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“Yes you can.” He pulled her back down. “Just like I can.”

“You’re missing another one?”

He nodded and shrugged. “You’re worth it, babe.” He kissed her gently.

“So what do we do now?”

He leaned back and the corners of his mouth curved up with the slow smile. He didn’t answer her in words; just let the look on his face convey what he was thinking.

Jennifer hit him lightly on the chest with the back of her hand and started laughing.

“We’re already hot and sweaty.” He grinned and tilted his head on the tile to look at her.

“I don’t know if my lungs could take that right now.”

Steve looked toward the shower and then back at her, raising his eyebrow.

“You go right ahead. I’ll just sit here if you don’t mind.” Jennifer waved him toward the shower.

Steve laughed. “I meant you in there with me.”

“I know what you meant. I’m not that naïve.”

“We both need a shower, Jen.” The small room was as hot as a sauna and the droplets of liquid running down their skin weren’t just from the steam. He slipped his shoes and socks off and stood, locking the door. Stripping, he tossed his clothes in a small pile on top of his sneakers. “Come on,” he said, putting his hand out to help her up.

Jennifer sighed. She took his outstretched hand and let him help her to her feet.

Steve pulled the sundress up and over her head and dropped it on the accumulating pile of clothes. He peeled off his shorts and underwear, watching her do the same, and stepped into the stream of water. “Goddamn!” He danced out of the shower; reaching for the controls and turning the heat level down. His shoulder was red where the water scalded it.

“Duh,” she said after he turned the water to a cooler setting.

Steve yanked her in the shower against him.

Jennifer reached over and flipped the jets on and all three valves shot water against them in addition to the showerhead above.

“Oh my god.” Steve closed his eyes as the water pulsed against his body. “I’m never getting out of this shower,” he said, holding her.

“That’s what I said after the first time too.” She rested her head against his chest.

“Ah.” Steve let out a small groan of pleasure as the water worked the stress from his body. His arms fell to his sides, relaxed.

Jennifer tried to move him to get in the path of the jets.

“Nanana,” Steve protested. “I’m not done yet.” His head still tilted back a little and eyes closed. He put his arms around her. “This is heaven.”

“Yes, and I’d like a little of it too,” Jennifer replied.

Steve smiled and turned sideways with Jennifer still in his arms. The side jets hit their backs. “Better?” His eyes were still closed. He opened them, looking down at her.

Jennifer nodded and flipped the back jet off, leaving the side jets working each of their backs. She closed her eyes and let the water do its magic.

Steve ran his hands through her hair, watching her, aware that he shouldn’t take advantage of the situation, but his resolve waned with her naked body in front of him. He removed his hands and stepped back, running them over his face. “All set?” he asked when her eyes opened.

Jennifer sighed and nodded. She reached up on her tiptoes and gently pressed her lips to his, wrapping her arms around his neck. Their tongues slowly intertwined in a kiss that took his breath away and seemed to fill her lungs again.

Steve flipped the streams of water off and they separated, each grabbing a towel and wrapping it around their soaked skin. Jennifer scooped up the steam-saturated clothing and dumped it in the washing machine. Steve leaned against the doorjamb, the towel hanging precariously around his hips as he ran his hand through his wet hair.

“Thank you for being here today.” She led him into the kitchen.

“I’ll always be there when you need me.”

Jennifer blushed. “Promise?”

“I promise. Do you still have my bathing suit here?”

Jennifer nodded, and then the color in her face faded. “It’s in the closet.” She looked back toward her room.

Steve headed toward the bedroom.

“No, don’t!” Jennifer ran after him, the panic resurfacing.

“It’ll be fine,” he said walking into the room. The closet door was cracked.

Jennifer began to shake. “I closed the door, Steve.” Her voice shook.

Steve glanced from her to the closet and pulled the door open. “Just a closet.” He flipped on the light. “See?” He spotted the swim trunks. When he reached for them, he felt the cold draft drift along the back of his hand. He picked up his shorts and turned back toward her, slipping them on under the towel. He stepped out of the closet and closed the door. “There’s a draft in the closet.”

“There isn’t an air-conditioning duct in there either,” Jennifer answered taking his towel and tossing it over the chair at her desk.

“Hmm,” Steve said, and focused his attention back on her. “You hungry?”

Jennifer rummaged through her drawers and found some clothing. She slipped her underwear on and tossed the towel over the chair. She fidgeted with his obvious gaze on her. “Stop staring.”

He grinned. “Sorry.” He looked out the window. “Are you hungry?” he asked again.

“Yes,” Jennifer answered once she zipped up her shorts and adjusted her shirt.

He glanced back. “Want me to make you something?”

Jennifer raised her eyebrows, amused. “You cook?”

“A man’s got to eat.” He swatted her on the behind as he walked past her.

Steve’s cell phone rang. He grabbed it off the counter in the dressing room, checking the number before he opened it. “Hello?”

“Hey, Steve, it’s Bill. I’m sorry about this morning.”

“You were a little drunk.”

Bill laughed. “A lot drunk,” he said. “I just get protective of her. Tom was my best friend.”

Steve was quiet. He traded a look with Jennifer and gave her a nod and a smile. “You sure that’s all it is?” he asked Bill.

“Yes,” Bill said without hesitation.

Steve knew a lie when he heard one and this was a whopper. “Apology accepted,” he replied. “I have to go. Later.” He flipped the phone shut and sauntered down to the kitchen.

“Who was that?” Jennifer asked.

“Bill,” Steve answered with no further explanation. “What are you in the mood for?” He opened the refrigerator.

“Surprise me.” She sat at the counter.

Steve surveyed the contents of the refrigerator and glanced at the clock. It was a little after eleven. He hadn’t had anything substantial for breakfast, so he decided brunch was in order and whipped up a vegetable omelet for the two of them. He rummaged through the drawers until he found the silverware and grabbed two forks and knives. Bringing the omelet over to Jennifer, he set it down between them.

Jennifer pulled the plate toward her. “What are you having?” she asked and burst out laughing at Steve’s wide shocked eyes. “I’m kidding.” She pushed the plate back between them. She cut a piece and put it in her mouth. “This is great.”

Steve shrugged. “It’s just an omelet.” He looked around the kitchen again. “This is a great place to cook.” He smiled. “I’d love to have a kitchen like this someday.”

“I hate cooking,” Jennifer admitted. “I burn just about everything.”

Steve laughed. “Well at least one of us likes to cook. Eating out gets expensive.”

Jennifer nodded and took another bite, but her smile soon faded. “Why do you think I’m seeing that place in the closet?”

Steve paused. “I don’t know.”

“This was different. There was no one else in the vision. Just that thing; and I could have sworn it looked directly at me.” She shivered and then something else triggered. “There was a pentacle carved into the moss.”

Steve stopped, his food hanging on his fork, halfway to his mouth. “A pentacle?” He put the fork back on the plate.

Jennifer stared at the half-eaten omelet. “I’m not sure it was a vision, either.” She slowly raised her eyes. “I think it was happening right then and there.” She took a deep breath. “It was laughing at me.” She visibly shivered.