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Trinknew the thought should bother her but at the moment it seemed like a remotepossibility—a problem she could deal with later. Besides, she kind of liked the idea of taking a risk with Thrace,as irresponsible as that might sound. It made her even hotter, knowing that hisbare cock was filling her unprotected pussy, knowing that he would spurt hisseed deep in her fertile cunt and she had no choice but to spread her legswider and take it.

“Mmm,baby,” Thracemurmured, breaking into her illicit thoughts. “You feel ready to move now? Ordo you need a little more time to get adjusted?”

“I…Ithink I’m ready.” Experimentally, Trin raised herself up so that several inchesof his thick cock slid out of her pussy. Then she lowered herself back down,moaning as she felt him thrust up hard inside her again. “Oh…” she gasped.

“That’sright, baby…” Thracewas still lying still though she could feel the tension in every part of hisbig body as she braced herself on his broad chest and continued to rise andfall. “That’s right—fuck yourself on me…fuck your sweet pussy on my cock. Takeme as deep as you can so I can come inside you.”

“That…that’swhat I want,” Trin assured him breathlessly. “But Thrace, I need…need more. Need yourhelp.”

“Likethis you mean, baby?” Gripping her hips in his big hands, he drew back untilonly the head of his cock was inside her and thrust back firmly.

“Yes—yes,please!” Trin begged softly. “OhGoddess, Thraceplease!”

“Youlike to feel my cock inside you?” he growled, picking up the pace some. “Liketo feel me filling you up?”

“Ido!” she admitted, her voice almost a wail. “Part of me still thinks Ishouldn’t but it feels so good, so right.”

“Feelsright to me too, baby,” he groaned. “Feels like I belong in you…like you weremeant for me. Like we were meant for each other.”

“I…Ifeel the same way,” Trin admitted, gasping a little for breath. Already shecould feel the wave of pleasure building inside her again, rising like a tidalwave over her head, ready to crash down and fill her to overflowing withintense sensations. She just needed a little something more to help send herover the edge…

Withoutthinking about it, she let her fingers drift down to caress her wet, openfolds. But before she could really get started, Thrace’s big hand was pushing hersaside.

“Letme, Mistress,” he growled. “Let me pleasure you while I fill you up.”

Trinmoaned as she felt the broad pad of his thumb begin to circle the throbbing budof her clit. Goddess, how did he know just how to touch her to make her hot?How did he know just how to make her come?

“Youlike that, baby?” he asked softly, rubbing lightly around her swollen clit.“Feels good when I pet your sweet little pussy while we fuck?”

“Yes…yes,” Trin admitted, unable to helpherself. Her hips were rolling in time with his now, catching his rhythm as hethrust into her, helping his shaft get even deeper into her pussy with eachstroke. The pleasure inside her was growing exponentially and she knew shecouldn’t hold out much longer. “Thrace…”she gasped, rocking against him. “Going to…going to come soon. Can’t help it.”

“Don’twant you to help it, baby,” he growled, his eyes flashing. “Want to feel thatsweet, soft little cunt of yours clenching all around me when you come…want tofeel you sucking the seed right out of me when you finally let go.”

“I…Iwant that too. I want your seed in me—want you to fill me up,” Trin admitted ina low, breathless voice.

Apart of her still whispered that it was wrong to want this—wrong to take a maledeep in her body and then beg him to fill her with his cum. But Trin was pastcaring, past listening to the voice of her guilt ever again. She needed Thraceinside her—needed it like she needed her next breath of air—and there was nobetter way to show him how she felt, how much she loved him, than to accepteverything he had to give.

Hiseyes were half-lidded with lust as he thrust up into her.

“Youwant to feel me coming in you, Mistress? Want me to shoot my seed deep in yourpussy?” he growled.

“Yes,Goddess, yes!” Trin begged. And at that moment, the wave of pleasure that hadbeen building suddenly crashed over her, making her cry out and clench tightaround him. She gasped, her nipples tightening to hard little points, her pussythrobbing hard around him. Coming…ohGoddess, coming so hard…

Thrace allowedher orgasm to trigger his own. With a low groan, he gripped her hips and thrustin deep—so deep it was as though he was trying to find her heart with eachstroke. Trin felt him swell even thicker for a moment and she wondered how shecould stand it. Goddess, so big insideme! Then he was pulsing inside her, filling her open pussy with spurt afterspurt of his seed, marking her as his, tying them together forever as theyrenewed their bond at last.

“Gods, baby, love you…love you so damnmuch,” she heard him send through their newly re-forged link.

“I love you too!” she sentback without hesitation. And then fatigue overwhelmed her and she let herselfcollapse on his chest.

* * * * *

Trinlay on top of him, her breathing short and ragged. There was a light sheen ofsweat on her creamy brown skin and his as well—they had been working hard, earning their pleasure. And their bondhad been renewed. Thracecould feel her in the back of his head as light and soft as the fluttering ofbird’s wings. It filled him with joy he could barely contain but at the moment,he was almost as tired as she was.

Trinshifted against him and settled again. Thrace was still halfway inside herand she was making soft little sounds as she rested against his chest.

“Baby?You okay?”

“There’sjust one thing that bothers me.”Her voice was muffled against his chest.

“Whatis it?” Thraceasked gently. “What’s wrong?”

“Well,the slaver told me when I bought you that Havoc don’t bond because it cutstheir lifespan in half. Did I just steal half your life?”

“No,of course not!” Thracemurmured. “You only shortened it a little and you lengthened your own lifeconsiderably. Your lifespan and mine will average out so that we both live muchlonger than average lives.”

“Oh,Thrace,I can’t believe you’d give up so much for me!” She sounded so upset he began toget concerned.

“Don’tworry, baby,” he murmured. “I’d rather spend a single solar month with you thanfive hundred cycles with anyone else. Now that our bond is strong and open tocommunication, I’m not worried about it—you shouldn’t be either.”

“Ican’t help it.” She pressed closer to his chest as though she never wanted tolet anything come between them. Thracefelt the same way but he could feel her anxiety through their newly re-forgedlink which made him worry about her.

“Baby…”He brushed her long hair out of the way so he could see her face, see if shewas really upset…and froze.

“Trin,”he said softly. “Your face…”

“What?What’s wrong with my face?” She looked up at him, putting a hand to her cheek.

“Notjust your face—your arm too…and your hair.” He stared at her with wonder. Howcould he have missed it before?

“What?What are you talking about?” She sat all the way up. His half hard shaftslipped from her but Thracebarely noticed.

“Golook—look in the viewer,” he urged her.

Therewas one hanging just inside the fresher door. Trin hurried to get there and hefollowed at a more leisurely pace, wanting to see her reaction.

Shestood just inside the doorway staring at herself in the silvery, reflectivesurface of the viewer with wide, surprised eyes.

“Thescars,” she whispered, touching her cheeks and arms as though she couldn’tbelieve it. “They’re gone. And myhair—it’s long again. Like it was before that horrible Betina made me chop itoff!”

“Thebonding worked,” Thracemurmured, coming to stand behind her and putting his hands on her shoulders.