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“I understand your position, Mr. Conan Doyle. And look, I’m no lawyer. I don’t know all the fine points of inheritance law. But it doesn’t seem like the diary has been in your family’s possession for eighty years. It all depends on where Alex found it. And right now no one has any idea. Your claim on it doesn’t seem quite so simple, that’s all.”

Sebastian sighed and shook his head. He turned to Sarah, who sat silently on the edge of the bed. She leaned back on her hands and ever so slightly kicked her legs in the air. She smiled at Sebastian and, while barely moving her head, gave him a look of sympathetic neutrality.

“You’re spot-on there,” said Sebastian, turning back to Harold. “You’re not a lawyer.”

Neither was Sebastian, thought Harold, though he had no idea what the man born into a moderate fortune actually did with his days. He did know that Sebastian was the oldest son of the now-deceased Henry Conan Doyle, and while Sebastian had a younger sister, an aunt, and four surviving Conan Doyle cousins, his voice was the one most prominently heard on copyright issues relating to the estate of his great-grandfather. Over the years, there had been tremendous infighting among the family over the literary rights to Holmes and Watson and over the fortune those rights churned out every year. The current state of Conan Doyle family relations was not a happy one, from what Harold understood. Though Lady Harriet Conan Doyle, Sebastian’s aunt, had been generous to scholars and to the public over the years, she and Sebastian were not on speaking terms. Harriet, as well as the younger Doyles, had so far stayed out of the issue of the diary. But just a few days after Alex Cale’s initial e-mail announced the discovery, Sebastian and his lawyers had gotten involved.

“The courts will decide this well enough when the time comes,” continued Sebastian. “I sued Cale, you know, and if whoever has the diary now tries to donate it away, I’ll sue that bleeding fucker as well. But…” And here Sebastian came to a stop in the middle of the room, clicking his heels together like a German general in a World War II movie. “The trouble now, first and foremost, is finding them.”

“The police still haven’t found anything hidden away in Cale’s hotel room?” asked Sarah.

“No. Whoever killed him stole the diary as well. I was able to learn at least that much from them. Plus the basic information they’ve gotten from the hotel key-card records and the few interviews they’ve conducted with the hotel staff.”

“What do the key-card records show?” asked Harold.

“They show that three people entered Alex Cale’s room last night. Here.” Sebastian produced a folded piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Harold.

What the hell was going on? Why was Sebastian Conan Doyle handing him police records from the murder? Harold kept his thoughts to himself and looked down.

The folded paper was a photocopy of a printout from the hotel’s security department. It listed all uses of Alex’s room key card and every opening and closing of the door to Room 1117. “Cale used his card to first enter his room, after checking in, at 12:46 a.m.,” said Sebastian. “Then three other people entered Cale’s room, at 3:51 a.m., 4:05 a.m., and 5:10 a.m.”

“God! Whose key card was used to open the door?”

“That’s the problem. No one’s. Each time the doors were opened and closed from the inside.”

“So someone knocked and he let them in? Three different times in the middle of the night?”

“Evidently,” said Sebastian. “Or someone came in and then left and then came in again. Of the three door openings, we can’t say which were comings or goings.”

“Did they determine a time of death?”

“Between four and eight in the morning. Any one of those visitors, if there were more than one, could have been the one to kill him.”

“What about cameras? In the hallways?” asked Sarah.

“None to speak of. There’s a few in the lobby, but they’re focused on the front doors and registration desk.”

“So who came in the front door?” said Harold.

“A bloody ton of people, Harold. It’s a two-hundred-room hotel. It was about two-thirds full on January the fifth.”

“Did anyone come into the hotel just before Alex received his first visitor? At 3:40, or 3:45?”

“Good question! I’m so glad I’ve come to you for help.” Harold refused to be perturbed by Sebastian’s blatant condescension. His mind was occupied with the details of the case. “No. No one entered the hotel between 3:20, when an out-of-town businessman returned from a strip club, and 4:30, when some Sherlockian stumbled in from the vodka lounge down the street-one of the Japanese ones, I forget his name.”

“So whoever killed Alex was staying in the hotel last night?” said Sarah excitedly.

“Indeed,” said Sebastian.

“Or,” noted Harold quickly, “the killer just entered the hotel hours earlier, during a busy time when there’d be no way to identify him, and waited.”

Sebastian considered this. “That’s a plausible scenario, I suppose. Interesting.” He scratched at his neck thoughtfully. “Let me make this very clear for you, Harold. Someone has stolen my property. I would like to get it back. And I’m willing to spend quite a bit of money to do so. Do you understand?”

“Sure,” said Harold. As he returned Sebastian’s gaze and the moment stretched between them, Harold realized that there was an unasked question hanging in the air. “Is there something you want me to do about that?”

Sebastian grimaced. He didn’t seem like a man who often felt the need to explain himself to those around him, and he looked uncomfortable having to do so now.

“I told him,” said Sarah. Harold looked at her and realized that she was addressing him, not Sebastian. “I told Sebastian what you’re planning to do. That you’re going to solve the case. You are, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” said Harold warily.

“Good,” said Sebastian simply. “Then I’d much like to help you do it. I want you to find the diary. If you’d find the killer as well, fantastic. If not, fantastic. I couldn’t give a damn. But recover the diary, and return it to me, its rightful owner. I’ll pay you. Well.”

Harold looked to Sarah for confirmation that Sebastian was serious about this. Her tiny curl of a smile remained as impenetrable as ever. How did she even know Sebastian?

“Why me?” Harold asked, skipping over the thornier questions for a less prickly one.

“In point of fact, that was Sarah’s idea. She’s been interviewing me these past few months, for her article. I’ve been staying at a hotel across town. I rang her as soon as I heard what happened. Sarah told me what you did in Cale’s room this morning. I was impressed. Let’s be honest- I think one of you people did this. I think one of your giddy, delusional pals killed Cale and stole my diary. Probably for some obsessive, arcane, and pointless reason. The twisted tosser is most likely building a shrine to the thing right now, praying to it like a dusty Ganesha. I’m going to need someone who is-how shall I put this?-similarly disposed in order to get the diary back. ‘Elementary’ written in blood on the wall? Come on. It’s some sick Sherlockian leaving messages behind for another sick Sherlockian to follow. No offense, of course.”

“None taken,” said Harold genuinely. Sebastian stepped toward him and, standing before Harold, looked him right in the eye. “I have access to certain… Well, I can get you what you need. Tell me how I can help.”

Harold thought of the thrill of discovery he’d experienced in Alex’s room. The sensation of finding things out. Of solving the puzzle. He thought of his need to know.

“ ‘My professional charges are upon a fixed scale,’ ” said Harold. “ ‘I do not vary them, save when I remit them altogether.’”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s a quote. It’s from ‘Thor Bridge.’ One of the stories.”