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‘Why hadn’t we thought of looking in the dog’s mouth?’ I thought to myself. Alex said nothing for several minutes. Suddenly, he swore savagely – twice – and continued suturing.

These were good days in the practice. Business was improving and, with it, the profits. There was an increasing flow of dogs and cats through the old house at 23 Kirkgate, and the farm side of the work had also taken an upturn, with a new scheme to eradicate Brucellosis from the cattle population of the United Kingdom well under way. This meant that there was plenty of work for us all.

My father was observing a great change in his profession as more modern drugs and treatments began to strengthen the veterinary surgeon’s armoury. However, in Donald Sinclair, he still had a partner on whom the passage of time seemed to have had very little effect. Just as in those far-off days of the 1940s, Donald’s fertile brain was continually thinking of ways to earn extra income. One day in the hot summer of 1975, he approached my father and myself with his latest scheme. With the farm stock thriving outside at pasture in the warm sunshine, there was very little work for us. Donald was restless.

‘Alfred! Jim!’ he exclaimed. ‘We should be doing something rather than hanging around! We have wages to pay but the assistants are standing around doing nothing. It won’t do! I have an idea!’

My father’s eyes narrowed. Knowing his partner of old, he wondered what sort of wild ideas were ricocheting around in his brain.

Donald continued with an analysis of the practice finances. ‘Alfred, I have calculated that unless we are making thirty pence a minute, we are going to the wall. We’ll go under unless we start to get busy!’

A spasm passed across Alf’s face. He had heard this so many times before but it still managed to twist his stomach into a knot. ‘Right, Donald,’ he said, ‘what do you suggest?’

‘We’ll start a dog trimming parlour! Think of all those hairy dogs in Thirsk, dragging themselves around in this heat. It will give them a new lease of life.’

There was a pause as my father took it all in. He exhaled slowly before shooting a swift glance in my direction. ‘Okay, Donald,’ he replied. Despite my father’s clear lack of enthusiasm, we all found ourselves, two days later, in the consulting-room with Mrs Warham’s hairy little Pekingese on the table and Donald clutching some huge horse clippers.

The session began badly with Donald ramming the clippers into the ancient electric socket on the wall. This was followed by a loud explosion which delayed matters while a bemused electrician repaired the damage under Donald’s impatient stare. We were soon under way again.

We watched in amazement as Donald hacked furiously at the hairy little creature. The old clippers made a tremendous noise as great clumps of hair flew around the room. My father occasionally tried to tender some advice but his partner was in full cry. Within minutes, the little dog was stripped bald save for his head and tail, and he presented an unusual sight. Isolated tufts stood up from his pink skin rather like cacti in a desert, while the removal of the hair from his rear end threw his hitherto concealed testicles into bold relief.

Donald stood back to admire his work. ‘How about that, Alfred?’ he asked, a trace of uncertainty in his voice.

My father took a while to reply. The dog appeared to be totally unconcerned but I could sense that my father felt a little differently. He stared, mesmerised, at the apparition in front of him. It no longer bore any resemblance to the canine species.

‘Fine, Donald,’ he said, slowly and deliberately. ‘ Youwill return the dog to its owner, won’t you?’

I was, unfortunately, present when Mrs Warham came to collect her freshly-groomed pet. She gazed, open mouthed, at the little creature before her. The bald, spiky body was in stark contrast to the tufty tail with the bright red testicles bulging beneath. The eyes shone happily from the depths of the hairy face. Mrs Warham burst into floods of tears.

Sinclair and Wight’s dog-trimming business drew to a sudden close but there was a satisfactory ending to the story. The summer of that year turned out to be an extremely hot one and Donald’s little patient, bereft of so much hair, enjoyed the best summer of his life – and went on to grow a wonderful new shining coat. Donald had been right; his first and only customer did, indeed, receive a new lease of life.

The fact that some things altered little was quite refreshing for Alf, as he was under pressure to adapt to the ever-changing aspect of his work as a veterinary surgeon. Realising he had to move with the times, he kept well abreast of developments within the large animal side but left the more sophisticated small animal work to his younger colleagues. However, despite his assertions that he was never a ‘real small animal vet’, I was always pleased when he assisted me in performing an operation; his abundance of common sense and care for the patient, together with his deep mistrust of general anaesthesia, ensured that he never took his eyes off the patient’s respiratory rate. As a veterinary surgeon, when in the company of animals both large and small, I always found his presence a reliable and comforting one.

Although he had a great deal to learn from his younger colleagues, we in turn had much to learn from him. We soon realised that many of our customers were far more impressed with a man of experience than one full of ‘book learnin’’.

In turn, Alf never forgot that it was his life among the farming community that had provided him with much of his material, and would continue to do so. His veterinary work throughout the 1970s took on extra meaning as, with his mind now switched onto writing, he was continually looking for new material, asking me or other members of the practice to jot down anything interesting that had occurred on the daily rounds. His first six books contained many incidents that actually happened around this time, rather than in the years either side of the war when he set the stories.

To remember incidents, he relied simply on ‘headings’. There are notebooks full of these headings in his virtually illegible handwriting. He did not, as already mentioned, keep a regular diary; these simple headings were all he needed to remind him of the many interesting or funny incidents that he might incorporate into his books, and he referred to them continually as he wrote.

Alf repeatedly maintained that his celebrity status meant very little to the local people of Thirsk but, when one considers the average Yorkshire person’s reluctance to display his feelings openly, it is likely that he may have been mistaken. There is no doubt that a large proportion of them – farmers included – were not only well aware of his achievements but derived pleasure themselves through his worldwide acclaim. The fact that they rarely exhibited their opinions on his success suited Alf very well. He often said how lucky he was to have spent most of his working life amongst them. During his years of literary fame, whenever he appeared under the spotlight, he never seemed fully at ease. I observed him many times on television, wearing the vague and uneasy look of someone who wished that he were elsewhere. The fact was that he was not comfortable when under the media glare; it was something he never fully enjoyed. Alf Wight was at home among the farmers of North Yorkshire and his oft-repeated expression, ‘I am ninety-nine per cent vet and one per cent author’ was one spoken from the heart.

All of this contrasted sharply with the open admiration expressed by his adoring fans from further afield. One day, an American visitor had accompanied Alf to a farm and said to the farmer, ‘What’s it like having such a world-famous author as a vet? It must be great! Yeah?’