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"I do not want you as a lover, sir. I have never wanted you. Let me go!"



Her cry brought an instant response. Before Merl could force a kiss on her, Gordoc was in the

room and had him by the scruff of the neck.

"Even among us poor folk, your lordship, a lady's 'no' means 'no,'" Gordoc said, giving Merl a shake.

Nerul appeared at the tent flap, his expression furious. Ramil stood behind him, fists curled.

"Brother," barked Nerul, "you forget yourself and carry your intrigues too far.

Under my roof, the Princess Taoshira is entitled to her privacy and certainly to be spared such

ungentlemanly treatment. Leave her in peace."

Dumped on the floor, Merl straightened his clothes and stalked from the room.

Nerul turned back to Tashi. "Forgive us, Your Highness. Merl has over-reached himself. His

concern for you is his only excuse."

Tashi collected her dignity. "And I ask your forgiveness for anything that I have done that may

have prompted him to hope where there was none."

Nerul gave a crooked smile. "I fear you are too kind to Merl. I know my brother well. He is

experienced at this game and doubtless had you swimming into his net. Your decision to depart

does not suit him. He thinks first of his pleasure, rather than his responsibility to his people.

However, unlike him, I see the necessity and would like to offer you all assistance. Is there

anything you require? I will give orders for packs of supplies to be made up. You leave as you


came with your two horses?"


"And a mount, if I may beg one for myself. I do not wish to be a burden on my companions."

"Consider it done. Anything else?"

Tashi held her arms out, displaying her finery. "I was once told that you needed suitable clothes to ride a horse. Would you be able to find me something more practical?"

"We should disguise ourselves," Ramil added, stepping forward to take part in the discussion. He had been silent during the scene with Merl, fiercely happy to see his rival rejected by Tashi. "1

think it best if I maintain my character as a mercenary from the south. Perhaps the Princess may

condescend to take the part of my sister and dress accordingly."

Tashi wondered since when Ramil had felt the need to ask her to

"condescend" to anything, but his idea was a good one.

"I would be happy to, sir, if such dress can be found," she replied with equal formality.

"And Gordoc here, if he wouldn't mind the indignity, could travel as our slave bodyguard. The

desert dwellers are known to keep slaves like most of the people in those parts."

"Mind?" rumbled the giant. "Old Gordoc's skin is too thick to take offense. I'll be your slave, 238

master." He thumped Ramil on the back, making him stagger.

"I will see to the disguises," said Nerul. "I suggest you get your rest, that is if you keep to your intention to ride at first light?"

"I do," said Tashi. "Time is running out."


"I will send messages ahead of you. If you would care to eat with me before you leave, I will give you as much advice as I can, maps too if I can find some suitable."

"Thank you, Your Grace."

Tashi dismissed them all with a bow. The three men retired from the room.

No sooner had Gordoc got Ramil alone than he dug him in the ribs. "Now you should be happy,

young pup: she sent him packing and you have her to yourself again, just like old times."

"This isn't about her and me, Gordoc. This is state business," Ramil said stiffly.

"Go on, admit that you're pleased." Gordoc whistled to the crescent moon cheerfully.

Ramil met his friend's grin and broke into a smile. "All right, I'm pleased. For some mad reason, I'd prefer to be heading into danger with Tashi than leaving her to sit anywhere within a mile of

Merl ac Moilinder."


"I knew it." The giant chuckled. "I knew it!"


Chapter 13

Seamstresses worked through the night to make Tashi and Ramil the long flowing robes of the

Southern people. Tashi woke to find hers hanging on the screen in her chamber--a loose purple

gown with a veil that covered her face with only a gauze to allow her to see. It was designed for

protection against the fierce sandstorms of the desert, but it suited her purposes perfectly here

in the cold north. Wearing a pair of long leather gloves, she would be completely hidden.

Having completed her rituals, she arrived at breakfast to find the table more crowded than she

had expected. In addition to Nerul, a chastened Merl, Ramil and Gordoc were Professor Norling,

Melletin, and the dark-haired woman Tashi had once glimpsed on the practice fields. The men

rose on her entrance. Nerul conducted her to the chair at his right hand.

"The robes are perfect," Tashi said, more like her old self than the formal Fourth Crown Princess of the last few days. "Please thank those who made them."


"My wife and her sisters were only too pleased to help." Professor Norling beamed.

Nerul passed Tashi a cup of hot kava. "I have given thought overnight to your travels and have

some suggestions to make. The first is that you should take one of my people with you as a

guide, at least for the part of the road that lies through Kandar. Melletin has volunteered. He

says he owes you for the lesson you taught him on your first meeting."


Tashi furrowed her brow. "What lesson was that?"

Melletin grinned and touched his forehead. "To wear a helmet when attacking strangers."

Nerul smiled. "And if you would also accept the company of Yelena here, you will find she is

most surprisingly accomplished in all matters regarding fighting."

Tashi remembered seeing the woman dump a much larger man in the dust so had no trouble

believing him.

"I would be grateful to have the female companionship."

"And finally, our good professor has an errand in the Holtish capital, Tigral. If you would not

mind including him in your party, it would save me sending another fighter away with him."

"Of course I would be delighted to have his company too, but would that not make our party

suspiciously large?" asked Tashi.

Professor Norling shook his head. "I have thought of that, my dear. Melletin and Yelena will

travel as man


and wife, and will join us as chance acquaintances met on the road. That means it will be

possible for them to travel ahead and check what lies before us where necessary. As for myself, I

will be travelling on the invitation of the Horse Follower mercenary here to study medicine

among his people." His eyes took on a distant longing. "Actually, that's something I've always wanted to do. It is a shame there is no time."


"No, Tadex," Nerul said with a fond look at the old man, "I need you to contact the network in Tigral. We have to know what steps Fergox is taking to protect his supply chain." He turned back

to Tashi. "I thought this best because Fergox is still looking for you and knows that three are

travelling together. Like this the pattern is confused. You can rearrange your party, arriving in

different combinations at the settlements along the way, confusing any reports that might be