The cold stare he gives me doesn’t tame the tiredness in his eyes or the slight puffiness at their edges.

“I didn’t even know you went to this school,” I say, sliding onto the bench next to him.

He shrugs. “Well, I do.”

I want to acknowledge his mourning somehow, but guilt holds my tongue captive. I am beginning

to feel sorry that the pregnancy didn’t take, but I still can’t silence that other whisper: We’re better than


I wish I hadn’t sat. Sweat glazes my hands and the backs of my knees. I instinctively search the

ground for a rock, a pebble, a stone. Close to Jace’s heel, a colorful beach stone with spots at one end

seems to wink at me. If it represented the moment, it would be ocean jasper, a stone known for helping

people cope with change.

I lean forward to pick it up, but I misjudge the angle and hit my nose against Jace’s knee.

He shuffles to the side as I swing up, gripping the stone. Almost immediately—and even though

heat is rushing to my cheeks—my breathing steadies. The smooth stone massages and revitalizes my

skin as the sediments absorb my stress. I can do this.

“You’re weird,” Jace says, staring at my fist.

“You mean Dad hasn’t told you?”

Now I feel weird. I glance away, but when I look back, Jace is eying me carefully, from my sandals

to my turquoise shorts and white Music Rocks T-shirt. He lingers on the shirt. “He said you have a few


I nod. “Only this, really. But I flip out if I—” I decide not to go into the rest. What’s the point? It’s

not as though we have to be friends now that our families are somewhat connected. “It doesn’t matter.”

I want to walk away but Jace catches my gaze. “Why’d you come over?” he asks.

I shrug. Because it sucks. Raw nerves and lemon juice.

He shrugs and mutters, “Not that I care or anything, but Dad misses you.”

I try to shake off his words as I slouch my way to Ernie and Bert. Ernie might be short, but he

makes up for it by being loud and obnoxious. But hey, friends are friends. At least I have someone to eat

lunch with. “You look like your balls are being stung by wetas,” he says.

Bert, who’s big and beefy and plays rugby like he needs to declare the gospel and convert

everyone, punches Ernie on the arm. “You talk about balls so much I’m beginning to think you’re a


“Fuck off.”

“Yeah,” Bert says, “I don’t think I’m having you over for sleepovers anymore.”

Ernie flips him off and scooches over enough that I can rest against the wall. I drop my shoulder

bag between my feet. Their shit-talking is stupid, but I know they don’t mean it. At least, I hope they

don’t. Some people at school are known for getting stupid with their fists, though, and I steer clear of

their radar.

“So what’s up your ass?” Ernie asks.

I pull out a sandwich from my bag. “Nothing.”

Bert and Ernie share a look I’m not privy to, but their raised brows suggest they’re secretly plotting

a way to get a real answer out of me.

They can try as hard as they like, but I’m not talking about Dad or Jace to either of them.

They prod a few more times but eventually give up and change topics. “Are we going to the dance

or what?” Ernie asks, winking at a girl who looks like Annie.

“No,” I say. “What’s the point?”

This earns me a whack on the back of the head. “But there’ll be tits galore—”

“Yeah,” I say, and add a firm, “No.” Because it’s not happening.

And it doesn’t.

Bert and Ernie go to the dance alone.


The next six months, Jace is everywhere.

We never talk but he’s always around; he’s in the courtyard, in the music room, on the soccer field,

or waiting for the bus on the other side of the street like he is right now. I’m waiting for bus 10 to take

me back to Mum’s; he’s waiting for bus 02 to take him to Dad’s.

A few others are hanging around. Annie is chatting to a large Maori dude, who’s smiling as though

he might get lucky.

I hang a few meters back and rest against the brick part of the school fence. On his side of the

street, Jace has adopted a spot against a concrete wall with a book in his hand.

It’s a pose we’ve been holding for months. We’ve perfected the art of pretending to read while

surreptitiously peeking at each other. Looking without getting caught has become our game. When we

do catch each other, we scowl and mutter various insults. I like “dickweed” best, but my exceptional lipreading

skills tell me Jace hasn’t settled on a favorite insult, though he is particularly creative.

I open my geology textbook and stare blankly at a summary on plate tectonics. I flip a page and

glance up. Jace is frowning into a brown book that’s a shade or two lighter than his hair—still pretty

dark. I risk staring for three counts before I fake-read some more.

I take my time and savor the tingling that prickles the back of my neck as Jace watches me. It’s like

a game of I Spy, but somehow it feels risky. Like we’re two cowboys about to draw our guns. Like it’s a

contest to prove who is better.

I grit my teeth and mutter, “Dickweed.”

A shadow falls over me, and I snap the book shut. The puff of air makes me cough. Jace has

crossed the street and is standing in front of me.

“Little shit,” he murmurs, but his lips are twitching at the edges as if he’s holding back a grin.

“What do you want?”

“You didn’t pick up a stone today.” He gestures to the chipped brick at my feet. “You usually do.”

“So you’ve noticed. That’s a bit stalkerish of you, don’t you think?”

He snorts and ignores the dig. “Dad’s birthday is coming up.”

I reign in the urge to shove him, opting instead for a tight smile. “Stop calling him your dad.”

Jace shrugs it off. “He wants you and Annie there.”

Dad’s birthday is on Halloween, and his greatest wish is to make people love it. Halloween, that is.

He decorates every year—well, he used to decorate every year. He’d invite all the neighbors to tour our

haunted maze, then tally-up how many people screamed so he could beat his record the following year.

Our Halloween tradition was the best. We planned for months, practically the entire year. Jace and

Lila won’t even come close to pulling off such a feat.

This fact makes me smug, and my tight smile turns into a grin.

We’re better than you.

Not at this.

“I’ll be there,” I say, hoping Annie will come along as well. Maybe Dad will tell us our Halloween

birthdays are the best. He won’t even have to say it because I’ll be able to read his Frankenstein face.

“Really? You’ll come?” Jace shifts, and the afternoon sun hits my face.

I raise a hand to block it out. Jace corrects his position so I’m once again in his shadow. Even

though other students are chatting, tires are bumping over the road, and somewhere in the distance an

ambulance is calling, we stare each other down in silence.

“Okay. Cool.” He turns, then swivels back. “Oh, and before I forget.” He digs into his pocket and

pulls out a small stone. He stuffs it into my hand. It’s smooth and warm, like he’s been holding it for a

while. “Found it on my side of the road.”

The sun pelts my face with bright warmth, and by the time I adjust to the light, Jace has crossed the

road and taken up his spot at the wall.

We return to reading—or pretending to.

The duel has only just begun.


I hold the stone all the way home. It’s a strange stone, this one. I have others of similar shape, size

and sediment, but this one feels glassier and heavier as though it’s laden with one-thousand-year-old


I whip out a magnifying glass and study the stone at our dining table.