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Tracy watched him walk away. “Is it wrong to envy you?” she asked, scanning the bar.

“Not at all,” Jennifer said and reached out, squeezing Tracy’s hand. “Thank you for setting us up.”

Tracy smiled and nodded.

The rest of the evening was a blur of drinking and dancing and they stumbled into the apartment a little after midnight. Steve twirled them both down the hall toward the bedrooms and bowed to Tracy before escorting Jennifer into her room.

“Night Trac,” he said and closed the bedroom door.

“You.” He turned toward Jennifer and twirled her around again and then tugged her tightly to him and licked her neck. “You taste salty.” He fumbled with the back of her dress. “You know, I almost started to undress you in the taxi,” he said, nibbling on her ear. “It took way too long to get home.”

“Probably wouldn’t have gone over well with either Tracy or the driver,” Jennifer said and tilted her head back, spreading her arms wide as he swung her around again. “You are so sexy,” she uttered while he licked her neck again, ending with a kiss on her jaw line. “Hot.” She lost her balance.

Steve grabbed her close and they stumbled onto the bed, laughing. “I am going to be so hung over tomorrow morning,” he chuckled. “Murph is going to blow a gasket.”

Jennifer giggled, yanking his shirt off. “I can sleep in tomorrow.”

“That’s so not fair.” He kissed her harder than he intended, knocking their teeth together. “Ouch.” He touched his lips and checked his fingertip for blood. It was clear and he offered her a drunken smile. “Sorry.”

“You’re the rocket scientist that chose tequila,” she said.

“Yeah, but seeing you suck a lemon was so worth it.” He grinned down at her.

“Ah, you had ulterior motives.”

Steve nodded and felt in the pockets of his shorts. His smile disappeared. “I don’t have anything with me tonight.” He kissed her gently and rolled onto his back, quashing his desires.

“Shit,” Jennifer said.

“My sentiments exactly.” He glanced at her. “I guess I just get to hold you tonight.”

Jennifer giggled. “The one time you get me drunk, you don’t take advantage of that?”

He raised his eyebrow, considering the possibility as his eyes scanned her. “Naughty girl,” he whispered. The dress came off seconds later and he kissed her body, moving his way down between her legs. He made her moan and writhe on the bed, calling his name over and over and over, making love to her with his mouth and hands. He ached to be inside her, but refrained. When she took him in her mouth, he wasn’t able to contain himself any longer, arching into the explosion.

Shifting on the bed, Steve wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, spooning her.

“I love you, Jenny.”

“I love you too, Steve.”

Sleep was immediate and dreamless for both of them. Neither Steve nor Jennifer stirred when the closet door unlatched and glaring red eyes peered out at them from within the darkness.

Chapter 32

Jennifer’s alarm clock went off at seven and they both moaned at the noise. Steve reached over and hit the snooze button, falling back on her.

The alarm went off ten minutes later. This time, Steve turned it off and sat up. “Oh Jesus,” he whispered. The imaginary vice tightened on his temples, sending bolts of pain through his cranium and into his eye sockets. He held his head for a moment, thinking that would keep his brain from exploding through his skull. “Do you have any painkillers?”

Jennifer rolled toward the sound of his voice. “Bathroom medicine cabinet. Bring me some on your way back.”

Steve got out of the bed on unsteady legs and let out a laugh. His underwear was backwards. He shifted his undergarments the right way, slid on his shorts and headed in search of painkillers and bladder relief. He grabbed the toothbrush he’d used the other day and proceeded to wipe out the horrible taste in his mouth. The medicine cabinet indeed had painkillers, a choice between acetaminophen, ibuprophin, and some prescription medication under Tracy’s name. He chose the acetaminophen and filled a cup with water, downed three and put three more in his hand, refilling the cup for Jennifer.

Tracy walked out of the shower as he crossed the dressing room. “Morning,” she said, seemingly unaffected by their night of partying.

Steve grunted at her and ducked into Jennifer’s room. He handed her the cup and the pills and grabbed his shirt off the floor, sliding it on while she downed the medicine.

“I’ll be right back.” Jennifer turned a little green as she headed to the bathroom.

Steve closed the closet door and stood when she returned to the bedroom.

“You don’t look so good,” she said.

“I forgot what a killer hangover tequila gives me.” He closed his eyes.

Jennifer gave him a kiss. “I’m going back to bed,” she said, and crawled under the covers.

“Bitch,” he whispered.

When he let a slight curve grace his lips, she offered him a smile in return. “Bite me,” she whispered back.

“Later,” he said. “Don’t forget noon today at the pub.”

“I won’t. I love you,” she replied and closed her eyes.

Steve looked at her for a moment and then leaned over, kissing her cheek. “See you later, babe.”


Steve left her bedroom, closing the door behind him. The smell of coffee drifted from the kitchen and he followed it. Two cups were set on the island counter. Tracy was in the process of bringing sugar and creamer to the island. “I figured you could use some.”

“How come you’re so chipper this morning?” Steve asked. Even his eyes hurt.

“I took aspirin before I went to bed last night.”

“Smart girl.” Steve picked up the coffee and drank it black.

“You really do love her,” Tracy said, studying him.

“Yes,” he said, glancing in her direction. “I always have. I just didn’t know how much until I saw her again.”

“I’m glad. She deserves the best.” She sipped her coffee. “And you definitely fit the bill.”

“I appreciate that Tracy,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “I’ll see you later. I have to clean up before class.”

“Be careful,” Tracy said, causing Steve’s eyes to clear a fraction. He tilted his head and furled his brow. “Driving home,” she said. “You still look a little under the influence.”

“Ah.” The confusion cleared from his face and Steve smiled, shrugging. “Just hung over.” He set the cup down in the sink and took off.

“Still, be careful.”

Chapter 33

Jennifer woke to a silent apartment. She stretched, glancing at the clock—it blinked eight minutes after ten. She needed to get moving and she rolled off the bed, stepping into the closet, and flipping the light on to peruse the clothing for something more appropriate to wear to meet Steve’s boss. The door swung closed and she jumped, spinning toward the solid wood and reaching for the handle. The light flickered and went out.

Chilling air surrounded her and the landscape of the closet changed. Crunchy moss scratched the soles of her feet. As she glanced over her shoulder, water glimmered in the distance, but everything else was black. Panic as thick as the darkness surrounding her pressed on her chest, constricting, binding, debilitating. She let out a small noise, reaching, fingertips grazing against the wood grain in front of her.

Hands pushed her against the door, both ice cold and burning hot at the same time, scorching her skin, caressing her. Jennifer wheezed, her gasps creating a fog in the freezing air. Her hands clawed at the door, desperately seeking the doorknob as the thing in the closet pressed against her. The stench of fire and rotting flesh filled the air. The rank breath of the demon from her nightmares tickled her shoulder. It grabbed her wrists, searing the skin and bringing her arms over her head. “I promise you will scream for all eternity.” It hissed and a scream mixing pain with terror shot from Jennifer’s restricted lungs.