evacuate the workings prematurely, and in so doing aborted all their

efforts. Sapper was fully aware of the extreme risks that Nicholas had

taken and of the crippling expenditure he had made to reach this stage.

Before they had left England, he had hinted to Sapper of the straitened

circumstances in which he found himself.

Although Sapper did not understand the intricacies or the

responsibilities of being a "Name' at Lloyd's, there had been so much

publicity in the British press that he could not but realize that, if

their venture here failed, the next stop for Nicholas would be the

bankruptcy courts - and Nicholas was his friend.

The squall of. rain blew over, and a bright hot sun burst through the

low cloud banks. The flow of the river seemed undiminished, but at least

the water level on the dam wall was no longer rising, "I'll give it

another hour," he grunted, engaging the gears of the tractor and easing

her down the bank to place another gabion in position.

Nicholas worked shoulder to shoulder with Hinsith's gang as they began

to strip the paving slabs from the floor of the lowest level of the

maze. The joints between the slabs were so tight that, even using

crowbars, they had difficulty prising them apart, In order to save time,

Nicholas made the hard choice of going into a destructive search. He put

four of the strongest men in the team to work with home-made

sledgehammers, lumps of ironstone on wooden shafts, to break UP the

slabs so that they could be more readily levered out of the floor. He

felt guilty about the damage they were causing to the site, but the work

went ahead very much faster.

The high spirits and enthusiasm of the men were at last beginning to

wane. They had worked too long in the oppressive confines of the maze,

and every one of them was the head of the fully aware of the rising

level of the river at gorge, and of the mortal threat behind those

waters. Their expressions were surly and there was little laughter' or

banter, But more worrying for Nicholas was the fact that at ported the

first the beginning of this shift Hansith had re duty.

desertions. Sixteen of his men had failed to report for They had quietly

rolled their blankets during the night, picked up whatever items of

value or utility they found lying around the camp, and crept away into

the darkness.

Nicholas knew that it was no use sending anyone after them - they had

too much of a start, and would be halfway up the escarpment already.

This was Africa, and Nicholas was certain that now that the rot had

started it would Spread very quickly.

He joked and jollied them along, not allowing them to sense his true

feelings. He worked shoulder to shoulder in the excavation in an and

sweated along with them made attempt to hold them, But he knew that,

unless they Ali under these slabs to keep their interest another

discovery and expectations alight, he might wake up tomorrow to

all find that even the monks and the faithful Hansith were gone.

He had started lifting the slabs in the angle of the corner of the maze,

and they worked out from there in both directions down the arms Of the

tunnel. His heart sank as they broke up each paving slab with the

hammers only to find beneath it the solid stratum of the country rock

with no indication of any joint or opening.

"It doesn't look very hopeful," he muttered to Royan as he took a short

break to drink from one of the water flasks.

She too was looking unhappy as she Poured water from the flask into his

cupped hands, so that he could wash the sweat and grime from his face.

"I may have got the symbols for the levels wrong," she suggested. "It is

just the kind of trick Taita would play, to work out combinations which

would both give a logical solution." She hesitated before she appealed

to him for guidance. "Do you think I should start working back the other


Her question was interrupted by a bellow from Hansith. "In the name of

the Blessed Virgin, effendi, come quickly!'

They spun around together. In "her haste Royan dropped the flask, which

shattered at her feet. She did not seem to notice that it had drenched

her legs, but ran back to where Hansith was standing with the hammer

poised for another stroke.

What is it-' she broke off as they both saw that beneath the paving

slabs Hansith had uncovered another layer of dressed stone sills.

These were laid neatly across the floor of the tunnel from wall to wall,

recessed into the surrounding rock, with knife-edge joints between them.

Their sides were smooth and plain, without engravings or markings upon


"What is it,  icky?" Royan demanded.

"Either it's another layer of paving, or it)s a cover over fall an

opening in the floor,, he told her eagerly. "We won't know until we lift

one of them."

The stone sills were too thick and heavy to be cracked with the

primitive hammers, although Hansith tried his best. In the end they were

forced to dig around the first of lever it free. It took five men to

raise the end of them and it and lift it off its foundation.

"There is an opening under it." Royan went down on the space that it had

left. "Some her knees to peer into kind of open shaft!'

Once the first sill was removed it was easier to get a urchase on the

others that blocked the rectangular open I away, Nicholas shone ing.

When they had cleared them al the dark shaft that was revealed. It the

lamp down into stretched from wall to wall of the tunnel, and the head

stand up to his room was sufficient for even Nicholas full height on the

steps that led down at a forty-five degree angle.

"Surely this must be it.

"Another stairway he exulted exhausted all the false leads by now."

Even Taita must have crowding up behind them, their The workmen were

very and the ting at this fresh disco sullen mood evapora certainty of

additional bonuses in silver dollars that they had earned.

"Are we going down?" Royan asked. "I know we should be careful and check

it for traps, but we are- running out Of time, Nicky."

"You are right, as always. The time has come when we have to press on


hand, "Caution thrown to the winds." She took his laughing. "Let's go

down together."

tious step at a They descended side by side, one cau time, with the lamp

held head high and the shadows retreating before them.

"There is a chamber at the bottom,'Royan exclaimed.

"Looks like a store room - what are all those objects stacked along the

walls? There must be hundreds of them.

Are they coffins, sarcophaguses?" The dark shapes were almost human,

standing shoulder to shoulder, rank after rank, around the walls of the

square chamber.

"No, I think those are corn baskets on one side," she said, recognizing

them. "Those on the other side look like wine amphorae. Probably some

sort of offering to the dead."

"If this is one of the funeral store rooms," said Nicholas in a voice

tight with excitement, "then we are getting very close to the tomb now."

"Yes!' she cried. "Look - there is another doorway on the far side of

this store room. Shine the light over there."

The beam picked out the square opening facing them across this lower