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It managed a very slight bow.

“Glass of water please,” said Arthur.

“Look,” said Zaphod, “we want to eat, we don’t want to make a meal of the issues. Four rare steaks please, and hurry. We haven’t eaten in five hundred and seventy-six thousand million years.”

The animal staggered to its feet. It gave a mellow gurgle.

“A very wise choice, sir, if I may say so. Very good,” it said. “I’ll just nip off and shoot myself.”

He turned and gave a friendly wink to Arthur.

“Don’t worry, sir,” he said, “I’ll be very humane.”

It waddled unhurriedly off to the kitchen.

A matter of minutes later the waiter arrived with four huge steaming steaks. Zaphod and Ford wolfed straight into them without a second’s hesitation. Trillian paused, then shrugged and started into hers.

“Hey, Earthman,” said Zaphod with a malicious grin on the face that wasn’t stuffing itself, “what’s eating you?”

And the band played on.

All around the Restaurant people and things relaxed and chatted. The air was filled with talk of this and that, and with the mingled scents of exotic plants, extravagant foods and insidious wines. For an infinite number of miles in every direction the universal cataclysm was gathering to a stupefying climax. Glancing at his watch, Max returned to the stage with a flourish.

“And now, ladies and gentlemen,” he beamed, “is everyone having one last wonderful time?”

“Yes,” called out the sort of people who call out “yes” when comedians ask them if they’re having a wonderful time.

“That’s wonderful,” enthused Max, “absolutely wonderful. And as the photon storms gather in swirling crowds around us, preparing to tear apart the last of the red hot suns, I know you’re all going to settle back and enjoy with me what I know we will all find an immensely exciting and terminal experience.”

He paused. He caught the audience with a glittering eye.

“Believe me, ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “there is nothing penultimate about this one.”

He paused again. Tonight his timing was immaculate. Time after time he had done this show, night after night. Not that the word night had any meaning here at the extremity of time. All there was was the endless repetition of the final moment, as the Restaurant rocked slowly forward over the brink of time’s farthest edge — and back again. This “night” was good though, the audience was writhing in the palm of his sickly hand. His voice dropped. They had to strain to hear him.

“This,” he said, “really is the absolute end, the final chilling desolation, in which the whole majestic sweep of creation becomes extinct. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the proverbial ‘it.’ ”

He dropped his voice still lower. In the stillness, a fly would not have dared clear its throat.

“After this,” he said, “there is nothing. Void. Emptiness. Oblivion. Absolute nothing.…”

His eyes glittered again — or did they twinkle?

“Nothing … except, of course, for the desserts and a fine selection of Aldebaran liqueurs!”

The band gave him a music sting. He wished they wouldn’t, he didn’t need it, not an artist of his caliber. He could play the audience like his own musical instrument. They were laughing with relief. He followed on.

“And for once,” he cried cheerily, “you don’t need to worry about having a hangover in the morning — because there won’t be any more mornings!”

He beamed at his happy, laughing audience. He glanced up at the sky, going through the same death routine every night, but his glance was only for a fraction of a second. He trusted it to do its job, as one professional trusts another.

“And now,” he said, strutting about the stage, “at the risk of putting a damper on the wonderful sense of doom and futility here this evening, I would like to welcome a few parties.”

He pulled a card from his pocket.

“Do we have”—he put up a hand to hold back the cheers—“Do we have a party here from the Zansellquasure Flamarion Bridge Club from beyond the Vortvoid of Qvarne? Are they here?”

A rousing cheer came from the back, but he pretended not to hear. He peered around trying to find them.

“Are they here?” he asked again, to elicit a louder cheer.

He got it, as he always did.

“Ah, there they are. Well, last bids, lads — and no cheating, remember this is a very solemn moment.”

He lapped up the laughter.

“And do we also have, do we have … a party of minor deities from the Halls of Asgard?”

Away to his right came a rumble of thunder. Lightning arced across the stage. A small group of hairy men with helmets sat looking very pleased with themselves, and raised their glasses to him.

Has-beens, he thought to himself.

“Careful with that hammer, sir,” he said.

They did their trick with the lightning again. Max gave them a very thin-lipped smile.

“And thirdly,” he said, “thirdly a party of Young Conservatives from Sirius B, are they here?”

A party of smartly dressed young dogs stopped throwing rolls at each other and started throwing rolls at the stage. They yapped and barked unintelligibly.

“Yes,” said Max, “well, this is all your fault, you realize that?”

“And finally,” said Max, quieting the audience down and putting on his solemn face, “finally I believe we have with us here tonight, a party of believers, very devout believers, from the Church of the Second Coming of the Great Prophet Zarquon.”

There were about twenty of them, sitting right out on the edge of the floor, ascetically dressed, sipping mineral water nervously and staying apart from the festivities. They blinked resentfully as the spotlight was turned on them.

“There they are,” said Max, “sitting there, patiently. He said he’d come again, and he’s kept you waiting a long time, so let’s hope he’s hurrying fellas, because he’s only got eight minutes left!”

The party of Zarquon’s followers sat rigid, refusing to be buffeted by the waves of uncharitable laughter which swept over them.

Max restrained his audience.

“No, but seriously though, folks, seriously though, no offense meant. No, I know we shouldn’t make fun of deeply held beliefs, so I think a big hand please for the Great Prophet Zarquon …”

The audience clapped respectfully.

“ … wherever he’s gone to!”

He blew a kiss to the stony-faced party and returned to the center of the stage.

He grabbed a tall stool and sat on it.

“It’s marvelous though,” he rattled on, “to see so many of you here tonight — no, isn’t it though? Yes, absolutely marvelous. Because I know that so many of you come here time and time again, which I think is really wonderful, to come and watch this final end of everything, and then return home to your own eras … and raise families, strive for new and better societies, fight terrible wars for what you know to be right.… It really gives one hope for the future of all lifekind. Except of course”—he waved at the blitzing turmoil above and around them—“that we know it hasn’t got one.…”

Arthur turned to Ford — he hadn’t quite got this place worked out in his mind.

“Look, surely,” he said, “if the Universe is about to end … don’t we go with it?”

Ford gave him a three-Pan-Galactic-Gargle-Blaster look, in other words a rather unsteady one.

“No,” he said, “look,” he said, “as soon as you come into this dive you get held in this sort of amazing force-shielded temporal warp thing. I think.”

“Oh,” said Arthur. He turned his attention back to a bowl of soup he’d managed to get from the waiter to replace his steak.

“Look,” said Ford. “I’ll show you.”

He grabbed at a napkin off the table and fumbled hopelessly with it.

“Look,” he said again, “imagine this napkin, right, as the temporal Universe, right? And this spoon as a transductional mode in the matter curve …”

It took him a while to say this last part, and Arthur hated to interrupt him.