[Image: Fishes.]

Hiccup took a huge breath, just before the sea swallowed up the last remains of that air pocket, and dived after Toothless.

He had to swim underneath the rim of the boat, which was resting on some large rocks on the bottom.

He swam out into total darkness, which was very confusing. A little way above him, he could see


that Toothless was swimming towards a small hole in the cliff, with light shining out of it. Trying to ignore the panicky feeing of his breath running out, and hampered by Fishlegs gripping on to one leg, he swam as fast as he could towards the hole. Once he had swum into it, he shot upwards through a short tunnel and surfaced in a huge pool of water at the bottom of a gigantic underground cavern, gasping for air.

A second or so later, Alvin emerged to lie in the water beside Hiccup and Fishlegs.

The cavern was huge, and surprisingly light, considering it was so far underground. The eerie green light seemed to be given off by Electricsquirms, a tiny dragon-like creature that glows with phosphorescence. Water rushed down the walls and dripped from the ceiling.

Hiccup was so relieved to be still alive and in the air again that this tomb of a cavern initially seemed like home. It was a while before his scared brain could focus on the fact that they weren't safe yet.

"Right," said Fishlegs, trying not to panic and wringing out his breeches and flapping his arms to get dry. "How are we going to get out of HERE?"

The cavern had some interesting rock


formations, if Hiccup had been in the mood for admiring them. The weird shapes of fossilized dragons were caught in the stone. Some of them were very unusual, extinct species. However, even the discovery of an entire skeleton of the Burrowing Slitherfang, so rare that it was often thought never to have existed, failed to excite Hiccup as it might have done in other circumstances.

They walked round and round in circles for about an hour and a half, looking for a way out, before realizing that there wasn't one. They sat down.

Without his Tribe around him, and facing Death, Alvin seemed to have returned to his old, pleasant self again. He even apologized for getting them into this mess.

"I just cannot believe this," moaned Fishlegs, shivering violently. "It's like some sort of NIGHTMARE. I keep thinking we're safe, and then it seems that, NO, we're in some OTHER life-threatening situation even worse than the one we've just got away from."

"Okay," admitted Hiccup, trying to keep them from despairing, "it doesn't look good, but I'm sure I can think of a way out of here...."


Toothless was sniffing away at the back of the cavern, and he interrupted, calling out, "Toothless can smell something m-metal over h-h-here!"

"Very clever, Toothless," said Hiccup, "but tie Treasure Hunt is over now."

"I mean," continued Fishlegs, "so far today we have narrowly escaped being 1. Torn to pieces by Skullions. 2. Eaten by Cannibal Outcasts. 3. Burned to death on board ship. 4. Drowned at the bottom of the ocean.... And now here we are, trapped in an inaccessible underground cavern facing DEATH BY

SLOW STARVATION.... It's just been a REALLY BAD day."

"N-n-not metal after all," Toothless called back in disappointment. "It's just a d-d-door....."

"A DOOR??" Alvin, Hiccup and Fishlegs scrambled up and over towards Toothless, with a sudden surge of hope.

Once they had scrabbled away at all the dust and earth covering it, they found it was a door. It was surprising they hadn't noticed it before.

"Is it a way out?" gasped Fishlegs.

"Not necessarily," Hiccup replied slowly.

A door with a DEATH'S HEAD painted on it.


A door with lettering on it that was horribly familiar to Hiccup.

Large, scrawling letters gouged out of the surface of the wood, probably with a sword.


Hiccup looked straight into the suddenly glittering eyes of Alvin the Treacherous. All the pleasantness had fallen away from him again.

He raised his arm with the Stormblade fixed into it.

Alvin didn't need to say anything.

Hiccup knew what he wanted.

"Ohhhhh no," said Hiccup, backing slowly away, "I'm not going to open this door."

"Oh, but you are, " smiled Alvin the Treacherous, resting the point of the Stormblade right in the center of Hiccup's chest.

"But I'm not the Heir to Grimbeard the Ghastly," Hiccup protested. "Snotlout is the Heir.


He's the one who found the treasure, remember the riddle?"

"Ah, but was that the real treasure that Snotlout found?" asked Alvin. "Perhaps Grimbeard put it there as a decoy, to make people think they'd found the real treasure, when all along it was lying here. What better hiding place than a cavern accessible only by water? And if that wasn't the real treasure, that means Snotlout isn't necessarily the True Heir to the Hairy Hooligans."


"Well, that's a relief, in any case," said Fishlegs, trying to lighten the tension.

"YOU are the True Heir," said Alvin quietly. "When I asked on the Lucky Thirteen who was the Heir to the Hairy Hooligans, who stood up? YOU did. Not Snotlout. This has all been a Test, set by Grimbeard the Ghastly and Fate herself. Only now does the riddle make sense. For what have we just escaped from, but a watery grave?"

"And WHOSE Beast has just sniffed out this door? YOUR Beast."

"S-s-see?" said Toothless. "Toothless is better s-s-sniffer than Fireworm."

"YOU are the True Heir to the Hairy Hooligans, Hiccup," said Alvin. "And so only YOU can open this door and live."

"But I don't want to open this door," said Hiccup. "If you give me enough time I'm sure I can get us out of here without opening it. What about the booby traps? You open Grimbeard's coffin and you lose your right hand.... We open Grimbeard's treasure chest and it triggers a smell that wakes up the Skullions.... I KNOW that if we open this door something REALLY UNPLEASANT is going to


happen, sure as fish eggs are fish eggs. And the surprises are getting WORSE, if anything."

"I forgot to mention," said Alvin silkily, "if you don't open the door, you DIE."

He pressed the Stormblade forward a bit so that it pierced the skin just above Hiccup's heart.

"Let me get this straight," said Hiccup, "if I do open this door, you WON'T kill me or my friends?"

"I promise," said Alvin, "word of a Treacherous."

"Word of a Treacherous ... ," groaned Fishlegs. "It says it all really.... He'll kill us as soon as he has the treasure ... if there is any treasure behind that door...."

"But otherwise he's going to kill us now," Hiccup pointed out. "I haven't got a lot of choice."

Hiccup leaned forward, biting his lip, and slid the heavy iron bolt to the left.

"NOT a good idea, NOT a good idea, NOT A GOOD IDEA," repeated Fishlegs and Toothless to themselves, closing their eyes.

Hiccup slowly opened the door....




Alvin, Fishlegs, Hiccup and Toothless stood there, their mouths flopping open and shut like fish in their astonishment.