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Burinholt gets taken?" Zeliph asked the men. "I do not believe a word of it. More likely she betrayed them, then ran away with his horse."

"No!" Tashi said indignantly, curling her fists. "I do not know how the men of the Horse Followers behave, but I would never sell my friends! Yes, I ran, but only because we were

outnumbered and I had no choice." Tashi turned to Zaradan. "Sir, if you love your grandson,

please believe me when I say that I only left him because I had to. Ramil knew that it was my


"Oh?" Zaradan asked guardedly, stroking the bridge of his nose. "And what duty was that?"

"I must return to my people in the Islands and ask them to declare war on Fergox." Tashi knew it sounded like a big claim for a young girl to make in this circle, but she continued, "If our fleet does not reach Gerfal in time, then King Lagan will be defeated. Ramil will have no kingdom to

inherit. He would have wanted me to escape, I'm sure of that."

Zaradan arched his fingers together. "I had heard



that Fergox lost two prisoners at Midwinter--the Dark Prince and the Fair Witch, they are calling

them. I did not realize the prince in question was my grandson. That makes you the witch."

She nodded. "That was the kindest of the terms Fergox's people called me.

But I'm not really a witch, if you are wondering."

Zaradan frowned. "What proof do we have of that but your word?"

"If I were a witch, would I be sitting here with nothing but a borrowed shirt, begging for the

return of a horse I do not even claim to own?"

Had he smiled? Tashi could not be sure for the expression was gone, replaced by a determined


"Ah, yes, the horse. I fear nothing can be resolved until that is settled."

Zaradan stood up, having reached a decision about her. "It is your right to claim it through trial by combat or trial by ordeal. I'm sure, in fairness to our host, Zeliph would have mentioned this

to you eventually."

Zeliph gave Zaradan an ugly look.

Tashi did not like the sound of either option. "But, sir, as I said, I do not claim Thunder. He


belongs to Ramil, if anyone."

Zaradan gave her a penetrating look. "So you do not care enough for my grandson to protect his

horse for him?"

She realized he was posing this as a test of her veracity. It went far beyond the question of who

got to ride the blue roan.


"I would protect anything or anyone that belonged to Ramil with my life," she replied steadily.

"So what is it to be?" Zaradan glanced over at Zeliph, who was reaching for his sword.

Tashi had a sickening recollection of her warrior lessons in Fergox's court. "I am no fighter, sir.

Surely, the Horse Followers do not expect young girls to face seasoned warriors?"

"The ordeal it is then. Are you content, Zeliph?"

"Yes, Umni. But what ordeal do you choose? Fire-walking? Desert endurance? Running the

gauntlet?" Zeliph sounded ready for anything to prove his worth to own the prince's horse.

Zaradan gazed at the ashen face of the girl who claimed to be his

grandson's betrothed.


"Horsemanship. The one who shows the most skill with the roan shall keep him."

Tashi dropped her chin and shook her head, knowing she'd already lost Thunder.

"I'll go first!" declared Zeliph eagerly.

Thunder was brought from his paddock to the space in front of Zeliph's tent.

The tribe crowded around their headman, calling out encouragement and praise. Tashi stood to

one side, supported by no one. Zeliph leapt on Thunder's back and executed a series of

beautifully judged turns and jumps, concluding his performance by making the stallion rear in

front of Zaradan.

He slid nimbly from the horse's back, exhilarated by his own prowess. Tashi had to admit he

knew how to bring out the best in the stallion.


"Let's see what the girl can do!" Zeliph mocked. "I'll wager she can't even climb in the saddle."

The men laughed.

Resigned to defeat, Tashi moved forward, remembering how Ramil had always approached his

horses. She stood in front of the great warhorse and waited for Thunder to notice her. The

stallion bumped her gently with his nose, and they stood head to head for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Thunder," she whispered, "I don't want to lose you but I'm just not a very good rider."


Then don't ride, came a prompting in her head.

It was worth a try. If she didn't get trampled, she might make her point.

"Any man who wants Thunder will have to separate us," she said aloud, and sat down between

the war-horse's front hooves. He bent his neck and nuzzled her hair, standing over her as if she

were his foal.

"This is ridiculous!" snarled Zeliph, striding forward to take the bridle. "I'll show her who is the horse master!"

Protecting his charge, Thunder flicked his head clear, then snapped his teeth at the man's arm.

Zeliph tried to mount him, but the stallion sidled away, all the time keeping Tashi beneath him,

out of reach. Tashi tried not to flinch as the hooves stamped around her. Desperately, Zeliph

threw himself in the saddle. Thunder bolted clear of Tashi, then bucked until he had unseated

the Horse Follower. Job done, he trotted back to stand over the girl as if nothing had interrupted

them. Outraged to be humiliated before his tribe, Zeliph approached from behind but Thunder

was wise to his game. The headman


received a sharp kick to the stomach and ended doubled up, clawing at the sandy earth in agony.

Zaradan clapped his hands. "Enough! It is clear the stallion prefers the girl over Zeliph. They stay together."

Zeliph hobbled over and spat at Tashi. "You favor the claims of a bare-legged girl over a

tribesman? Are you mad?"


Zaradan's face became stony, his dark eyes flashed. The men murmured at Zeliph's audacity.

"Take that back or I'll cast you from the tribe! No man questions my judgment as long as I am

Umni." He reached for a curved knife tucked in his sash.

Zeliph knew he'd gone too far. He touched his lips and then his heart. "I repent of my rash


The Umni of the Horse Followers released the knife hilt. "Then they were not heard," Zaradan said formally, touching his ears then heart.

Zeliph kicked the flap to his tent aside and disappeared without looking back at his lost prize.

"Come, child. You will not be welcome here any longer," Zaradan said to Tashi, gesturing to

Zeliph's household.

Tashi got up and patted Thunder on the neck. "Thank you," she whispered.

"My tent is half a day's ride away." Zaradan frowned at her appearance, bare legs showing

beneath the shirt. "Do your people really choose to dress like that? It is not suitable for the


"No, sir. I was taken from my bed," she added defensively.


"If you are to be my grandson's wife, I cannot allow you to ride in this fashion.


You there!" He pointed to one of the men. "Fetch the girl a robe."

The man hurried off and returned with an old grey scrap of cloth.

"I see Zeliph is feeling generous," Zaradan said ironically, wrapping it around her. "He's headman here and I'm afraid you have just made yourself very unpopular."