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“Yes. Are you willing to deliver a message to Markov for me? For his own good. And, of course, mine.”

Kolenka turned to Beck, for the first time looking directly at him. “What message?”

“Tell him he should talk to me. Tell him, he has a problem that I can fix. Can you do that? Can you get that message to him without any risk to yourself?”

“Is this the truth or a lie to get advantage?”

“It’s the truth.”

“What’s in it for me?”

Beck shrugged. “I solve one problem, maybe I’ll prevent other problems.”


Beck watched Kolenka’s skeletal face with its map of lines and wrinkles etched by the light and shadows as the old gangster thought through how to play the situation.

Beck’s request was mostly an attempt to defuse any alarm he’d caused with Kolenka. Kolenka would certainly contact Markov to let him know about Beck’s inquiries.

After about ten seconds, Kolenka nodded. “If Markov wants to talk, how can he reach you?”

Beck pulled a dollar bill out of his pocket and wrote down a phone number that his lawyer Phineas P. Dunleavy had set up for him. The number went to an answering service. Any message would be relayed to the lawyer. And only then to Beck.

“Someone will answer this number 24/7.”

Kolenka took the dollar bill from Beck without looking at it and stuffed it into the same pocket where he kept his cigarettes.

He looked away from Beck and said, “Good-bye, Beck.”

Beck nodded, stood, and headed for the Yukon parked out on the street.

As he walked out of the courtyard, Beck pictured the ruthless Vory giving Vassily a signal behind his back. Would it be a classic thumb across the throat? No, thought Beck. He won’t take the risk. But the isolated location, the cold, the aura of decay and lassitude that surrounded Kolenka all combined to create a sense of ugly foreboding.

By the time he reached the double-parked Yukon, Vassily was on his cell phone, presumably calling his man sitting with Demarco. Or was he giving him instructions to take out Demarco. If so, thought Beck, fine. He’d never get the drop on Demarco Jones. And if gunfire erupted down the street, Beck knew he could get to the Smith and Wesson on his ankle and take out Vassily. But what about Kolenka’s bodyguard? And the driver?

As Beck approached, Vassily opened the passenger-side door with his right hand. Beck noted that the big Russian held his Browning and knife in his left hand.

For a moment, Beck hesitated. It would be easier for them to shoot him in the SUV. But then he saw that the lights of the Mercury had come on and Demarco was making a U-turn back on Coney Island, positioning the car in the right direction.

“Let’s go,” said Vassily.

Beck climbed into the Yukon.

The Yukon pulled up behind Demarco, Beck slid out of the passenger seat, Vassily following, still holding Beck’s gun and knife.

Vassily motioned for Beck to get into the Mercury. Beck passed Kolenka’s third man heading toward the Yukon, Vassily following behind. Before Beck climbed into his car, Vassily handed him the Browning and his knife. Then reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the magazine and the bullet he’d taken out of the chamber.

Beck didn’t say thanks. Vassily didn’t say good-bye.


Demarco made his way toward the Belt Parkway.

“Shit,” said Beck.


Beck grimaced. “Good news, bad news.”


“I got information on Markov I didn’t know, but it’s not good news.”


“He’s greasing Kolenka to let him operate in his backyard, and he’s running arms for some U.S. agency, which means he probably has connections I didn’t count on.”

“Well, better you found out now,” said Demarco.

“True, but now we have to do something about it.”

“Why? Your beef isn’t with Markov.”

“That’s before I shot one of his guys, maimed another, and pissed off some freak who seems to be in charge of his security.”

Demarco shrugged. “So then we do what we have to. You worried about Kolenka?”

Beck thought it over. “He won’t get involved unless he has to, but if he does…” Beck’s voice trailed off. He grimaced. “It could get very bad.”

“I wouldn’t mind putting a bullet in that fat boy of his who took you in the Yukon.”

“Why? What did he do?”

“He was yelling on his cell phone to the guy sitting with me while you were talking to the head Russkie.”


“Something about glupo chertovski negr.”

“What’s that mean?”

“Stupid fucking nigger.”

“That’s not nice.”

Demarco turned to Beck. “Moron. I gotta take that from some fat Russian slob?”

Beck nodded. “What’s worse? That he called you the N-word, or stupid?”

Demarco considered the question seriously. “Stupid.”

“Hey, next time I see him I’ll tell him you’re smart enough to know Russian.”

“Tell him after I give him a beating.”

“Where’d you learn Russian?”

“Playing chess with the Russians in Dannemora. Believe me, they had a very limited vocabulary.”

Beck lapsed into silence. Demarco slid onto the Belt Parkway heading for Brooklyn. After a minute, Beck looked at his watch and pulled out his cell phone, starting a series of calls.

The first call was to Ricky Bolo.

“Ricky, Beck—how’s it going on that surveillance I asked you to set up?”


“Have any trouble finding Milstein?”‘

“Nope. I’m parked on Seventy-ninth in the warm, comfortable Bolo-mobile, and Jonas is outside watching the back exit on Eightieth, freezing and bitching like a whiny little girl.”

“Good. Drive around and pick up your brother and head over to Hubert Street in Tribeca between Greenwich and Washington. Check out the neighborhood and call me back.”

“On it.”

The next call was to Manny.

“Manny, did you get Olivia set up in that hotel?”

“About an hour ago.”

“Okay, we need her locked-down tight. Markov may have resources that can find her. So call and tell her to shut off her cell phone. No calls, no e-mails, no Internet, no texts, nothing. She didn’t use her credit card when she checked in, did she?”


“Good. Get a woman you trust to go sit with her and make sure she doesn’t leave her hotel room. For sure. No slippage. She stays put until I get there. I have to talk to her.”

“Okay. When you figure?”

“Couple of hours. Did you line up your guys?”

“Four of them. Dudes we can trust. You want them on board now?”

“Not yet. But tell them they should be somewhere we can reach them if we need them. Are you back at the place?”


“Did Ciro get his cousin Joey?”

“Supposed to be on the way.”

“Good. Get the shotguns out and keep watch. I don’t think anything is coming our way tonight, but be ready.”

“What happened with Kolenka?”

“He may have a dog in this fight.”


“Markov is paying him to operate in his backyard.”

Manny made an unintelligible noise, but didn’t comment beyond saying, “Anything else?”

“Stand by.”

Next, Beck called Alex Liebowitz and told him to gather what he needed for a black bag job and to be ready to go within the hour.

Beck checked his watch. Seven-thirty.

Demarco asked, “Now what?”

“Now we go on the offensive. Fast.”


Alan Crane spent nearly two hours cleaning up after the bloody fight in his loft, followed by an hour at his computer identifying positions that he could close out without taking significant losses.

But he couldn’t really concentrate. He kept imagining a ball peen hammer smashing into his hand with the same force that Markov pounded it into his dining room table.

Crane paced back and forth, barefoot, on the Calamander hardwood floors of his Tribeca loft trying to convince himself that Markov wouldn’t make good on his threats of violence if he succeeded in keeping the losses to a minimum.