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Donating kidneys to strangers is illegal in the UK. When I called the Department of Health to ask why, they said, “You mean, strangers selling kidneys?”

“No. Just giving them away.”

There was a silence: “Giving them away?”


“You mean, when the donor is dead?”

“No, alive.”

“We’ll get back to you,” they said. They did, with a prepared statement: “ULTRA [the Unrelated Live Transplant Regulatory Authority] insists on confirmation of an emotional relationship between a donor and a recipient.”

The DH’s view, they explained over the phone, is that anyone who wants to donate a kidney to a stranger must be in it for money. If they’re not, they must have psychiatric problems, and so they need to be protected from themselves. No one would go through such a traumatic, invasive operation for sane, altruistic reasons. When I met ULTRA’s chairman, Sir Roddy MacSween, he said he was sympathetic to altruistic donors in general, but added that the law’s the law, and any infringement would result in three months in prison and a £2,000 fine.

Susan already knows about the illegality of strangers donating to strangers, so her plan is this: Once a recipient contacts her, they will together concoct a story about how they’ve been best friends for years. They will prove this long-standing friendship with faked photographs. Some of Susan’s wedding photos, she says, could easily be doctored—a recipient’s head superimposed onto a bridesmaid’s body, etc. If this plan fails, Susan will try to donate abroad.

Susan is a Jesus Christian. She has long forsaken her possessions to live in a camper van currently parked next to a jogging track in Catford, South East London. Even though the Jesus Christians have been widely labeled as a sinister cult by the media and anticult groups, there is nothing externally odd about them—no unusual rituals or anything like that. They simply spend their days keeping fit, discussing theological matters, and hanging around shopping precincts, handing out cartoon books that look like Simpsons comics but, in fact, depict, among other parables, the persecution of the Jesus Christians by the courts, the media, and the anticult groups.

The lifestyle is the thing. The Jesus Christians alone, they believe, are obedient to the teachings of Jesus, particularly Luke 14:33: “Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” They have forsaken everything: families, possessions, jobs, homes, their place in the outside world, and are now in the process of giving up their spare kidneys, too, en masse.

A year ago, their leader, Dave McKay, was flying home to Australia after visiting his followers in the UK, India, and the U.S. The in-flight entertainment was A Gift of Love: The Daniel Huffman Story, a TV movie about a boy who donates his kidney to his grandmother. Dave was profoundly moved, and that’s when he had the idea. In a round-robin to his followers (there are around two dozen Jesus Christians worldwide; Dave’s strict lifestyle criteria tend to keep the numbers down), he e-mailed his own intention to donate a kidney to a stranger. He also wrote, “If anyone else is interested in doing the same, let me know.” The majority took him up on the offer.

Dave imagines that when the world learns of his mass kidney-donating plan, we’ll regard it in one of two ways—either as a really lovely thing for the Jesus Christians to do, or as the self-destructive act of a religious cult acting under the spell of a notorious leader. I am surprised to learn later that he is not only expecting the latter response, he is hoping for it.

Susan has been researching and strategizing. As well as the business cards, she’s been posting messages in chat rooms where people with failing kidneys support one another emotionally while they queue, often in vain, for a transplant. At an Internet café in Sutton, she checks her account to see if anyone has responded to her latest messages. There are scores of e-mails for her. The first is from the chat-room host: “I do not wish to be associated with anything that could be construed as illicit as this would risk the group being shut down. I will discuss this matter with my son who’s a police chief inspector and get back to you.”

Susan laughs nervously. “Whoa!” she says.

She clicks on to the next e-mail, which reads: “You are probably using this opportunity to get into the USA. Sorry, but no black-market organs here. Stay in your own country.”

“Why is everyone taking this the wrong way?” sighs Susan.

She clicks on to the next e-mail, from Portsmouth: “What are you? Some kind of sick moron? This is no fun. Don’t mess around with us. We have a severe illness. Can’t imagine anyone would donate a kidney to a stranger without any strings.”

And then the next one: “You’re sick. How can you give people false hope like that? A lot of these people are on dialysis, waiting for a kidney, and Mrs. Christianity has got two good ones! Whoopee for you! What are you going to do? Eenie, meeny, minie, mo, or a raffle? You’re one sick attention-seeker. If you’re for real, why be so desperate to send so many ads? You sound sad, lonely and unwanted. The gate you’ll be touching when your number is up is bound to be hot.”

There is a silence.

“Hasn’t he got a point?” I ask.

She looks hurt.

“Not the going to hell,” I clarify, “but the . . .”

“The eenie, meeny, minie, mo?” says Susan. “Sure. But that’s like Schindler’s List, right? He had an eenie, meeny, minie, mo situation, too, but what was he supposed to do—nothing? Just because there’s a greater need than what you can give doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give.”

And then she clicks on to the next e-mail: “Hi, I just received your e-mail about you giving away one of your kidneys for free. I’m curious why you would want to do such a thing, and for NOTHING? I’m sorry, but I find it hard to believe. I don’t want to be rude but I’m 36 years old and I had a kidney transplant—my third—about five years ago, and have been told it’s failing and will be needing dialysis shortly. I’m not looking to get your kidney. I’m just interested in hearing your reasons. Sincerely, C.”

Susan is thrilled. “I’m jumping up and down. I’m so happy.” She says she’ll write back to C, who lives in Scotland, and perhaps strike up a friendship with her.

And then Susan returns to her camper van and her eight-year-old son, Danny, who is unaware that his mother wants to donate one of her kidneys to a stranger. Whenever I’m in their van, and we’re talking about kidneys, and Danny runs in to ask his mother a question, we have to stop talking abruptly.

At the same time, in the U.S.—where altruistic kidney donors are welcomed at a handful of hospitals—two Jesus Christians in Dallas are ready to donate, in Minneapolis, on February 21. Robin is thirty-six and has been a Jesus Christian for twenty-one years. Casey is twenty-three and joined the group only in 2001. Like Susan, they decided to donate after Dave sent his e-mail. I telephone Casey in early February, three weeks before his scheduled operation. “Have you told your mother?” I ask him.

“No,” he says.

“Why not?” I ask.

“If she’s opposed to the idea, she’s going to be opposed to it whenever I tell her. So I’d rather get the operation out of the way first and then tell her.”

I e-mail Dave. I say I think Casey should tell his mother. Dave’s response is this: “Although he’s nearly 24 years old, and not a child, I can understand that it sounds cowardly, and maybe inconsiderate, not to tell her ahead of time. However, I’m the LEADER of this sinister little cult, and I am not telling relatives because they reacted so strongly when I first mentioned it. It’s just a nuisance when people start raving and treating you like you’ve lost your mind. If it would make YOU feel better, I think he would probably agree to telling her. It’s only three weeks now until he donates, so it’ll have to be pretty soon. I personally would feel better if she DID know, so it won’t be so much of a shock when she finds out afterward, as long as she does not try to make problems with the hospital where the transplant is taking place. See, in our case, she would only need to phone and say he’s part of a religious ‘cult’—the magic C word—and the operation would probably be off.”