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Jennifer L. Armentrout

writing as

J. Lynn


Copyright © 2013 by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Sale of the paperback edition of this book without its cover is unauthorized.

Spencer Hill Contemporary, an imprint of Spencer Hill Press

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

Contact: Spencer Hill Press, PO Box 247, Contoocook, NH 03229, USA

Please visit our website at www.spencerhillcontemporary.com

First Edition (e-book): July 2013.

First Trade Paperback Printing: November 2013

Armentrout, Jennifer L. 1980

Frigid: a novel / by J. Lynn – 1st ed.

p. cm.


A college student in love with her best friend ends up trapped alone with him at a ski lodge.

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this fiction: Coke/Diet Coke, Dateline, Disney, Durango, Frogger, Goodwill, Honda, Humane Society, Jack Daniels, Jell-O, Jim Beam, Jose/Jose Quervo, Little Orphan Annie, Mickey Mouse/Mickey ears, Nyquil, Oompa Loompa, Outback, Popsicle, Sam Adams, Starbucks, Thermos, Tilt-a-Whirl, Trapper Keeper, Victoria’s Secret

“Itty Bitty Titties” David Allen Coe. Used in parody,

because that song should ALWAYS be used in parody.

Cover design by Sarah Hansen of Okay Creations

Photo by Jennifer VonDrak

ISBN 978-1-939392-74-9 (e-book)

ISBN 978-1-939392-75-6 (paperback)

Printed in the United States of America

Also by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Covenant Series

Daimon (novella)




Elixir (novella)


Sentinel (November 2013)

Coming from Disney-Hyperion:

Don’t Look Back


From Entangled Publishing:

The Lux Series

Shadows (novella)




Origin (August 2013)

Writing as J. Lynn:

Tempting the Best Man

Tempting the Player

Wait for You

Unchained (2013)

To every book lover, big and small, these books are for you.

Chapter 1


I was in love with my best friend.

And it could be worse, I guessed. I could have been in love with a male stripper or a drug addict. Kyler Quinn was neither of those things. Although he could easily be passed off as a male stripper with those jaw-dropping good looks and messy brown hair, and he was as addictive as any drug out there.

I saw him before he even knew I was here. There was no way anyone could miss Kyler, not even in the packed Dry Docks, where everyone from the University was out celebrating the start of winter break. People flocked to him, especially the girls.

Always the girls.

I didn’t want to say that Kyler looked like a god, because sculptures of Greek and Roman gods typically didn’t fall on the attractive side of things. And they were all really small down there. I doubted he was hurting in that department, since there was an endless train of women who came back for seconds and thirds. But he was beautiful in a purely masculine way. A nose with a slight hook in it offset broad cheekbones, defined jaw, and wide expressive lips. He’d broken his nose in a fight freshman year

I still felt bad for that nose.

And when he smiled? Aw man, the boy had the deepest dimples ever.

His eyes were a warm brown, the color of a rich coffee bean that darkened whenever he was feeling froggy, and I bet he was feeling all kinds of froggy right now.

Right in the middle of the bar, I stopped and leaned my head back. Exhaling loudly, I really wanted to punch myself in the face. Not only was Kyler completely off-limits due to the fact that we’d been inseparable since the day he pushed me off the merry-go-round and told me I had cooties for trying to hold his hand. I’d retaliated by holding him down and forcing him to eat a mud pie the following day. People had a hard time understanding how we were so close. Even I couldn’t figure it out. We went together like a lion and a gazelle. Actually, we went together like a lion and a gimpy gazelle that had no chance of outrunning the predator.

I was the gimpy gazelle.

As I made it closer to the table he and our friend Tanner occupied, a blonde with legs longer than I was tall plopped down in Kyler’s lap. His arms went around the girl’s impossibly narrow waist, and a stupid, totally inexcusable sharp pain sliced through my stomach.

Yeah, Kyler might not be a stripper, an addict, or a terrorist, but he was a player.

Veering back toward the bar at the last minute, I almost plowed straight into someone’s back. I rolled my eyes. Giving myself a concussion would be perfect. Multicolored Christmas lights dangled from the edge of the bar and I thought that was kind of hazardous with all the drunks spilling their drinks. I found an empty stool at the bar and waited for the bartender to notice me. And it was easy to notice me. I looked like I was sixteen, so they usually checked my ID right away. The bartender appeared, asked for the standard, and I ordered the standard—a Diet Coke with rum.

Over the hum of conversation and music, a giggle teased my ears. It was like some kind of damn beacon. No good would come from looking, and there was no reason to ruin the night already. I crossed my ankles. Placed my hands on the bar. Tapped my fingers to the song I was barely paying attention to. Stared at the rack of liquor bottles my other best friend was intimately familiar with.

But I looked, because I was a girl and diving head-first into girl-stupid.

Blondie was straddling Kyler. Her short denim skirt had ridden all the way up her thighs. One would think it wasn’t winter outside based on how she was dressed, but then again, I’d wear a skirt like that all the time if I had her legs.

His back was to me, but he must’ve said something interesting in her ear, because she laughed again. Her hot pink nails dug into his shoulders, bunching the material of his black sweater. Then she reached up, running her hands through the hair at his forehead, tugging it back.

I couldn’t look away now. Like a fat glutton for punishment, I was fixated on them.

He tilted his head to the side and tipped it back. I could see half his face now, and he was grinning. Not the big smiles that revealed those totally lickable dimples, but I knew he was rocking that half-grin of his—the infuriating and incredibly sexy half-grin. His hands settled on her hips.