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“She let me go and she’s fine—they’re allfine. Trin…” Thracelooked at her steadily with those pale, piercing eyes. “Let me do this. Youneed me to make the sale on Yonnie Six—I know you do. Sidna said so.”

Trin frowned, trying to think of an objection. Onepopped immediately to mind.

“My crew won’t like it,” she said. “They thinkyou’re a monster and they saw Sidna escort you out of the ship at blasterpoint. They’ll never believe you asked to serve me.”

“I’ll make them believe,” Thrace promised steadily. “I can bevery convincing when I want to be.”

“They won’t like to have a male—especially such a,uh, big one running around the ship free,” she pointed out.

“That’s probably true.” He sighed. “All right, Ican’t believe I’m saying this but…put the pain collar back on me. Then keep theremote on you at all times if you want.”

“Ugh!” Trin made a face. “I threw it away as soonas I got you aboard The Alacrity! I can’t bear those things!”

“I fucking hate them too,” Thrace said steadily. “I have goodreason ton. But your crew needs assurances and I can tell you still have somedoubts as well. So dig it out of your trash bin, dust it off, and put it onme.”

Trin looked at him uncertainly.

“You’re sure about this?”

“Positive. Once we get to the ship I’ll wait in thepod with the doors locked until you get the collar and bring it to me. Bringthe crew too—let them watch you put it on. That should put their minds atease.”

“And all this just so you can pay your debt?” Trinstill couldn’t believe it.

His pale eyes flashed.

“You’re damned right, Trin. I won’t go through lifeowing anyone so much as one fucking credit—let alone fifty thousand of them. Ipay my own way.”

Trin suppressed a small smile.

“You know, if you’re going to remain my slave andit’s going to look convincing, you’re going to have to start calling me Mistress.”

Thrace cleared his throat and looked at her.

“I can do that…Mistress.”

The word sounded strange in his deep, gravellyvoice and yet right somehow in a way Trin couldn’t define. She looked at himfor a moment more and made her decision.

“All right,” she said at last. “We’ll do it. You’llremain my slave until I can sell the Jaxite crystals on Yonnie Six. After that,we’re even and you’re free to go. Or I’ll drop you off wherever you need to be.Agreed?”

“Agreed.” He nodded his head. “Mistress.”

Chapter Eleven

Thrace didn’t know why he’d asked to stay on as Trin’sslave. Oh, he knew the outer reason—the one he’d given her—that a Havoc alwayspays his debts. But there was more to it than that, though he hardly wanted toadmit it, even to himself. The plain fact was, he was reluctant to leave her.

Maybe it was the way she’d felt in his arms, thescent of her hair and skin, the helpless way she trembled against him as hetried to warm her. Maybe it was her soft voice, her sweet laugh or that warm,feminine scent that followed her everywhere and seemed to get into his brainsomehow. Thracedidn’t know—he only knew he wasn’t ready to leave yet. And even if it meantputting back on that fucking pain collar and calling her his mistress, he wasgoing to stay until he was damn well ready to go.

His only reservation was that he felt bad about notgoing to look for Solar right away. But his First Mate and best friend was aresourceful son of a bitch. He would land on his feet wherever he was. Thracepromised himself as soon as he had seen this thing through and paid off hisdebt, he would go looking for the other Havoc. In the meantime, he hadunfinished business that he had to see through before he could consider himselffree to hunt down his friend.

Consideryourself free—right, whispered asarcastic little voice in his head. Why are you really doing this, Thrace?What is it about this female that makes it worth giving up the chance to gofree and putting that fucking pain collar on again? She doesn’t even like males and she’s damn sure nevergoing to let you have her. Even if she would, it’s not like you’d want to bondto her—you’re Havoc remember? ‘We do not bond’—it’s your fucking code. So whatthe hell is wrong with you and why are you doing this?

Thrace didn’t have the answer for the little voice. It’sthe debt, he told himself stubbornly. I have to pay my debt. Only thencan I truly be free. Only then can I leave. Not before.

At last they docked with The Alacrity andTrin went out to get the collar. Thrace stayed in the pod waitingfor her, trying to steel himself for what he had to do.

It had been his idea, of course and it was a goodone—the only way she and the rest of her crew could trust him. But still, whenshe returned, holding the hated black leather strap studded with silver spikes,Thracewas surprised at the rush of emotion that threatened to overwhelm him. He hadto swallow hard and clench his jaw to keep himself in control.

Let’sfit you with a collar, my boy, whispered thevoice of his old Master. I think it might teach you some respect…

He closed his eyes, breathing hard. Stopit…fucking stop it! That’s over and done. This isn’t the same at all. Thecollar is for show this time—just for show!

“Thrace,are you all right?” Trin’s soft, concerned voice made him open his eyes andlook up at her. Speaking of this all being for show, he saw that the crew wascrowded behind her in the entrance of the pod. There was Sidna, the ship’smedic staring at him with hard, uncompromising eyes and the navigator, a femalein her forties with short blonde hair and a curious gaze. There were others too,whose roles he didn’t know, but all of them were female and all had skepticallooks on their faces. Clearly they would take some convincing.

Andyou sure as hell can’t convince them that you’re doing this willingly if you gofucking berserk while they’re watching. Get hold of yourself, Thrace! he lectured himself sternly. Just get throughthis thing. Once the collar’s on it won’t be so bad. Remember who’s going to beholding the remote—it’s Trin, not the Master.

“Thrace?”Trin asked again and he nodded shortly.

“I am well.” His voice came out stiff and haltingand he tried again. “I am well and ready to be collared.”

“I don’t believe this,” Sidna said flatly. “You’resaying he’s staying on as your slave willingly? And he’s also willing to wearthe collar—the one that almost killed him?”

“He is,” Trin said steadily, looking at Thracethough she was answering the medic. “Thrace volunteered to wear the paincollar so that you and the rest of the crew would know he is not a threat. Ihave the remote and I will use it if it looks like he is trying to harmany one of us.”

“I would expect nothing less,” Thrace said stolidly. He took adeep breath. There was nothing to do but get it over with. Taking a steptowards her, he fell to his knees on the cold metal floor at her feet.“Mistress,” he said, his voice coming out hoarse and gravely. “I submit to youand offer my neck for your collar. I will serve you until I die or until youset me free.”

Trin cleared her throat. “And you submit to mycollar and my will of your own volition?”

“I do,” Thrace said hoarsely. “I willbelong to you body and soul. I will protect you with my life, shield you fromharm in times of danger, and pleasure you in times of peace. To the last dropof my blood, I…am…yours.”

Those words…the words he had always refused to say.He said them to Trin now. They brought back more memories—an evil tide ofpoison from the past that threatened to drown him. Say it! the Masterscreamed. Say that you’re mine! Fucking say it, boy!

Thrace bowed his head, trying to drive the tide back, tobanish the past. Gods…