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chested, covered in cuts, and had a towel round his neck. She could smell the sweat of combat

on him from the other side of the room.

"You've found your own way to fight. I like that. It suits a female follower of Holin: passive

resistance, scorn of pain and punishment--excellent."

"I didn't do it for your Warmonger," Tashi said, her eyes lowered.


"Ah, but everything you do is done for Holin. You cannot help yourself."

Fergox smiled and crossed the cell to embrace her. "You were worth the money." He pressed

her to his chest and kissed the top of her head.

Tashi pulled away. "What do you mean? Worth what money?"

He ran his hand over her hair, trapping one lock in his fingers. "You don't understand, my poor,

sweet girl. You're only here because I paid the chief priest on Kai one hundred thousand gold

heralds to pick you. I made you what you are. If it hadn't been for me, you'd still be herding

goats." He tickled her under the chin with her hair.

"No." Tashi shook her head, pushing his hands off her. He was leaning over her, trapping her against the


wall, smiling his horrible smile that said he knew everything about her, how she felt, how she

thought. "I don't believe it."

Fergox chuckled. "Must I show you his signature on the receipt, little penitent? I doubtless still have it somewhere in my treasury."

"No." Her protest this time was feeble. She sagged against the wall, feeling as if he had removed all strength from her. Was it possible? Was she his creature? It would explain the sudden death

of the previous princess and the oddity that someone as insignificant as her had been chosen.

But if that was true, it meant the end of everything she believed in.

"I wouldn't let it worry you, Tashi. You made a very fine princess and will be a beautiful wife for 141

an emperor when the time comes." He patted her consolingly on the cheek. "I'll leave you to

your penitence. Don't take too long about it, will you? The disciplines get very nasty after a few

weeks of resistance and I'd hate to think you'll suffer so unnecessarily. You'll submit in the end.

Everyone does give way to me."

He ran his finger down the side of her face and then touched her lips. "Just say the words, Tashi, and you'll be out of here and in a warm chamber lying in a bed with silk sheets."

She turned her head away, too devastated to speak. She felt his hand removed and heard the

noise of the door closing. Alone again, she slid down the wall to the floor, feeling as if her whole

world had crumbled around her.


Chapter 8

The Midwinter festival approached. Snow built up on the pitched roofs and would periodically

fall in little avalanches into the castle courtyard. The stones around the well were slick with ice,

the chain dripping icicles. The white mountains would have been beautiful if Ramil had not felt

they looked like the bars of his prison. He fretted with each day that passed that escape was

becoming more difficult as the weather closed in. Heavy snowstorms now often blocked the

road to the castle. Teams of soldiers labored to keep the pathways between the army camp and

the citadel clear. Fergox was using the winter to harden and train his troops. Many of them were

from the warmer countries of the south and were not accustomed to the bitter weather. As he

tramped through the castle, Ramil often came across young men with dark skin like his own

cowering around the campfires, doubtless wishing they had never signed up for the warlord's


Though seemingly at a loose end, Ramil had not been idle. He had already hidden two bundles

of clothes and



provisions in a quiet corner of the castle, enough he hoped to see a pair of fugitives far along the

road. But the most difficult challenge remained. He had to have a horse capable of carrying two.

Ramil had not forgotten the princess's incompetence in the saddle: she would have to ride with


That would mean stealing one of the nobles' horses from the stables, rather than one of the

army mounts, a tricky feat as they were well guarded.

Somehow he had to achieve this and get the princess away before anyone noticed. How he was

to do this was beyond him at the moment. Every time he saw her, she was hemmed in by

priests. They had started to bring her to the practice courts each morning to offer her the

various weapons of combat.

A regular crowd gathered to see her snap the arrow or throw aside the sword, but not before

she had usually taken several blows from her trainer. It was a cruel game that everyone, apart

from Tashi and Ramil, appeared to enjoy.

Two days before the Midwinter feast, a messenger arrived at Felixholt with the news that

Fergox's sister, the Inkar Yellowtooth, and her army from Kandar, an eastern province of Holt,

had been sighted. Fergox took Ramil up to the top of the tower to watch for her approach.

"Now my armies are ail gathered," Fergox announced. "Junis is the last to arrive as usual. She likes to keep her little brother waiting--she's the only one who dares." He chuckled and slapped

Ramil on the back. "I think you'll like her, Ramil. A fearsome warrior. She'll give us good sport on the practice courts tomorrow."



Ramil took the offered spyglass and saw the banners of the Inkar

Yellowtooth crest the last hill. A soldier with an iron helmet, two plaits of grey hair, and a leaf-

shaped shield rode in the vanguard.

"There she is!" Fergox said. "Let us go down and meet her." He whistled for his groom to saddle his blue roan. "I don't want her complaining that I slighted her."

The elite troops were rushing to mount up to provide Fergox with a guard of honor. A groom led

forward Fergox's horse and a stout mare for Ramil.

Fergox slipped on his gloves, eyeing the prince speculatively.

"I believe I can trust you to attempt no foolishness, young prince, if I allow you a mount?"

"But of course, my lord. 1 have long since given up hope or desire to flee,"

Ramil said meekly. "Where would I go with the snows deep in the mountain passes and your

army encamped on the road?"

"Quite so. I'm glad you understand. We have been getting on well; I would hate to make the

conditions of your stay here less comfortable. Come, let us see what the old girl makes of you."

The guard of honor trotted off in advance, Fergox and Ramil following at an easy pace. They

arrived at the town gates just as the Inkar galloped up, her banner fluttering behind her.

"Junis!" cried Fergox, nudging his horse towards his sister and embracing her from the saddle.


The Inkar raised her visor revealing a keen-eyed face with a wolfish grin.

Her front teeth lived up to her


nickname, abnormally long and yellow. 'Tergox, I came as promised."

Her brother gripped her forearm. "I only asked you here to share the spoils.

Our little war will soon be over and we can return south. But I am pleased to see you arrive in

time for Midwinter."

"I'm not one to miss a feast, brother. Now tell me, where are your two bargaining chips? I'd like to see them."

Fergox gave a grin to match hers. "I thought as much. Let me introduce you to Prince Ramil ac

Burinholt." He waved his arms to where Ramil was waiting quietly on his mare.