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‘Do you have any idea how much they cost?’

Garcia raised his eyebrows indicating he didn’t.

‘A hell of a lot I can tell you. Also have a look at her nails, both hands and toes.’

Hunter and Garcia checked her hands and feet. Her nails looked very nicely kept.

‘I had to remove her nail varnish, standard procedure,’ the doctor continued. ‘Once again, the tests showed a very high-quality product. Her nails were professionally done, judging by the smoothness of the cut and cuticle. Now, manicure and pedicure isn’t really an expensive treatment, but it highlights how much importance the victim paid to her appearance. The hair analysis showed another high-quality-grade product and judging by its condition she probably had a hairdresser’s appointment at least once a month.’

‘Is her hair dyed?’ Garcia asked.

‘No, she’s a natural blond. Whatever she did for a living, I’d say her appearance played a major part in it.’

‘Rich husband maybe?’ Garcia suggested.

‘No wedding band and no signs that she’d ever worn one either,’ the doctor quickly dismissed the suggestion.

‘So she made good money on her own?’

‘It looks that way, yes.’

‘Was she raped?’ Hunter asked.

‘No, no sexual intercourse for at least forty-eight hours – no lubricant in her vagina or anus, which rules out the possibility of sex with prophylactics – the killer wasn’t after sexual pleasure.’

‘Any identifying marks?’

‘Nothing… she’s got no tattoos, no birthmarks, no scars.’


‘I faxed them to your captain last night so you’ll have them when you get back to your precinct, but I can also access the Central Fingerprint Database from here – no match, she’s not in the system and as you know we’ve got no chance of getting an ID from her dental records.’ Doctor Winston walked over to his desk and quickly fumbled through a few loose pieces of paper. ‘As I’d suspected, she’d been drugged. I found traces of gamma hydroxy butyrate in her stomach, better known in clubs as GHB.’

‘I’ve heard of that,’ Garcia said. ‘The new date-rape drug right?’

‘Well, it’s not really a new drug. Kids use it in small doses to get high, but an overdose would produce an effect very similar to Rohypnol,’ Hunter clarified.

‘Which is like a blackout?’

‘That’s correct,’ Doctor Winston said this time. ‘Once the subject regains consciousness they can’t remember anything that has happened to them while under the effect.’

‘Can we trace it?’ Garcia asked.

Hunter shook his head. ‘I doubt it. GHB is basically degreasing solvent or floor stripper mixed with drain cleaner; anyone can make it at home, and you can get the correct mixing dosage over the internet.’

‘Kids are mixing degreasing solvent with drain cleaner and taking it as a drug?’ Garcia enquired in surprise.

‘Youth has come a long way since we were kids, detective,’ the doctor replied, patting Garcia on the back.

‘How about the cause of death?’ Hunter asked.

‘Heart, liver and kidney failure. Her body just couldn’t cope anymore. A combination of the tremendous pain she’d suffered together with dehydration and starvation. If she hadn’t been in such good physical condition she would’ve probably lasted only a few hours.’

‘How long did she last?’

‘Anywhere between ten and sixteen hours. She died sometime between 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evening and 1:00 a.m. Monday morning.’

‘She was tortured for almost sixteen hours? Jesus Christ!’ Garcia commented.

The room went quiet for a moment. Doctor Winston was the first to speak again. ‘We have also analyzed the rope that was used to tie her to the posts.’


‘Nothing special there either. Regular nylon rope; it could’ve been bought in any hardware store.’

‘How about the mirror on the bedroom door, it looked new; did we get anything from it?’

‘Not really. We found very old traces of chemicals consistent with mirror adhesives.’

‘So what does that mean?’ Garcia asked.

‘That the killer didn’t buy that mirror – he took it from another door somewhere. I don’t think anyone would’ve reported a stolen door mirror, so tracking it down would be almost impossible,’ Hunter said.

‘And the vinegar in the jar?’

‘Your most common type of vinegar, found in any supermarket.’

‘In other words, we’ve got absolutely nothing,’ Hunter concluded dryly.

‘Oh we’ve got something alright, but you’re not gonna like it… let me show you.’ Doctor Winston walked over to the east end of the room where a few photographs were scattered over a small desk, Hunter and Garcia right behind him.

‘This is the carving on our victim’s neck.’ The doctor pointed to the first picture on the left. ‘All the other pictures you see here are from the Crucifix Killer’s case. The carvings are consistent, I’d say with a fair degree of confidence that they were made by the same person, probably with the same sharp instrument.’

The small ounce of hope Hunter had of a copycat killer was crushed. The photographs brought back a hurricane of memories.

This was the first time Garcia had seen any of the forensic evidence of the original Crucifix Killer’s case. He could easily see the similarities in all the photographs.

‘Can you tell us anything about the skinning of her face?’ Garcia asked.

‘Yes, this is where the killer shows us how good he really is, it’s surgically precise – the way the skin had been cut away, the way the lean tissue and ligaments had been left intact – fantastic work. He must’ve spent a fair amount of time operating on her face. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if whoever did this was a surgeon or something along those lines. But then again, we knew that much about the Crucifix Killer.’

‘What do you mean?’ Garcia looked confused.

‘The Crucifix Killer always removed a body part from his victims – an eye, a finger, an ear – human trophies in a way,’ Hunter explained. ‘It’s one of his signatures, together with the carving on the back of the neck and the stripping of the victim. According to the doctor, the removal of the body parts was always surgically precise, and apparently they had always been done while the victims were still alive.’

‘It seems the killer’s got better at it,’ Doctor Winston concluded.

‘Why would the killer take a part of a victim’s body?’ Garcia asked.

‘To remind him of the victim,’ Hunter replied. ‘It’s quite common when it comes to serial killers. Their victims mean a lot to them. Most of the time the killer feels there’s some sort of bond between him and the victim. Some killers prefer to take a piece of clothing, usually an intimate piece of clothing. Some go for a body part.’

Garcia studied the photographs. ‘I’m assuming the original investigation checked for doctors as probable suspects.’

‘And medical students, nurses, and so on and so forth. It didn’t lead us to anyone,’ Hunter answered.

Garcia moved back towards the body. ‘You said there are no birthmarks, no tattoos. Is there anything that can help us identify the body?’

‘We can try her face.’

Garcia stared at Doctor Winston sullenly. ‘Are you kidding?’

‘This is the twenty-first century, detective,’ the doctor said, his mouth twisted in what might’ve been a trace of a smile. ‘Computers can perform miracles nowadays. They’ve already been working on it upstairs for an hour and we shall have some sort of computer image ready any minute now. If we’re lucky you can pick it up on your way out.’

‘Judging by how much effort she put into her appearance I’d say she was either a model or an aspiring actress,’ Hunter suggested.

‘Or a high-class hooker, perhaps even a porn actress. They can make a lot of money you know,’ Garcia complemented Hunter’s suggestion.

‘How do you know? Dated a porn star recently, have you?’ Hunter smiled.

‘Um… it’s common knowledge.’