“I didn't expect such a prank,” I whisper toKate while bowing an apology to the neighbor lady. “You've trickedme into the promise to wash the pot in exchange for some sciencefiction story. Not the type of Sci-Fi I enjoy.”

“I promise, Coyote, there is no prank. Can'tyou listen to the end before laughing like mad?”

“OK. I am listening toyour cheap prank Sci-Fi. Skeptically.”

“Have you seen the titles of the Chen'sbooks, Mister Skeptic?”

“Yes, I have.Python believes they areabout some very advanced engineering. And Woxman thinks it's somekind of military technology.”

“Your Woxman is not a total fool. Correct:it's some advanced military technology.”

“I'm telling you oncemore: he is not my Woxman. Why do you think somebody would jump on developingsome advanced military technology in the slums?”

“I'm not sayingChen-senior is working on military technology now. But he could work on itearlier, before the Meltdown. It was something veryimportant. Do you know that the Chinese were constantly looking fortheir former compatriots, the immigrants and their family members?It was the best way for extracting the military technologyintelligence from the USA.”

“Well. And why to have the double? Spygames?”

“Let say, you've decided to ransack theChen's residence. The only way to do it in the night – you mustkill the owners. Besides, searching in the night, with aflash-light in your teeth – you may miss something.”

“So you do it in the daytime.”

“Correct. But how to walkinto the shack during the day time? The neighbors will see you. Soyour agent has to be a double of either Chen-junior or Chen-senior.The Chen-senior is more likely, the neighbors see him at the Patchduring daytime. The exact copy is not required, he only need tolook like Chen from far. The main thing is the clothing but that'seasy. In the slums, nearly all the men use the second-hand armyuniforms. Having Chen's photo and several thousand dollars in yourpocket, you can get all you need at the flea market, and withoutarousing suspicion.”

“And how your double can unlock thedoor?”

“Are you a cop or a barber? This type oflock can be picked in seconds. Of course, you need propertools.”

“Why do you think Mister Lee can't be yourspy?”

“He can't. He would have known that once amonth Victor Chen returns from work earlier than usual, and hisfather also may return a bit early.”

“OK. Your version is accepted. But I amstill skeptical. Let say, Chen-senior comes home and observesChen-two, his double, searching through the shack. What'snext?”

“Chen-one was expecting anintrusion. That's why he carried the gut-driver. Bang, and Chen-two islying on the bed with a quarter-inch hole in his chest. Chen-onerushes to his friend, Mister Lee, just across the path. Together,they watch Victor Chen comes home, glances into the shack, and runsaway.”

“Presumably, the son did not know his fatherfrom the double?”

“I think he didn't.Imagine you come home this evening, get your bike chained to thepole. My skate is at the door. Runner, where are you? Silence. Soyou open the door, and in the far corner there is a legless Afrogirl of about my size, in my second-hand Navy uniform. And on thefloor at the entrance – there is the bloody gut-driver. By the way, if you getkilled by a gut-driver, your face will be all-warped from agony. The death fromthe gut-driver wound is seldom instantaneous, there is pain shock, all suchstuff.”

“Sounds cool… You must be writing horrorstories.”

“So, under such circumstance, would youthink: my Kate has a double, or rather: my Kate is killed?”

“I understand your logic. What's next?”

“Chen-senior and Lee were occupied withsomething more urgent, and could not stop Victor Chen's departure.Victor grabbed the gut-driver and fled. Lee and Chen-seniorrealized he was running to the Police. Where else to run? So whatour good neighbors would do?”

“They can also come to the Police and give astatement.”

“And so they would have to explain theChen's double? Most importantly: if someone sent one double, he maysend another, or arrange something equally nasty. Hence, the onlylogical way out: the double's body must disappear, and ChenTe-Sheng must also disappear. If Victor Chan keeps his mouth shut,and the body is not found, no way someone can build a case.”

“It's not unreasonable. Further on?”

“Elementary. Chen-senior and Lee carry thebody across the path – into the Lee's shack. The distance is lessthan two yards. Five seconds – and they are done. Mister Lee writesthe Chinese saying. Or selects the appropriate one from hiscollection, it does not matter. Although it seems to me that he waswriting it himself, so it took some time. He probably knowscalligraphy. At this point, here comes our birthday-boy Tan, soChen and Lee think that all is lost. However, they get lucky. Thereis no dead body in the shack, and Tan is confused. He jumps on thebike and rides away – to clarify the address. Lee runs to the shackto hang the scroll. Chen-senior wipes the floor. After that, wehave a couple of options. Chen Te-Sheng may leave at once, or Leehides him in his shack till the evening. And in the night, Leequietly gets into the Chen's shack to recover the scroll. And hescatters the books, to make it look like a burglary.”

“You are so cool at making versions!”

“My To-Ma-Gochi helps.”

“The only way to prove everything – is to goright now and confront Mister Lee.”

“Not right now.”


“One. We must finish our coffee. Eat thebrownie, I am full.”

“And two?”

“Two. Lee is not home yet.”

“How do you know?”

“Put yourself in his place. One tiny room,the dead body in the corner. You can't open the door and thewindow. How long can you sit like this?”

“You are right, as always.”

“I think Lee volunteered to your search teamtoday in order not to be at his house in the morning. What aperfect excuse! Where is our Mister Lee? He's usually at home inthe morning? Here he is: on the rice paddies, helping the Police.And more to that, he has joined the search to find a good spot todump the body tonight. Some place that has been thoroughly lookedthrough, so nobody will look there again.”

“You are right! It wasexactly Mister Lee who shouted today that there was a body underwater, but there was just a snag. As if Lee lured Woxman into theditch on purpose.”

“You see, everything comes together. Lee wasconditioning the Deputy Investigator to have a negative reflex forthe irrigation ditches. I will not be surprised if he dumps thebody to that very Woxman's ditch. Do you remember the placewell?”

“Sure thing, I remember. What do we donow?”

Kate looks at the phone's screen.

“We will go at half past nine. Beforeeleven, Lee will not dare to drag the body out. We have ninetyminutes.”

“I understand we don't bother to callWoxman.”

“You understand it right. No way I share mydeductions with this greedy bastard. He didn't want to share fiveshitty bucks with the wounded veteran, and my version is worth waymore than five bucks.”

“Do you want to invite Tan instead?” As forthis clown Woxman, I am not keen to see him around. Good that mydear little wife didn't know why I was ready to bit shit out ofMister Deputy Investigator today.

“Na-ah. Our birthday boy should have somerest. He had a rough day… That swine – almost got him crippled.Besides, Mister Lee is not dangerous. Doctor Watson can take hisgun. Will you remember to take your gun, Watson?”

“As long as I have my shorts, Holmes, I havea back pocket, and as long as I have my back pocket I havesomething in it.”

“It was said not byWatson, but by Greg Lestrade, a Scotland Yard detective. And he hadtrousers, not shorts.”

“Only an idiot would keep the gun in theback pocket. Personally I stick the gun under my belt and cover thegrip with my T-shirt. Difficult to see, easy to pull out.”