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Penny looked back at him for a moment, and then opened the door and went out without shutting it.

"Jerry," Becker said. "You can take all these folks out except Mr. Delroy."

Everyone stood up. No one had anything to say, not even Pud, who was normally as repressible as a goat.

When we were alone, Becker said, "Jon Delroy, you are under arrest for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent…"

"I know," Delroy said. "Don't bother."

Becker plowed right on through the whole Miranda recitation without pause. When he was through listening to the recitation of his rights, Delroy sat perfectly still for a moment. Then without looking at either me or Becker, he spoke to us both.

"I been scamming women all my life," he said. "This one time, I fell in love."

"Bad timing," I said.

Delroy shrugged.