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Соllis J. The Carlyles. London, 1971.

Сlubbe J. ed. Carlyle and his Contemporaries. Durham, 1976.

DyerI. W. A Bibliography of Thomas Carlyle's Writings. Portland, 1928.

Froude J. A. Thomas Carlyle. A History of the First Forty Years of His Life. 2 vol. Longmans, 1882.

Fгоude J. A. Thomas Carlyle. A History of His Life in London. 1834—1881. 2 vol., Longmans, 1884.

Garnell R. Life and Writings of Thomas Carlyle. London.

Gascoyne D. Thomas Carlyle. London — New York, 1952.

Larkin H. Carlyle and the Open Secret of His Life. New York, 1970.

Lea F. A. Carlyle, Prophet of To Day. London, 1943.

Morrison N. B. True Minds. London, 1974.

Sanders C. R. Carlyle's Friendships and Other Studies. 1977.

Shepherd R. H. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Carlyle. 2 vol. Allen, 1881.

Wilson D. The Life of Thomas Carlyle. Vol. 1—6. New York, 1923—1931.

Young L. M. Thomas Carlyle and the Art of History. London, 1939.