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The true miracle here, as far as he was concerned, was that Camry loved him.

“You must be freezing, Luke. Come in here and let me warm you up.”

“I’ll be right along,” he called back.

Luke sucked in a deep breath of cold air, hoping to free the knot that had started forming in his gut during their walk down the mountain. For as focused as he’d been these last few days on actually getting to use one of his condoms . . . well, everything had changed in the maintenance garage, when he had realized that he wasn’t just in lust with Camry: he was in love with her.

But even in his wildest dreams, he hadn’t expected his honeymoon suite to be a tent, his wedding bed a sleeping bag, or his marriage to be blessed by a . . . wizard.

And he sure as hell hadn’t expected his bride to be a virgin.

“Vroom! Vroom!”

Luke snapped his gaze to the tent.

“Oh my God, Luke, did you hear that? The Ferris wheel is starting without you! Get in here before you miss the ride!”

Luke dropped his chin to his chest, the knot in his gut unraveling on a strangled laugh. What was he doing standing out here worrying about his lovemaking living up to Camry’s expectations, when he should be worried about surviving hers?

He unzipped his jacket and ran to the tent. “You keep your hands away from those controls, lady!” he barked out, dropping to his knees in front of the tent. “It takes an experienced operator who knows what he’s doing to start up that Ferris wheel.” He pulled his sweater and long-john top over his head, then unbuckled his belt and shoved down his pants. “If you push the wrong button, it could take me all night to get it running correctly.”

“Vroom, vroom,” she purred with a giggle. “Oh! I think I found it, Luke. Quick, get in here and tell me if this is the right button.”

He had to sit on his jacket to unlace his boots, but instead of undoing them, he ended up with a handful of knots. “Stop playing with the equipment!” He tugged on the mess he’d made of his laces, which only served to tighten them. “That’s my job!”

When her purr turned to a lusty moan, Luke pulled his multitool out of its pouch and cut the laces on both boots. He shoved off his pants and long-john bottoms, then turned and crawled into the tent. “Do you have any idea what the penalty is for messing with such delicate equip—” Luke snapped his mouth shut on an indrawn breath. “My God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she whispered back, opening her arms to him.

But instead of covering her body with his, he settled beside her, propped his head on his hand, and let his gaze travel over her beautiful, naked, inviting body. “Exactly which button did you push that made that wonderful noise?” he asked.

“The ‘vroom, vroom’?”

“No, that sweet little lusty moan.”

“Oh, that noise.” She pointed down at her belly. “You could try pressing here and see what happens.”

Luke dipped his finger into her belly button, and she gasped loudly.

“Nope, that’s not it,” he muttered, walking his fingers toward her breasts.

She immediately stopped him. “Your hands are cold.”

Luke flopped onto his back and folded his cold hands behind his head. “Then I guess the amusement park’s shut down until they warm up.”

“Maybe I can hurry the process along,” she murmured, rolling over and crawling on top of him. She walked her warm fingers up his chest to his shoulders, and leaned down and touched her lips to his. “I wonder what buttons you have,” she said into his mouth. “And what sort of noises I can get you to make.”

She certainly got a groan out of him when she wiggled her hips up the length of his shaft just as her mouth took possession of his. And while she made delicious love to his mouth, Luke tried to think where he’d put his ditty bag.

He suddenly bolted upright, wrapping his arms around her to keep her from falling. “Dammit, the condoms are in the snowcat!”

She leaned away to see his eyes. “We don’t really need them . . . do we?”

“That is one decision we are not making today.”

She shot him a smug smile. “Then we’ll just have to use the condoms I brought.”

Luke reared back. “You brought condoms?”

“Don’t brilliant minds think alike? You’re not the only horny toad in this tent.”

Luke shuddered. “Let’s not refer to ourselves as toads, okay?”

“Ohhhh, do that again,” she said on a moan, wiggling intimately against him. “I think you just found one of my buttons.”

Luke held himself perfectly still. “The condoms.”

“Under my pillow,” she murmured, pulling his face toward hers so she could attack his mouth again.

Luke blindly felt behind him for her pillow while she conveniently worked herself into a really good frenzy, kissing him senseless and running her hands over his shoulders, her nails sending shivers coursing through him. But he suddenly stilled again when he found the condoms and counted out three sleeves.

Three packs per sleeve equaled nine.

Holy hell, did she think he was Superman?

He snatched up one of the sleeves, wrestled his mouth from hers, and set her away. She immediately snatched the packs out of his hand, tore one open, then scooted down his legs and started to roll the condom down over him.

Luke gritted his teeth against the explosion of sensation—both visual and tactile—that shot through every cell in his body as she awkwardly attempted to sheath him. The lantern cast its glow on her beautiful breasts, her movements making her peaked nipples brush his thighs. Her hands caressed his scrotum as her fingers slowly slid down the length of his shaft, and Luke felt beads of sweat break out on his forehead. Which was why just as soon as she was done, he snatched her hands away and rolled on top of her.

“My turn to drive you insane,” he growled, settling between her thighs.

She immediately lifted her hips, her hands clutching his shoulders. “Yes, make me insane,” she pleaded with ragged urgency. “I want to feel you inside me, Luke. Deep, where I ache.”

Her tension was palpable, her desire desperate. Searching for any sign of discomfort, Luke eased himself down until he was poised to enter her, then reached between them and caressed her intimately. She was surprisingly moist and slick and ready for him—except that she seemed to be holding her breath.

“If you pass out, you’re going to miss the best part,” he said with a forced laugh, feeling somewhat desperate himself. He kissed the tip of her nose, then locked his gaze back onto hers. “Close your eyes and picture yourself opening up for me. Feel me sliding into you this first time, Camry, and savor each little rippling sensation.”

He lowered more of his weight and pressed into her, feeling her stretch to accommodate him as he brushed his lips over her eyelids, then trailed tiny kisses across her cheek. “Lift your hips,” he said into her ear. “And meet me halfway.”

He felt her heels press into the sleeping bag beside his thighs, and Luke slipped deeper as she lifted toward him. “Feel yourself surrounding me, making me yours,” he continued soothingly when her breath caught on a gasp.

He seated himself fully, capturing her sound of distress in his mouth, then immediately stilled, lifting his head to smile into her wondrous eyes. “Hello, wife.”

She hesitantly smiled back. “H-hello, husband.”

“Are you okay?”

She thought about that, then nodded. “I’m okay. S-so that’s it? This is what I’ve been missing all these years?”

Luke arched a brow. “What exactly were you expecting?”

“Well,” she said, the corners of her mouth turning up, “I guess I expected fireworks or something. Or at the very least, some moaning and shouting.”

He raised his other brow. “I heard moaning.”

Two flags of red appeared in her cheeks. “I meant from you.”