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‘Is the Empress still awake?’

‘I do not know, sire. Her majesty retired to her quarters over an hour ago.’

‘Ah.’ Napoleon frowned. He had sent word earlier in the day that he would arrive in time for the evening meal. That was before the snow had started again.

‘Do you wish me to have some food brought to you, sire?’

‘Yes. Some soup and wine. I’ll be in my study. Is the fire made up?’

‘Yes, sire.’

‘Good.’ Napoleon nodded and strode off down the corridor to the rear of the house, the stamp of his boots echoing off the tiled floor.The air in the study was warm and the glow from the fire was comforting as Napoleon eased himself into the chair at the desk that looked out over the gardens. At night the windows were shuttered and heavy curtains drawn across them to cut off any chilly draughts. He lit a lantern and by its light drew a piece of blank paper from the top drawer and then reached for a pen. He thought for a moment, and then dipped the nib in the inkwell and began to make notes in his usual swift, scarcely legible hand.

There was a soft tap on the door and a servant quietly entered and set down a tray on the corner of the desk. The Emperor did not look up from his work. At length he set the pen down, pulled the tray closer and began to drink his soup as he read over his thoughts on the situation in Spain. As he was finishing the soup he became aware of another presence in the study and glanced up to see Josephine standing just inside the door.

‘Can’t sleep?’ he asked.

She smiled thinly. ‘Not easy when you have been waiting anxiously all evening for your husband to arrive in a blizzard.’

‘Hardly a blizzard.’

She shrugged. ‘In any case, I was worried.’

‘Well I am here, safe and sound. Come, sit.’ Napoleon thrust his chair back and patted his lap. Josephine crossed the room and eased herself down, wrapping an arm round his neck and dangling her hand from his shoulder. She bent her head down and kissed him on the lips.

‘We haven’t done this for some time.’

‘No?’ Napoleon frowned, and then chuckled and kissed her again. ‘You are right. It is a pity. I have been neglecting you.’

‘You have.’

There was a serious edge to her tone, but before Napoleon could comment she had turned to read his notes, her eyes flicking over the uneven lines and figures. ‘What is so compelling about Spain at the moment?’

For a second Napoleon considered brushing the matter aside. He was tired and wanted to rest his head against her naked chest and fall asleep there. But his mind was still working, still turning over various possible actions and consequences. He drew a breath and sighed. ‘It is time the regime in Madrid was changed.’

‘Why? Spain is our ally.’

‘Some ally.’ Napoleon sniffed. ‘That wretched little mercenary, Godoy, has been taking our money for years and France is not seeing as much benefit from her investment as I would like. Many of Spain’s ports openly trade with our enemy. Godoy schemes with other powers and now it seems that he is trying to block the marriage between Ferdinand and Lucien’s daughter.’

‘Louise? I thought that matter had been settled.’

‘So did I. The marriage would have gone a long way to cementing the alliance. But now it seems that Ferdinand is not keen to hold to the agreement, and Godoy refuses to use his influence with King Charles and the Queen to force the issue.’

Josephine thought for a moment before looking directly at Napoleon. ‘So what do you intend to do about it? Not another war, surely?’

Napoleon shook his head. ‘There’s no need. Madrid is riven by dissent. The members of the royal household spend their lives plotting against each other while the people look on in despair. So it will be simple enough to engineer a crisis.The King will ask me to intervene.

I imagine Ferdinand will make a similar request as well. Then my soldiers who are already in Spain can seize control of the towns along the frontier and I will adjudicate the grievances between Charles and his heir.’

‘While disposing of Godoy, naturally.’


‘What then?’ Josephine asked as she moved her hand and began to softly stroke the back of his neck.

‘If Godoy goes, then so must Charles. I will make Ferdinand King, and ensure that he knows who his master is.’

‘And if Ferdinand does not like being your puppet?’

‘Then he must go as well.’

‘Then who will rule Spain?’

Napoleon smiled. ‘That is a matter for contemplation at a later date, my dear.’ He took her other hand and raised it to his lips and kissed her fingers softly, one by one.They kissed again, and Napoleon’s hand glided down her neck and across her cleavage before slipping inside her nightdress and caressing her breast. He felt her shudder as her nipple swiftly hardened. Napoleon withdrew his hand.

‘We will be more comfortable by the fire.’

Josephine glanced round at the rug lying on the floorboards before the hearth. ‘Can’t we go up to bed, my love?’

‘Why? It is warm enough in here, and the fire will give us light.’

Josephine sighed.‘I am tired. I want to be in a nice comfortable bed. Besides, I am getting too old to make love on a hard floor. Come, husband.To bed.’

She rose from his lap and took his hand, pulling him gently after her, but Napoleon did not move and after a moment she released her grip and looked anxiously at him. ‘What is it?’

‘I want to make love to you. In here. Now.’

‘Wouldn’t the bed be more comfortable? It’s a cold night.’

‘It’s warm enough in here,’ he responded flatly.

‘I know. But I would still prefer to go to bed, my love.’

They stared at each other for a moment, and as they did so Napoleon felt the passion for her die in him. The feeling had passed, and he felt a wave of weariness wash through him. ‘You go on first. I’ll join you. There’s something I need to finish first.’

‘You don’t love me any more . . .’ she whispered.


‘I said that you don’t love me.’

‘Don’t be a fool.’

‘I’m no fool, Napoleon. I have known you for twelve years. Well enough to know what you are thinking.’ Her voice caught and she had to bite her lip to stop it trembling. ‘You don’t love me. Why? Is it because of that young Polish whore?’