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things claim slaves are well looked after, part of the extended family. They predict the collapse

of the Holtish economy if the slaves were liberated. Most owners don't worry too much about

excuses--they just count the benefit to themselves."

"Well, I think it an abomination," she said angrily.

"And so do I." He fixed her with an acute look, reminding her that beneath his genial exterior was a razor-sharp mind. "And maybe you can do something to change it if you help defeat the




Chapter 15

They bade farewell to Professor Norling where the road divided, seeing him safely attached to a

party of pilgrims heading for the Great Temple of the Warmonger in Tigral. Three days later, as

they travelled down the road to the south, Flake cast a shoe. Now far beyond Melletin's

knowledge of the land, the five travellers debated whether to turn back to the last village or ride

on in hopes of finding another forge.

"I'd hate to retrace any step of this weary road," Melletin said. "I could ride ahead with Flake and find a smith if Tashi would not mind riding pillion with one of you."

"She is welcome to ride with me," Ramil said quickly. "We've shared a saddle before."

Yelena grinned at Tashi as the Princess mounted in front of Ramil.

"Hey, Melletin!" Yelena said, a twinkle in her eye. "How about having some company on your errand? We don't know what lies ahead and you could do with some backup if there's trouble."


"Good thinking," replied Melletin, oblivious to the girl's hidden agenda. "Big man, would you come?"

"No, I . . . " Gordoc began, then caught Yelena's eye. "I mean, yes, I'll watch your back for you."

Melletin, Gordoc, and Yelena rode off quickly with Flake trotting riderless in tow.


"Did she do that on purpose?" Ramil asked Tashi as he saw Yelena give them a final jaunty wave.

"I think so," Tashi admitted. She leant back against him, conscious that they hadn't sat this close since they had begun to understand each other's feelings. They rode on in happy silence, taking

delight in the opportunity to be together. It gave Ramil the chance to build up his courage for

what he had wanted to say for some time.

"Tashi, you know I love you, don't you?" he said sofly in her ear.

She smiled: trust the son of a Horse Follower to woo in the saddle.

"I thought we were already betrothed."

"You broke it off, remember." He kissed the top of her head.

"Oh yes, I suppose I did. I'm sorry about that."

"I didn't deserve you. I don't deserve you now."

"Well, as long as you know that." She turned and gave him a mischievous smile.

He traced the line of her lips with his forefinger.

She felt in her pocket and pulled out two tiny paper models. "I've kept them safe. You'd better

have this one back." She gave him the dragonfly. "I improved it a little



when your attempt unfolded, but I haven't touched the horse: I like it just as it is."

"I promise to take care of it."

"And I'll take care of yours." She settled back against him, the paper horse held carefully in her hand.

Ramil smiled down at the copper head beneath his chin, knowing that he never wanted to be

apart from her again.

That night the travellers decided to camp under the stars. They were approaching the warmer

climes of the desert and no longer needed a roof over their heads at night. Added to this,

Melletin reported that the village inn was hosting a party of slavers from the south, their

captives shackled in the barn, and no one wanted to come to their attention. They rode through

the village with their heads down.

Finding a likely camping spot in a bend in the river, Yelena an d Tashi went off to bathe, leaving

the men to make the fire. The horses strayed on the bank, picketed in reach of the water.

"So, Ram," said Gordoc, skewering some goat's meat on a stick to roast, "do I have to thump you?"

Ram shook his head. "Only very gently. A light pummelling. Or you could congratulate me: our

marriage alliance is back on."


Melletin clapped him on the shoulder. "Lucky man."

Gordoc assumed a stern, fatherly expression. "And, young Prince, what are your prospects? Can

you keep


my girl in the manner to which she has become accustomed?"

Ramil laughed. "I hope I can do much better than that. So far, all she has known with me is

prison cells and tents. As for my prospects, touch and go at best, but I don't think she minds."

"Yes, and it's not every girl who comes with a navy attached," added Melletin.

"Or so we hope," said Ramil, placing the skewer he had prepared for Tashi over the flames.

They fell silent, listening to the delighted shrieks and laughter of the girls splashing in the water

downstream. Melletin had a thoughtful expression at all this talk of marriage.

Suddenly, Gordoc nudged Ramil. "Look sharp, Ram, we've got company."

The three friends reached for their weapons and turned to face the road. A cart drew up, driven

by a dark-skinned man wearing the loose robes of the south. Eight others of all nations jumped

out of the back; the only thing they had in common was that they were heavily armed.

"Here they are!" called the man. "I told you I saw them ride this way."


The newcomers swarmed down the bank, making straight for the fire. Ramil stepped forward.

"Peace, friends," he said. "How may we help you?"

The cart driver returned the gesture. "If you would like to put down that shiny blade of yours

and come with us, that would be a start."


"The start of what?" Ramil held the sword in guard position, shifting his weight, ready for an attack.

There was another round of laughter from the river. The stranger nodded to three of his men.

"That's the girls. Go get them."

"No!" shouted Melletin and Ramil together, springing forward to block the path, but the other men were upon them, forcing them back with spears and swords.

"Tashi, Yelena, run!" boomed Gordoc. He lashed out with his fists at the men dancing around

him using whips and chains to hamper him.

Frightened, the horses pulled on their pickets, scattering from the flailing swords.

Ramil cursed. The slaver had planned this well. He let his men engage the three travellers in

battle but only so as to keep them from going to the assistance of the girls. He must have

gauged their strengths earlier and knew he would lose fighters if they went to disarm the giant

and his two companions.


Bursting with fury, Ramil fought, desperate to reach Tashi. Every time he tried to break through,

a man would attack from behind, forcing him to turn and defend himself. Once he had the

advantage over that assailant, another would step in, starting the fight all over again. These

were no novice soldiers like those at Nerul's camp; these were hardened overseers, disciplined

and used to controlling those who were stronger than them. He gritted his teeth and fought on.

He had to reach her, he had to.


On the riverbank, Tashi had just finished dressing when she heard Gordoc's shout. Nearer to the

camp, Yelena was bent double, tying her shoes.