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Sandy Sullivan


Erotic Romance








SecretCravings Publishing


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A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

Erotic Romance

Make Mine a Cowboy

Copyright © 2013 Sandy Sullivan

E-bookISBN: 978-1-61885-727-9

Second E-book Publication: May 2013

Cover design by DawnéDominique

Edited by Stephanie Balistreri

Proofread by Courtney Karmiller

All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by SecretCravings Publishing

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SecretCravings Publishing



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Sandy Sullivan

Copyright© 2013


“No,no, no, no!” Mesa Arraguso banged on the steering wheel of her rental car withboth fists. The gas gauge read E. “Ican’t be out of gas! I’m in the middle of fucking nowhere.” The sting of heatfrom the leather burned her fingertips. The stifling warmth rose exponentiallyinside the car without the air conditioning running. It was, after all, themiddle of May in Bandera, Texas.

Arumble of thunder broke the stillness as she contemplated what to do. She’dtaken a drive to clear her head and jumpstart her muse for her next book, notend up on the side of the road, out of gas, with no houses within severalmiles.

Thiswas cowboy country. Hill Country in Texas boasted some of the biggest longhorncattle spreads in the state. Several cattle mooed inthe distance but she couldn’t tell how close a house might be. At least cattlemeant humans…somewhere.

Largebanks of dark clouds continued to roll across the sky. Several huge raindropshit her windshield with a loud splatbefore the sky opened up in a torrential downpour.