and a Pedigree. “Pedigrees are born by the will of Geri and Freki, the two wolf companions of the god

Odin. Pedigrees are wolves turned men, and the only werewolves who can shift painlessly into their true


“Geri and Freki?” He’d liked history and mythology in school, but he wasn’t familiar with the name.

“In Norse mythology, they were a mated pair of giant wolves who roamed the fields with Odin, greedy to

consume the corpses of great warriors who have fallen in battle. Odin, unwilling to deny them anything,

let his two companions feed on them. Sometimes they even hunted great men down. But after a thousand

years, the spirits of those warriors began moving within the wolves until they were finally transformed

into humans. Those born of Geri and Freki’s bloodline have been werewolves ever since. Or…that’s the

story, in any event.”

“It’s gruesome, but interesting,” Kevin admitted. “So this is like some kind of curse?”

“Only if you allow it to be,” Roman said, smirking above the rim of his cocktail glass. “So long as you do

not mate with humans, you will never be truly cursed.”

“What do you mean?”

“Have you ever been with a human, Golden Eyes?”

“Yes, plenty,” Kevin admitted. His relationships had never progressed very far, though.

“But you felt apart, yes? Like you couldn’t share your true self with your lovers.”

Kevin squirmed uncomfortably.

“It is the Curse of Geri and Freki. They became human on the outside but remained wolves within. You

may lie with a human, but you cannot be one, and your human lover can never really know you. Even

together you are alone. Alone, you will always and forever seek others of your own kind. Only those of

your kind can truly know who you are.”

Kevin thought of the intimacy he and Roman had shared, like nothing he had ever known before. He

swallowed nervously, shifted in his seat. One of the pack members was straddling another lying on his

back on the floor. He guided his swollen dick into his pack mate’s mouth while a third member came up

behind him and gripped him at the hips so he could enter him from behind. Within moments all three of the

men were growling and bucking against one another.

It took Kevin a moment to remember what he’d been about to ask. “I can never be with a human?”

“Not unless you enjoy living your life in a cage, which is what the ultimate outcome will be if you ever

share your secret with a human.”

“How do you know all this?”

Roman’s face sharpened. “Because I’ve had human lovers who put me in cages.”

Shit. “How do we…? I mean, how do I deal with something like that?”

“Be with your own kind. Other Pedigrees. Or, barring that, make companions for yourself. Werewolf

betas. They aren’t as powerful as Pedigrees, but they are fun.”

Kevin watched the three “companions” on the floor. “How many others here are Pedigrees?”

“Only Anya and I,” Roman said, sipping his drink. “And you, of course.”

“So that means…”

“Yes, all the boys here were bitten. All are betas. All are my or Anya’s get.”

The three pack members moaned loudly as they worked each other up to climax. Kevin swallowed down

the remaining wine in the glass that Roman had given him and set the glass down with shaking fingers.

“What is your relationship to Anya? Are you two…married or something?”

Roman pursed his lips. “We have a mating arrangement.” The beautiful, longhaired alpha looked him

over, completely ignoring the boys roughly sexing each other at his feet. “Anya chose me as her mate

because she feared I was the last Pedigree on earth—at least, until we found you. We thought I was the

only one who could give her a Pedigree pup.”

“It sounds like a marriage.”

“We are not what the humans would call lovers, or even exclusive. It is more of a contractual agreement. I

do my proper duty by Anya and she gives me free rein to take as many male companions as I like.” Roman

brushed away a long lock of hair that had fallen across his face. Kevin wanted to touch it, feel its

silkiness in his fingers. “Together, we built this pack as a way to satisfy both our desires. It’s worked out

well for us for the past hundred years.”

Obviously not that well, Kevin thought, seeing how there were no other Pedigree pups in the pack, though

he decided to keep his thoughts to himself. “You mean, she doesn’t mind you…?” Kevin indicated the

couple on the floor. The third member of the group had abandoned his lovers to creep up to Kevin and

crawl between his legs.

“Exclusivity is a human concept,” Roman explained. “We are not naturally monogamous creatures, even

for wolves. Our hunger for sex and companionship is too great to be satisfied by any one person.”

The beta werewolf was red-haired like Kevin and model-handsome with intense aquamarine eyes that

shivered into yellow and back again. Kevin sat mesmerized while the werewolf urged his legs further

apart and began scenting his suddenly tight crotch. The sensation made Kevin moan softly as he set his

hand on the beta’s softly curling hair.

“Jonah likes you,” Roman said, a completely unnecessary statement, seeing how Jonah had begun licking

him avidly through his jeans, wetting the denim with his hot, quick tongue.

Kevin writhed at the sensation and leaned back in his seat. He tried to tell himself this wasn’t happening,

that this world couldn’t be real, wolves who were men, and men who were so fucking beautiful it was

criminal, but he knew he wasn’t fooling anyone, least of all himself. It was real. It was divine. It made

him feel warm and wanton and wild to sit here and have this lovely young man lapping at his cock through

his pants.

“He can smell that you’re excited…and a Pedigree,” Roman explained with a smirk. “That means you’ll

likely be an alpha someday. Your scent makes the lesser werewolves want to submit and please you.

Enjoy it, Golden Eyes.”

He watched the other betas in the room, their attention riveted to him and Jonah—all except Fenrir, who

sat fully clothed on the opposite side of the room, watching him. He looked less than impressed by the


Jonah had gotten Kevin’s jeans open and was busily nosing under his stiff cock, licking slowly and

thoroughly at his balls, his long, talented tongue caressing them. The more he licked, the stiffer Kevin

became and the more he ached for release. He’d never been so horny or so easily aroused in his life. It

was like the wolf inside him was as starved for sex and companionship as it was for meat.

And why not? The wolf had been alone all its life. Now, finally, the wolf had come home. The wolf had


Jonah took each of his testes in his mouth, gently drawing them away from his body and sucking upon them

before moving to his rigid cock. He lapped hungrily at the precum pouring from the firm, meaty head, then

worked his mouth up and down the shaft, growling faintly at the back of his throat. The vibration of noise