God Is Not Great
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Страниц: 69
Символов: 475876
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ID: 241728
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2007
Издательство: Twelve Books
Город печати: New York
Создана 10 марта 2015 08:43
Опубликована 11 марта 2015 02:17
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In the tradition of Bertrand Russell’s Why I Am Not a Christian and Sam Harris’s recent bestseller, The End of Faith, Christopher Hitchens makes the ultimate case against religion. With a close and erudite reading of the major religious texts, he documents the ways in which religion is a man-made wish, a cause of dangerous sexual repression, and a distortion of our origins in the cosmos. With eloquent clarity, Hitchens frames the argument for a more secular life based on science and reason, in which hell is replaced by the Hubble Telescope’s awesome view of the universe, and Moses and the burning bush give way to the beauty and symmetry of the double helix.

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