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328. Шовкунов К.П. О развитии казачества в России // ВИЖ. — М., Красная звезда, 1987, № 3, с. 81-84.

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330. Brazezinski R. Polish Armies 1569-1696. — London, Osprey, 1987, ч.I - 47с.; ч. II - 47с.

331. Cassin-Scomm J. The Greek and Persian Wars 500-323 ВС. — London, Osprey, 1977, 40 с

332. Cernenko E.V. The Scythians 700-300 ВС. — London, Osprey, 1983,40 c.

333. Charm'iand R. Louis XIV's Army- London, Osprey, 1987, 48 с

334. Emir Bukhari. Napoleon's Cuirassiers and Carabiniers. — London, Osprey, 1982, 40 с

335. Emir Bukhari. Napoleons's hussars. — London, Osprey, 1978, 40 с

336. Fosten B. Wellington's Heavy Cavalry. — London, Osprey, 1982, 40 с

337. Fosten B. Wellington's Light cavalry. — London, Osprey, 1982, 40 с

338. Gless K. Das Pferd im Mihtarwesen. — Berlin, Militarverlag der DDR, 1989, 123 c.

339. Gottberg B. Die preussische Caballerie 1648-1871. — Berlin, Milirarberlag der DDR, 1990, 207 с

340. Haymhornmhwaime P. Austrian army of the Napoleonic wars (2): cavalry. — London, Osprey, 1986, 48 с

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344. Michael N. Armies of Medieval Burgundy 1364—1477. — London, Osprey, 1983, 40 с

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346. Pivka O. Napoleon's German Allies (40: Bavarian. — London, Osprey, 1980, 40 с

347. Pivko O. Napoleon's Italian and Neapolitan Troops. — London, Osprey, 1979, 40 с

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349. Sekunda N. The Roman Army of Alexander the Creat. — London, Osprey, 1984, 40 с

350. Simkins M. The Roman Army. From Caesar to Constantine. — London, Osprey, 1979, 39 с

351. Simkins M. The Roman Army from Hadrian to Constantine. — London, Osprey, 1979, 39 с

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353. Tincey J. Soldiers of the English Civil War (2): cavalry. — London, Osprey, 1990,63 c.

354. Wagner E. Europen Weapons and Warfare 1618—1648. — London, Books Limired. — Dragne, Artia, 1979, 296 с.

355. Wese T. Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 256—146 ВС. — London, Osprey, 1982, 39 с.

Конница на войне: История кавалерии с древнейших времен до эпохи Наполеоновских войн i_117.jpg