The girl’s attention came as a surprise. He was going on his nightly rounds, as per Neferet’s standing command, especially assuring no Raven Mockers breached the boundary of the House of Night, when he passed close by the female dormitory building. She was standing under one of the big trees and as he drew close, she stepped directly into his path.

“Hi there.” Her smile was silky. “I’m Becca. We haven’t met yet, but I’ve been checking you out.”

“Hello, Becca.” Curious, he allowed her to halt him. She wasn’t beautiful or unusual as were some of the other fledglings, as was Zoey, his mind whispered, but he shied away from the thought. This Becca fledgling had an allure about her, and her body language, how she cocked her hip and tossed back her long blond hair, said she found him pleasing. “I am Aurox.”

She laughed and licked her slick pink lips. “Yeah, I know who you are. Like I said, I’ve been checking you out.”

“And what is it you have learned from checking me out?” He repeated her words.

She stepped closer to him and tossed back her hair again. “That you can handle yourself in a fight, and that’s a good thing these days.”

She touched him then, drawing a pink painted fingernail down his chest, and that is when her emotions hit him. He could feel her desire. It was mixed with desperation and a little meanness as well. Aurox breathed deeply, inhaling the intoxicating scent of lust tinged with cruelty. A shudder of anticipation went through him as the power within began to build.

“Oooh, you’re hard.” Becca laughed softly, moving even closer. “Your muscles, I mean.” Her desire amplified as her breasts rubbed against his chest while she leaned in to him, licked his neck, and then bit him—not hard enough to draw blood, but also not gently enough to be purely playful.

It pleased the bull within him, and the creature stirred.

“Do you like pain?” Aurox asked as he ran his hands roughly down her back. Then he dipped his head so that his teeth found the soft curve of her neck. He bit, purposefully drawing blood, though he cared less than nothing for the taste of her. “Do you like pain?” He repeated the question with her blood in his mouth, even though he could feel the answer in the rush of lust that shuddered through her.

“I like it all,” Becca moaned. “Come on. Let me take a little taste. Be my Consort—be my man.”

Aurox didn’t think to stop her. He didn’t think at all. He only felt: lust intensified by a mean, desperate spirit. Aurox let it take him over. He ground against her, closed his eyes, and gave himself to her saying words that came from deep within his subconscious—that were so instinctive and automatic that thinking and understanding had nothing to do with them. “Yes, Zo. Bite me.”

“You asshole! Zoey? I’ll show you some shit that will make Zoey Redbird look tame.” Becca bit him. Hard. He felt the sharp pain and the warmth of his pooling blood. Then her mouth pressed against the fresh wound on his neck—but only for an instant. He felt the change in her as soon as she tasted his blood. Her anger and lust dissipated, and was replaced by raw fear.

“Oh, Goddess! No, that’s not right!” Becca tried to pull away from him, but Aurox lifted her, took two strides, and backed her against the tree. “Wait, no!” Becca insisted, trying to keep her voice steady even though her fear washed over and through him, feeding him, changing him. “Stop! You don’t taste right!”

The creature within him pulsed and flexed, questing to be freed to pillage and tear. He snorted and the bull echoed within the sound.

“Seriously, stop! I don’t want to be with someone who’s all into Zoey!”

Zoey …

The name echoed within him, extinguishing the bull as water on fire.

“What’s going on here?”

At the sound of Dragon Lankford’s voice, Aurox stepped back, releasing Becca. The girl slumped against the tree and stared fearfully up at Aurox.

“Aurox? Becca? Is there a problem between you two?” Dragon asked.

“No, only a slight misunderstanding. I believed the fledgling understood what it was she desired,” Aurox said, facing the Sword Master and ignoring Becca. “I was incorrect.”

She scurried out from the tree and moved to put Dragon between herself and him—her fear quickly replaced by confidence and anger. “I know what I don’t want, and that’s yet another guy who’s hung up on Zoey Redbird. Here’s hoping you have a thing for standing in line, ’cause there’s a whole list of guys who got there before you.”

“Becca, there is no reason to be crude. You know vampyres believe in freedom to choose and mutual desire. If the desire is not mutual, then choose to walk away gracefully,” Dragon said firmly.

“Sounds good to me,” Becca said to Dragon and then sneered in Aurox’s direction. “Good f-ing bye to you, jerk.” She stomped away.

“Aurox,” Dragon began slowly. “Vampyre society is open to the many different roads that lead to desire and the fulfillment of passion, but you need to know that some of those roads should not be taken unless there is clear consent from all involved and a certain, deeper level of experience.” Dragon’s sigh made him sound old and tired. “Do you understand what it is I’m trying to explain to you?”

“I do,” Aurox said. “The fledgling, Becca, has a mean spirit.”

“Does she? I suppose I haven’t noticed.”

“I do not believe Zoey Redbird has a mean spirit,” he said.

Dragon’s brows lifted. “No, I do not believe she does, either. You do know that Neferet and Zoey don’t get along, don’t you?”

Aurox met his gaze. “They are enemies.”

Dragon’s gaze did not waver. “You could describe them as such, yes, though I wish circumstances were otherwise.”

“You are not a follower of Neferet’s,” Aurox said.

The Sword Master’s expression froze and his tired but open countenance shut down. “I follow myself and no one else.”

“Not Nyx?”

“I won’t stand against the Goddess, but I also won’t stand for anyone except myself. The dragon is the only path left to me.”

Aurox studied him. His emotions were veiled. The vampyre gave off nothing—not anger, not despair, not fear. Nothing. It was a puzzlement. Perhaps it was that puzzlement that had him speaking of the mystery within himself. “I said Zoey’s name instead of Becca’s.”

Dragon’s brows went up again, and his expression said he was mildly amused. “Well, Aurox, women—mean-spirited or not—do not like it when you’re with one of them and speak another’s name.”

“But I do not know why I did it.”

Dragon shrugged. “Zoey must have been on your mind.”

“I did not realize it.”

“Sometimes we don’t.”

“So, it is normal?” Aurox asked.

“Over more than one hundred years the one consistent thing I have found is that there really is no normal when it comes to women,” Dragon said.

“Sword Master, may I ask a favor of you?”

“You may,” he said.

“Do not repeat any of what happened here tonight to Neferet.”

“I keep my own counsel, boy. You should remember to keep yours, too.” The Sword Master clapped him on the shoulder and walked away, leaving Aurox confused, troubled, and as always, alone.



“This is going to be a cluster fuck of massive proportions,” Aphrodite whispered to me as we stood outside the room designated as Thanatos’s classroom first hour on Monday. The room was one of the biggest in the school. Actually, except for the drama classroom, which was really more like a mini-auditorium, and the auditorium itself, this was the biggest “regular” classroom in the school. Great, I thought, all the more room for the explosion that’s getting ready to happen.

“It’s not like we can cut this class,” I muttered back to Aphrodite. Then, to the rest of my group I said, “Okay, let’s go in. Don’t worry. We’re together so it really can’t be that bad.” My nerd herd, as well as Stevie Rae, Rephaim, and all of her red fledglings flanked me. Everyone nodded and looked resigned and ready for whatever was getting ready to hit the fan. I opened the door and stepped inside.