready to wash you a little higher now.”

“Higher?” The laughter was suddenly all gone,replaced by a deep heat which blossomed in her belly at the sight of hishalf-lidded eyes.

“Between your thighs,” he murmured. “I think youneed to be washed there. Are you ready to let me do it?”

“Y-yes,” Trin whispered, having trouble getting thewords out.

“Good,” he murmured. “Come to me, Trin. Come hereand let me wash you.”

She slid slowly to the other side of the tub,noticing how the water lapping against her tight, sensitive nipples made hershiver. Goddess, she felt so strange inside. Hot and cold and breathless…

There was a seat at this end of the tub that raisedher up so that the water came only to her waist. At Thrace’s instruction, she settledon it with her back against the tub and waited as he reached around her. Onceagain she had the sensation of being completely surrounded by him, his broadshoulders on either side of hers, his cheek close to her face as he ran big,warm hands down under the water to stroke her upper thighs. His warm, spicyscent enveloped her, making her feel safe and incredibly hot at the same time.

“Spread for me now,” he murmured in her ear as hereached for her. “Spread your thighs open for me baby and let me wash yourpussy. Let me make you all clean.”

Those hot words spoken in his deep, growling voiceseemed to do something to Trin. She could feel herself tingling all over butespecially between her legs and at the tips of her breasts, which felt fullerand more sensitive than ever. The bubbles had mostly dissipated now and shecould clearly see his big hands through the warm water as she spread for him,as she opened herself fully to let him wash her…to let him touch her.