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Thrace looked up at her gentle touch, his eyes blazing.

“Mistress…” he whispered hoarsely.

“Lovely,” Lady Tam-tam said, smiling. “I just knewthose Lathian sapphires would bring out his eyes!”

“They really do,” Trin murmured as Thraceheld her gaze with his. “They’re…beautiful.” But she wasn’t looking at thestones.

“Not as beautiful as you, Mistress,” Thracerumbled. Taking both her hands in his, he brought them to his lips and kissedthe insides of her wrists, just over the pulse points. “Thank you for trustingme,” he murmured. “Thank you for understanding that you don’t need pain tocommand me. You own me, body and soul. No pain any collar could inflict on mewould be as deep as losing you.”

“Of…of course,” Trin whispered, ratherbreathlessly. It was hard not to be affected by his words, even though she knewthey were only part of his act.

“That’s wonderful.” Lady Tam-tam’s eyes werebrimming. “Oh my dear, how lucky you are to hold the heart of such a male.Truly, I envy you. It makes me miss my poor Nales so much! Well…” She took adeep breath. “It’s time we got to the reception.” She looked at Trin moreclosely and frowned. “Only you can’t go like that. You must open theskirt of your gown—otherwise how can your love-slave make a proper obeisance andshow his affection for you?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Lady Tam-tam,” Trin said. Then,having an inspiration she said, “I guess I just thought since your dress is solovely and modest I could emulate you.”

“That’s very sweet of you, my dear, but I’m onlydressed like this because I don’t have the figure to wear the latest fashionsanymore.” Lady Tam-tam smiled. “You on the other hand are just perfect! Youneed to show off your figure. Now go on—open your gown and we’ll go.”

“Nice try,” Thrace muttered, for her earsalone. Then in a louder voice he said, “I’ll do it, Mistress.” He was stillkneeling before her and it only took him a minute to pull the silken drawstring, parting the gown both in front and in back and fix it in place. Whenthe small turquoise triangle of her panties was revealed, he drew in a deepbreath. “Gods…”

“That’s enough, Thrace,” Trin murmured nervously.“You may rise.”

“Don’t discourage him, my dear,” Lady Tam-tamremarked as the huge Havoc got gracefully to his feet. “He’s simply admiring yourbeauty. It’s a heady thing to be so desired by a male—don’t you agree?”

“I…suppose so,” Trin said uncertainly. “Honestly,I’m not much used to it. Thraceis the first body-slave I’ve ever owned and before him I didn’t deal withmales.” She felt it was wise to stick as close to the truth as possible—atleast with her personal history.

“Interesting,” Lady Tam-tam nodded thoughtfully asshe preceded them from the room. “Most mistresses are given their first slaveby the age of seventeen or eighteen cycles but I suppose that your mother decidedto wait and let you choose your own?”

“Something like that,” Trin murmured uneasily,wondering what her mother and everyone else she’d ever known on Zetta Primewould think if they could see her now. They’d probably be horrified to see howclose she and Thracehad been getting.

Well,they’re not here and besides, I’m my own woman. I’ve been on my own long enoughnot to care what they think, she toldherself firmly. Still, she couldn’t quite push the thought completely to theback of her mind.

As Trin tried to ignore her guilty thoughts, LadyTam-tam led them down long, winding corridors richly decorated with gold-framedholo-pics and moving statues. At last they came to a tall set of double doors,covered in vines and flowers which seemed to be real.

“Well, here we are—the Grand Reception Hall,” shesaid. “Everyone will already be waiting for us. I’ll go first, of course andthen you’ll be announced and you can follow. Just come right up to the headtable—I have the seat beside me reserved just for the two of you.”

“Thank you, Lady Tam-tam,” Trin said respectfully.“That’s very kind of you.”

“Oh, and one more thing my dear—there is a malehere tonight from the Degas system who’s not a slave. I know—I know—it’s shocking.”Lady Tam-tam’s eyes danced. “But I don’t believe they all have to beslaves—actually, he’s royalty, if you can believe that. And I like beinga little shocking and naughty sometimes—I’m an old lady. It’s one of the fewpleasures I have left.”

Trin smiled. “Of course I’ll treat him with respectas he is your guest.”

“I knew I could depend on you, Lady Trin. Just leadthe way and all the rest of the mistresses will follow. Well…” Lady Tam-tamstraightened her flowing mu-mu and rapped sharply on the vine and flower-covereddoors. “It’s time to put on a show.”

Chapter Seventeen

The doors swung open, revealing a vast room filledwith well dressed mistresses and their body-slaves. Flanking the doorway weretwo muscular male guards in brilliant purple and orange uniforms that matchedLady Tam-tam’s mu-mu.

“The Lady Tam-tam, mistress of Dreaming Hills andof all our hearts. And your hostess here tonight,” one of the guardsproclaimed. The entire room erupted in applause—apparently Lady Tam-tam waswell liked. Or at least her guests knew they’d better pretend they likedher.

Trin wondered which it was—not that she reallycared. All she wanted to do was get through this reception and make the dealwith Lady Malroth. After that, she was leaving Dreaming Hills, hopefullyforever.

Lady Tam-tam stood framed in the doorway with herchin lifted and surveyed the crowd as the applause swelled dramatically. Thenshe inclined her head majestically and swept into the room like a queenapproaching her throne.

After such an entrance, all eyes were on LadyTam-tam. Seeing an opportunity, Trin slipped quietly past the door guards andalong the perimeter of the room rather that waiting to be announced.

“What are you doing?” Thrace growled softly from behindher as he followed. “You’re supposed to wait to be announced—you just broke amajor rule of etiquette.”

“It’ll be fine.” Trin tried to make her voicelight. “No one even noticed.”

“You’d better hope not,” he remarked grimly. “Oryou’re going to be in a galaxy of trouble.”

Trin felt a stab of apprehension but she refused toshow it.

“Stop worrying so much—we’re fine.”

“As long as nobody calls you on it.” He touched herarm lightly, turning her to face him. “Were you that afraid to let me kiss yourpanties, Mistress?”

Trin bristled. “Of course not—don’t be silly.”Although she had to admit that the idea of letting the big Havoc press his faceto the place between her thighs did make her stomach feel tight and herpalms damp. “I just…wanted to avoid a scene,” she said.

Thrace snorted. “Right.”

“Don’t make me wish you still had the pain collaron,” Trin snapped. “Now come on—let’s mingle. Look, I think I see Lady Malrothover there.”

The brightly dressed mistresses—all wearing thesame revealing fashions that Trin herself had on, were mingling and talking,their high, light voices filling the air. The lower tones of their body-slaveswere less frequent but they were joining in the conversation at times,Trin saw.

It seemed evident that some of the mistresses andbody-slaves truly cared for each other. There were hands being held and shy butloving glances being exchanged by many couples. Possibly this was the firstpublic gathering they’d ever attended where they felt free to show their truefeelings.

It was sweet, Trin thought. Even though she’d beenraised to think of males as savages and animals, she knew differently now. Sherisked a glance at Thracewho was still frowning. If she’d been born someplace where males wereconsidered equals would she have formed a relationship with one of them? Aromantic relationship? Even…a sexual one?