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Parrington, Vernon L., Main Currents in American Thought; Vol. I: The Colonial Mind (3 vols., in 1, N. Y., c. 1930, Harcourt, Brace).

Peckham, H. H., Pontiac and the Indian Uprising (Princeton, 1947, Princeton Univ.).

Perry, Ralph B., Puritanism and Democracy (N. Y., 1944, Vanguard).

Reich, Jerome R., Leister’s Rebellion (Chicago, 1953, Univ. of Chicago).

Root, W. T., The Relations of Pennsylvania with the British Government (Philadelphia, 1912, Univ. of Pa.).

Rossiter, Clinton, Seedtime of the Republic: The Origin of the American Tradition of Political Liberty (N. Y., 1953, Harcourt, Brace).

Rourke, Constance, The Roots of American Culture, and Other Essays, ed., by Van Wyck Brooks (N. Y., 1942, Harcourt).

Sachs, William S., Interurban Correspondence and the Development of a National Economy before the Revolution: New York as a Case Study, в New York History (July, 1955), XXXVI, pp. 320—35.

Savelle, Max, Seeds of Liberty: The Genesis of the American Mind (N. Y., 1948, Knopf).

Scott, W. R,, The Constitution and Finance of English, Scottish, and Irish Joint Stock Companies (3 vols., Cambridge, 1910—12, Cambridge Univ.).

Seidman, A. B., Church and State in the Early Years of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, в The New England Quarterly (June, 1945), XVIII, pp. 211—33.

Simpson, Alan, How Democratic Was Roger Williams? в William & Mary Quarterly (Jan. 1956), 3rd ser., XIII, pp. 53—67.

Sly, John F., Town Government in Massachusetts (Cambridge, 1930, Harvard Univ.).

Smith, Abbot E., Colonists in Bondage: White Servitude and Convict Labor in America, 1607—1776 (Chapel Hill, 1947, Univ. of N. C).

Spruill, Julia C., Women’s Life and Work in the Southern Colonies (Chapel Hill, 1936, Univ. of N. C).

Starkey, Marion L., The Devil in Massachusetts, (N. Y., 1949, Knopf.).

Struik, Dirk L., Yankee Science in the Making (Boston, 1948, Little, Brown).

Sweet, William W., The Story of Religion in America (N. Y., 1950, 2nd rev. edit., Harper).

Sweet, W. W., Religion in Colonial America (N. Y., 1953, Scribners).

Tolles, Frederick B., Meeting House and Counting House: The Quaker Merchants of Colonial Philadelphia, 1682—1763 (Chapel Hill, 1948, Univ. of N. C).

Tyler, Moses C., A History of American Literature, 1607—1765, (c. 1878, reissued, Ithaca, 1949, Cornell Univ.).

Van Doren, Carl, Benjamin Franklin (N. Y., 1938, Viking).

Washburn, Wilcomb E., The Governor and the Rebel: A History of Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia (Chapel Hill, 1958, Univ. of N. C).

Wertenbaker, Thomas J., Torchbearer of the Revolution (Princeton, 1940, Princeton Univ.).

Wertenbaker, T. J., The Founding of American Civilization: The Middle Colonies (N. Y., 1940, Scribners).

Wertenbaker, T. J., The Founding of American Civilization: The Old South (N. Y., 1942, Scribners).

Winslow, Ola E., Jonathan Edwards, 1703—1758 (N. Y., 1940, Macmillan).

Winslow, O. E., Meetinghouse Hill: 1630—1783 (N. Y., 1952, Macmillan).

Winslow, O. E., Master Roger Williams (N. Y., 1957, Macmillan).

Wish, Harvey, Society and Thought in Early America (N. Y., 1950, Longmans Green).

Williamson, A. S., Credit Relations between Colonial and English Merchants in the 18th Century (Iowa City, 1932, Univ. of Iowa).

Wright, Louis B., The Atlantic Frontier: Colonial American Civilization (N. Y., 1947, Knopf).

Zeichner, Oscar, Connecticut’s Years of Controversy (Chapel Hill, 1949, Univ. of N. C).

Помимо названных трудов, важную информацию, не всегда доступную в иных категориях литературы, содержит ряд исследований, посвященных вопросам местной истории. Среди многих примеров можно упомянуть:

Lee, Francis B., New Jersey as a Colony and as a State (4 vols., N. Y., 1902, Pub. Soc., of N. J.).

Lincoln, William, History of Worcester, Mass. (Worcester, 1862, Hersey).

Morgan, Forrest, Connecticut as a Colony and as a State (3 vols., Hartford, 1904, Pub. Soc. of Conn.).

Некоторые из материалов, использованных в настоящей книге, я черпал из своих прежних работ. В их число входят:

American Negro Slave Revolts (N. Y., 1943, Columbia Univ.). To Be Free: Studies in American Negro History (N. Y., 1948, International).

Toward Negro Freedom (N. Y., 1956, New Century).