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I began to reach my hand inside ofthe bag ever so carefully, when the brass doors to the lobby slammed open and atorrent of students flooded the lobby. In my excitement and nervousness Iknocked Evangeline’s purse over, spilling the contents all over the floor. Ijoined them as quickly as I could, lying flat on my stomach and thinking asfast as my mind would work.

I had only seconds and my mind wasreeling. Evangeline’s passport and airline ticket were conveniently tuckedtogether in a discrete leather portfolio. The portfolio unfortunately slidunderneath Mrs. Truance’s desk due to my clumsiness. I focused my frenziedmagic on the portfolio flipping it open quickly. I reached for the ticket butit was too far away.

With a quick nod, reminiscent of IDream of Jeanie, the ticket flew into my hand along with the passport and Iscrambled to my feet, tucking the precious papers into the middle of mybackpack. I breathed a sigh of relief and shouldered my pack. Luckily, thestudents I was so afraid of were only underclassmen and completely unaware thatI was committing theft. I slipped through the crowd and then the back doorleading into the courtyard.

I smiled graciously as I passedAdelaide and Evangeline on the brick walkway; they returned my look withconfusion and disdain. If only they knew they had just solved my mostunsolvable problem. I walked quickly to the car, the weather was very cool andI hadn’t bothered with a coat.

Normally I would have had to waitfor Avalon and his keys before I could sit in the warmth and sanctuary of a carthat would take me away from Kingsley; but since Avalon had to be dropped offat the airport today, I was in control. I pushed the button on my keyless entryand heard the glorious sound of the doors unlocking. I loved my Land Rover.

I shoved my backpack deep into theback seat and turned on the radio. I flipped through the stations, searchingout something soothing and soft. I had to completely clear my mind in order tofool Avalon. If one small thought passed through my mind about what I hadsuddenly planned he would no doubt pick up on it immediately, if he hadn’talready figured it out just by paying attention to our twin connection. But Ihoped for the best, and repressed my magic and made it miniscule; hopefully Iwould also turn off the switch to our weird twin vibe.

I couldn’t get rid of my nervescompletely though and so I was still on edge when Avalon banged on the windowin an attempt to scare me, it worked. I let out a blood curdling scream andnearly peed my pants. Pleased with himself, Avalon hopped into the passenger’sseat all smiles and excitement.

“Chill out,” he said, stilllaughing.

“Don’t do that!” I scolded, heartbeating wildly.

“How many times do I have to remindyou to use your magic? If you were tuned into your surroundings I wouldn’t beable to do that,” he shook his head in mock disappointment.

“You’re right,” I tried to laugh itoff, hoping to end the conversation immediately.

“What are we listening to?” Avalonmade a disgusted face before taking over the seek-and-scan. He changed theuniversity classical station to one that was more contemporary and…. loud.

I pulled out of the parking lot andfiled in behind the long line of cars en route to the small airport Omaha hadto offer. We merged onto the Interstate heading northeast in direction ofEppley Airfield. Some of the more expensive cars eventually made a turn for thenorthwest probably headed to the private airfields or who knows maybe theirvery own runways built into their very own expensive backyards.

The twenty minute drive was made insilence. Through the upbeat rap music I could tell that Avalon was focusing onthe task ahead. He chewed on his thumbnail with his forehead creased togetherand stared out the window oblivious to anything around him. Although I wasthankful for his less than interested approach with me, for the first time Irealized he was nervous for the mission.

I had been so focused on Lilly andwhat her outcome at the trial would be that I completely overlooked thedangerous steps Avalon was about to take. If he was caught, I was sure he wouldshare the same punishment as his accused companions. I glanced over at him anda pit began to form in my stomach. What was I asking him to do?

Avalon’s mission to save the team Icondemned was enough. I was selfish to ask him to carry out what should be mymission. I would save Lilly, if not by testimony then by extreme force. Ididn’t know these people, but I would be damned if I left my only friend’s fatein their hands.

“When does your flight leave?” Iasked, trying to focus Avalon’s mind on the here and now.

“1:03, Southwest,” he nodded in thedirection of the drop off lane, but I had decided a long time ago I would atleast walk my brother inside.

“No, I’ll walk you in and saygoodbye,” I glanced at the clock and realized he was going to have to run tomake his flight. I wondered if I would have to do the same, but quicklybanished the thought before Avalon could catch on.

I parked the car in the multi-levelparking garage and popped the trunk for Avalon. While he was transferring a fewthings from his backpack to his duffle bag, I grabbed my own backpack anddumped the books, leaving only the necessities. I took a glance at the ticketnoticing my time of departure was 1:24, so I would have only minutes afterAvalon took off to get where I needed to go.

I would need to wait until Avalonwas in the air before I made any move for my plane, otherwise he would know. Iglanced back at him; he was clearly still preoccupied with his mission. Fromthe two missions I fought against him prior to this one, I had assumed he wasfearless or at least enjoyed the fight, but by the expression on his face itwas clear that he knew exactly what he was risking.

“Are you ready?” I asked, laying aconcerned hand on his shoulder.

“Of course,” he smiled, shaking hishead a little as if to bring himself out of something.

“Then let’s go. I want to see youtake off,” he rolled his eyes, but didn’t object.

We walked across the drive way andinto the airport. Omaha’s Eppley Airfield was small and practical. Since Omahadidn’t fly directly International, all flights would have to make a connectionsomewhere else. Avalon’s was Minneapolis, mine was thankfully Atlanta.

I could feel Avalon’s magic strongand purposeful as he checked in and handed his passport and ticket to the clerk.I took notes silently beside him. My first use of magic on a human happenedtoday with the substitute and I was filled with guilt afterward. Avalon usedmagic seamlessly with humans and I could tell from his aura that he didn’t feelthe least bit guilty.

After a minute though, I could seewhy. Avalon’s magic helped the human girl to focus. Everything with his checkin went quickly and smoothly and neither one had anything to complain about. Heonly bent her mind a little bit, but it was for her sake, as well as his. Henoticed my observation and then turned to give me a look that said, “And that’show it’s done.” I rolled my eyes, but was inwardly impressed.

I gave him a long hug at the top ofthe escalator leading to his terminal. He let me and didn’t let go until I did.I tried to find the right words of encouragement but nothing poetic came tomind. He smiled at my efforts and then winked before turning to walk away.

Besafe. Do not do anything stupid while I’m gone. His stern voice was in myhead, but inwardly I was too choked up at his show of affection to respond.

“Did you hear me?” he turned aroundto walk backwards towards the security checkpoint.

I nodded affirmatively and wiped atear off of my cheek. He shook his head and then he was to security and havingto take off his shoes and jacket; oh no, his jacket. I realized for the firsttime that Avalon changed clothes before he left school. He was dressed verynicely in a tailored black pin striped suit and white shirt with a green tieunderneath. He put his shiny black shoes into the bin and I noticed that evenhis socks were fancy.